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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. My Alesis io|26 firewire doesn't have Win 7 support though, and trying to run it on that causes audio drop-outs. I tried. So another 6+ hours of installing.... sigh. By the way djp, Alesis disagrees with you, haha. A support worker for them told me "With Windows 7, it will likely be 6 months to a year before the DJ and/or Recording industries as a whole will be adopting and recommending Windows 7 as a preferred platform for any professional application."
  2. Yeah, it's good to keep a conversation going on in here to keep the page somewhat apparent for people passing by. As for those songs not being covered yet, don't worry. There's still time.
  3. Hi If I upgrade my XP to 64-bit, do I need to reinstall everything? Cause I have like 150gb worth of software I don't wanna reinstall... but I NEED the extra RAM, as you may have guessed
  4. Faulconer, who's that. It's not the US music but I don't remember the Japanese music being this good. Anyone know for sure where this music came from? Is it new?
  5. Double episode premiere, seems pretty slow paced in the first ep.. It ends when Raditz hits Krillin into the house siding. So I dunno. You can tell some of the intro sequence, if not most of it, was re-drawn... I wish they would have redrawn all of it so it looked that pretty.
  6. It's on right now, started at 8pm. 10 minutes in, Raditz is on earth I like the new eng voices paired with the japanese music
  7. I'm in, man. I love Rock Band series. I can do vocals, guitars, and bass. I haven't written anything fast and too overly difficult yet, just out of preference, but I can. Here's a CD I released on October 5th, 2009 <-- Here's some kungfu treachery for you, heavier stuff
  8. Man, I bet you'd throw a fit if someone made you watch Donnie Darko Also I appreciate the lack of spoilers here. But I gotta say. 6 seasons of like 10 hours each is a bit of a daunting, discouraging, beast. I hope I get to it but that's a lot of devotion to put into somethin'
  9. What, did they not explain the polar bears? Giant monster that sucked Parkman out of the cockpit in the pilot episode? That's a dealbreaker, ladies
  10. I didn't watch it but I'm gonna say if Matthew Fox didn't reveal himself to be an actual fox then I'm gonna stop watching season 1 right now
  11. Yeah, It's out on DVD and Blu-Ray. I don't want to spend $30 for a "Season one part one" though, so I'm going to try to find out when it airs and just watch it on the bewb tewb.
  12. I'll take some veg! Who's the lucky lady? Also you did all that in 1 day? Wows.
  13. Ok, no question Superior 2 is the best. Wish I had this sooner. x_x

  14. Some parts are redrawn, such as those pieces of film that were too degraded, etc. So it's at least a partial remake. I'm gonna miss every episode "Omg, their pwoer level! How has it grown!" "I can sense a power level! It's approaching!" Three episodes later "This power level! It's getting closer!!"
  15. I've got the 9 seasons remastered on DVD, I quite enjoyed me the filler. I'm going to miss the long power-up sequences. If any of the filler they decided to keep, I would prefer it be those.
  16. I read a facebook post from Willrock about DB Evolution on TV and of course I cracked wise about it. Looks like there might not even be a sequel, which would be the first smart move Fox has ever made. But in the process of googling about that, I found out about this Dragonball Z Kai. At first it sounded like, ugh, yet another remaster of DBZ. But then I saw this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=66sY7PcAFuo Well not actually that, but I accidentally copied something else and I couldn't find the one I saw, which was HD and had a better frame rate than this. But the point is, Dragonball Z Kai is a REMAKE with all the FILLER CUT OUT. So instead of 9 seasons, it might be like, 2 seasons... hahaha.. Any huge DBZ fans out there, keep an eye out for this on the Nicktoons channel on May 24th. I don't want to speak too soon but the idea itself looks awesome, the new animation is sweet. A little modern with just a bit less detail than the original show, but still good. And if you were worried about the characters being different or cut out (like Krillin) no, it's all there. BTW little did I know, the 24th is tomorrow
  17. .....titular? :blush: Kansas. Thread closed.
  18. Agreed. It's a disgrace that they call themselves a church. As a Christian, I find them entirely deplorable.
  19. Well it worked at the time, for a good solid day, and nobody seemed too interested so I guess I can live with that. Anyway.... remixable... Super Mario Galaxy 2, Stat
  20. I definitely remember Q-Bert from my childhood. In fact, I somewhat resemble him. random profanity and all So I whole-heartedly second your proposal for Q-Bert. And Edea. As for the other thing, I don't know it.
  21. Awww you deleted my huh's, huh? What's new there? I don't remember if I sent you that project zip, did you get that? If so.. any thoughts on the album? :-)

  22. @Iggy Koopa Seconded but not for Rayman, I want some RAVING RABBID action
  23. Wouldn't it be more ideal to have a lot more mascots? I mean adding 5 is nice, but there's probably people who would donate their time to writing up and getting moar mascots on here. I know I've seen that angry punching bag about 20 times, and Tidus about 7. It does a pretty good job of randomizing them but there's just not enough mascots. This is what I saw as soon as I posted that and the page refreshed. DAMN IT!! STOP HAUNTING ME!
  24. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fcsc2zFg-NU This. Or others, which you can find uploaded by the same user.
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