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Brandon Strader

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Status Updates posted by Brandon Strader

  1. Welcome. You made Kirby sound so much more fun than I remembered! :P

  2. Well as long as you call me incomprehensible and ignorant, I will not listen to your responses. I would make an effort to be friendly but you made it apparent from day 1 that there isn't going to be a chance of that.

  3. Well congrats on that, but don't feel too good about selling music under someone else's name. What percentage do you get if any? It didn't last too long on the top list either. There's some nice minecraft there now. Someone releasing music they made under their own name. Imagine that. :-)

  4. Well I am hoping for the best... you've still got 2 days. :]

  5. Well I am not so sure what I did to deserve the strawberry turtle, but thanks :cry:

  6. Well I figured there'd be consequences to the accident, because of damage to equipment. I wasn't being negligent and the full blame doesn't actually fall on me, but we'll see. I could barely walk the day after but I'm fine now.

    As for growling, I think it's coming back... Getting close :-) I'll just keep "practicing" until it's good!

  7. Well it's freeware, I don't think its bigger than 3mb, can be emulated with DOSBox.. fairly short... graphical adventure game. If you like monkey island, you'll love teen agent, no kidding at all. You could finish the game (with a guide) in a few hours and then you'd know what the hubbub is.

  8. Well it's good to hear you're still interested in working on it but A TOTAL REMAKE?!?!?! WHY!!!!! WHY!!!! I thought it was DONE! :cry: Man you cray cray

  9. Well ok but that AIN'T FAIR because the old games didn't have a "Map" theme and the one song I would really like to do from Sonic Colors is the Planet Wisp map music:

  10. Well thanketh you, my good man! :-)

  11. Well that makes one of us. D:

    jk lol

  12. Well the main thing is, I don't wanna ruin your song by not doing what you have in mind... I will do my best with whateva it is, and if you think I don't fit, you shouldn't use it, but it might be rad. If it's not rad, toss it like a dead kitten



    what it mean? xD

  14. Well when a mama and a papa love each other very much......

  15. Were you going to MAGFest? Maybe that's crazy.... you should be thereeeee

  16. What 2016? Are you sure? Why not 2015? Heck I thought it was gonna be 2014

  17. What are the timelines? D:

  18. What did you do, set up a tri-pod to take those pictures in your sig? Haha... you're old school my man.

  19. What do you MEAAAAN ask away? You CAN do choir vocals? This should be good :-D I'll send you the song once it's recorded, hopefully it doesn't take me too long. I work tomorrow but then I'm off until Friday night (!!!)

  20. What do you program your drums with, duder?

  21. What do you program your drums with?

  22. What do you think of Celestial Entrance as a bonus track or some kind of inclusion on the album? It's been sitting at the panel for months, and I figure in another 3 or 4 they might actually get to it and list it on their queue, then a couple more months and it might be judged... so you have to act fast! HAhah... funny. :-)

  23. What does "GG but ____________ Solos" even mean!? :x

    You should call it "Adequate Win"

  24. What is the rule for posting an album preview thread in Community if the album is not yet OCR official, but features posted OC Remixers?

  25. What is wrooooong with yoooooou!11 Yooou get drunk all the time!? Or high!? :-D

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