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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. That's true... I guess I always just remember the Vivi story arc the most... I'd love to see a big focus on Vivi even in the artwork Brahne did do the whole "I was wrong" speech at her death, is she too far past redemption? She can't be forgiven? hahah
  2. Project members can share their ideas here too, no? The title should be a community idea.. shouldn't it? I mean not everyone can make music for it but they should be able to help think of a name! (poor mirby) *SPOILER* the black mages died dude
  3. how about In Loving Memory no ofs, no ands no butts, references life, love, and death, its perfect
  4. TSFoS... lol... what's that nonsense I didnt notice ToE but i think the name is cool
  5. This project will be different from VotL in that all tracks that people want to hear WILL be covered. and it won't suck! ;] It was a joke, that's why it is hidden. lrn 2 joke Wait I didn't come here just to say that, I was gonna say, I should have the song for you before June 1st
  6. I don't like Reaper... Having said what I said about FL earlier, I'm still using it for some collabs right now. It's a fine program if you're going to get into making electronic genres and don't have too much interest in making something like rock. Of course you 'can' record into it, but it's a very confusing system at least as far as I can see. I'm recording my parts in Cubase, bouncing down the wavs, and importing those into FL. I'm also going to be doing some bouncing down of FL waves and importing them into Cubase for this new collab. But uh, yeah... As much as I try to exercise the demons from FL and stop its destructive procreation, it's a pretty good program.
  7. Hooray for allowing project tracks. I can finally get an excuse for wearing a monkey suit while dancing with bananas and using one as a microphone
  8. I wouldn't get FL Studio just for the piano roll though. The recording system for recording live instruments is, to say it nicely, lacking in FL. I would instead recommend a DAW that lets you record audio primarily but also accept a MIDI controller for recording notes into a piano roll with VSTs. Although if you're just starting out it's probably best to start with something like FL. You don't want to get in over your head before you can tell your elbow from an oboe.
  9. I got the flippin' wav on my studio computer, lol. I'll slap it on mediafire eventually, don't worry. I'm watching Law & Order
  10. Thread's a bit dead so I will throw out this line from a popular pop song: WIP IT! WIP IT GOOD! You know you want to, you know you should. Crack that WIP. Also whenever you think of this project,
  11. no more electronica no more fl studio anarchy anarchy
  12. So write whatever I want? Puppies? Kitties? Rainbows and clouds? I'm just kidding you bro, hahah.. Those ideas you pmed will be great for writing lyrics with.. thanks.
  13. I'll make you a bumper, man! I haven't caught the new eps, I forgot about it... !! Give me some time to listen, I'm sure I will like it though.
  14. I just now got the RAM upgraded to the max -- 4gb, so I'll update you soon on whether it opens... No it probably wouldn't be too hard to remake Edit; the added RAM didn't make any difference, it still crapped out at 1.5gb.... I managed to open the session by cancelling the load of the EWQL stuff. Doing damage control now, seeing what I can remove to make it open next time.... yes ladies and gentleman, my musical process is 80% removing stuff to make my computer run better. It's very depressing. Edit2; I think it was a bug with the halione components, I replaced them with more interesting-sounding RA sounds and now it opens without any problems. Good thing because although remaking it would have been err... fun?.... it just wouldn't have been the same song. Edit3; I'm having more problems with this project track than any other.. I am so mad, i want to kick my computer, I want to throw my lesser cat into the wall. I'm going to finish this song today or tomorrow and then I'm going to be done with it forever... Don't get me wrong I love the song, I just can't stand trying to work on it anymore. My stoopit computer... tempo track problem.. ugh i have to re-record the acoustic guitars, AGAIN! Third time's the charm... lol who said monocow, it wasn't me.. wat wrong with you pleople Edit4; i got lazy and watched law and order svu... also i downgraded to windows xp
  15. Which song(s) did you want me to do? And I have to write lyrics? o_o What do you want the lyrics to be aboot?
  16. How dare you laugh at my butt. x_x Also I looked over the listing and WOW. Where's all the claims? It's a lot emptier than I remember it being. Come on people!
  17. Wow. THE Jared Hudson commented on your song, and liked it. That's some serious encouragement, there, dude. I'm going to go find my DFH DVD now.
  18. So I'm running into some problems... I redid the studio and installed Windows 7 and stuff, but I can't open the DW Town session.. this is the first one I've run into that I couldn't open. I am thinking it has something to do with RAM since my computer says I have 1.5 available after caching and all that nonsense (2.8gb total) and when it crashes, it is up to 1.5gb so... I will be pursuing a RAM upgrade within a couple days. My song needed more than just a lead rewrite. I rewrote the acoustic rhythm to match the key changes in the lead. So now it's just a matter of being able to open the session, so I can do stuff. o_o
  19. I love Cynic, they're one of my favorite bands, and you sir, are no Cynic. (nice electronica though, Not Cynic) (talk to Halc and see if you can include this on the Sonic 1 project!)
  20. Yeah, we weren't planning to do the whole thing, butt I had an interest in doing some of the songs I liked that don't get claimed. This game and its music / project deserves to get the best coverage possible, so if anyone thinks they can remix any remaining songs, please try to do so.
  21. Dang man August, don't you think that's a little soon? LOL.
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