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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. Looking forward to this project being finished... So many great projects making good progress..
  2. honk. hey what's up with the + after your name. halc+ is it javascript function cool(){halc++;}

  3. P..privat... frem.. what is this privat frem you speak of? I'm assuming it's 20 minutes long though. I'll not check it out and say I did, I'm sure it's great, I just don't think I could handle 20 minutes of Hurry! at this point, hahah...
  4. WAVs, even uncompressed, shouldn't be that big, unless your song is like 20 minutes long. Make sure there's no silence at the beginning and end, and that the WAV is 16-bit 44.1KHz Not 32-bit, and not 48KHz I've never used Reason but it should be fully capable of exporting a regular WAV. If your song is 3 minutes, you're looking at about 30mb.
  5. Watching Sunshine followed by The Fountain would be like, the ultimate experience for me. Maybe I will. :P Your busy-ness (business?) is understandable, I appreciate you letting me know :-)

  6. For the sake of keeping this thread semi-alive and the project somewhere in peoples' awareness, here is a bump. It's not a sightly bump. It's a little grotesque and malignant, but who am I to judge. Here is a list of the songs out of the total 13 that should pass the panel based on feedback and revisions: 2. Mark Hopper (Intro-C2) [bjkmenu] 4. Trapped (Prison) [brandon Strader] 5. A Village's Welcome (Village) [Vampire Hunter Dan] 6. Lingering Lust (Lovers) [brandon Strader] 7. A Mouse in the Hole (Cave) [OCRE, Brandon Strader] 10. On A Boat (Island Reggae) [brandon Strader] 12. Of Darkness (Cave) [brandon Strader] 13. Lovers' Suite (Lovers) [Vampire Hunter Dan] So 8 out of 13, not bad, not bad. Little more than half. Solid, respectable, appreciated. Edit: I prepared a project Mp3 pack for project members, I hope you all enjoyed it.. !!
  7. Babycakes? Oh no u dint sexism is alive and well in orlando
  8. Thanks for the encouragement. If I may ask, what inspired this remix? And who plays bass in the dual dragons?
  9. Hi! I have a song on my upcoming solo album (my second) that needs a woman's touch. The song needs LYRICS and VOCALS! I was hoping for that kind of perverse sexualized girl on the radio type sound, where it's "all about them" and their voices are disgustingly cute. I would really appreciate the help, please let me know if you can do it. Here is the song. Oh and before you ask, YES this is just a mock-up featuring real drums but MIDI everything else. I will be recording the instruments fairly soon. The drums were performed by Daniel Lippert aka Usa as he's known here. Please, no lyrics during the orchestrated intro or guitar solos! Thanks!! Brandon S.
  10. Hey, I still haven't heard back from you... is my bad? i haven't forgotten ZeroWing, much appreciated.. just gotta clear off the plate a bit. I PMed brushfire about some more dialogue but he didn't get back to me either, i almost thought there is a OCAD vow of silence against me. :P

  11. Sowwy I got distracted, will finish it soon I've seen all but the new season of SVU now though, great show
  12. Wtf get outta here, you should have done that for Heroes vs. Villains. Then I wouldn't have to, though I am looking forward to the challenge. I was also going to do it in metal. Now I feel like if I did it would be ripping you off... grrr...
  13. I just watched the video. The HD is fantastic. The nerdishness of the video is very satisfying. You rarely see a bass frontman that doesn't sing. They usually tuck those guys behind an amp stack or something. The cart riding looked like a lot of fun, though I bet it was pretty stressful for the kart-driving cameraman. Great song. I don't necessarily agree about it being "too cramped". There's too much of a trend at OCR with panning everything as far apart as possible for clarity. There's other ways to achieve clarity. The production is clean and on a professional level; no gripes here.
  14. Project folder? Where's that at? I sent you a PM by the way! Which songs would be good for piano performance?
  15. If orchestral remixes is a legitimate request, I might do one. I was considering Fairy Battle as halctronica but it might work as orchestral. I'd have to talk to Phishy about it (especially since it's still listed as unclaimed)
  16. I googled you because I remembered your name but couldn't find you anywheres

  17. Are you back? *decides to work* ehh i'll do it tomorrow
  18. Think of it from a "FF9 belongs to everyone" standpoint. Besides, the artists ARE naming their songs. I'm sure not everyone will be happy with the name the album gets, but we can't have 40 different names for it. Also it doesn't hurt to let fans talk about a name they would like, even if it's not what you eventually go with. If nothing else, it keeps the thread alive.
  19. And Sonic goes flying at the sound of speed, to show you how it all began. Sonic came flying from the underground, if you could see it then you'd understand?
  20. It is a fantastic and beautiful arrangement but I can't help but think the 6 floating heads may haunt me in the future I liked she would magically appear with a new instrument every so often and you'd be like WOAH! I think the giant drum impressed me the most.
  21. Beautiful! But what's with the HALC logo bottom right? Hahaha... nerd.
  22. Shaddap. I came back because it auto-subscribes.... I have the first 5 seasons for instant streaming on netflix... but I haven't watched them yet!
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