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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. Downloading information for tags from "the internet" could be the culprit for weird or unexplainable tagging, like URLs as a genre.
  2. Oh... snap.. I didn't see where he posted that, hahah... I wasn't really complaining, and we had talked already -- just making a joke, hahah. But yeah, I look forward to people in the world possibly hearing a part of my song in the extended preview. I'm sure it will be the highlight of the final 5 seconds of the 10 minute long mp3.
  3. That's a pretty full and... and... good representation of...
  4. I need someone to help me get the rest of the Castle Crashers achievements. If you see me on and I'm just watching Law & Order or something, send me a pm. I haven't played Castle Crashers in years. Also I was wrong, Nier came out today... My wrongness lead to me not getting this game because I thought it came out Thursday. Now it's at Low availability on Gamefly. Left 4 Dead GOTY Edition -- $18.96 Left 4 Dead 2 -- $26.99 Prices from Amazon.com You get both games for less than the price I paid for both of them separately. I paid $53 for L4D and $50 for L4D2 (they were new)
  5. I've hooked up a password protected blog post with links to the current WIPs. PM me for the password, here is the site: http://www.instaidgrace.com/brandon/2010/04/ff1-project-wips/ (project members only)
  6. I've started my acquisition of the entity referred to as "halc" by acquiring various halctronica materials. With time, I will be.
  7. Well alright then guys, growls it is. I suppose I'll need to write up some lyrics for those 2 songs, then lay them down. (and smackem jackem)
  8. Nier is I'm pretty sure single player... new Square Enix action RPG. I've got L4D 1 and 2 but you should poll the others and see what they have if either, most of them probably have those on the PC.
  9. Left 4 dead 1 or 2? I think Nier comes out on the 29th. I'm really looking forward to that!
  10. Y-yeah... same here.. good run though. It may be a little early anyway. I hope I'm not being too forward in saying this but having heard the many WIPs that were privately posted, it's pretty apparent that this project is going to be very enjoyable! Good work and good luck, everyone!
  11. So you didn't want growls then... growls can sound pretty angry though.. I could go devin townsend on that mofo
  12. I don't know if he was looking for growls... maybe some clarification from him on this would be useful.. Growls would be easier for me to perform and write lyrics for than 'heavy metal' style like Iron Maiden vocals. But also my dad is working nights now and sleeping all day, at least for the next week, so I'm a little stuck as far as performing anything. P.S. omg... I'm so flattered you guys.. thank you.
  13. No I didn't read the thread and I didn't mean to cause a stir or anything, I was just agreeing that I would enjoy to see the tagging revisions... sorry for the disturbance. x_x
  14. Man, I can't wait! July 20th for the final wavs, I hope everyone is done then... this project is going to be incredible. Sonic ftw. How's there still rough WIPs when the final wav deadline is coming up? Hmm well anyway, I wish you all luck with finishing and making great tracks. I'm excited!
  15. Actually I was really just saying that if it was fixed I'd download it... Having the Artist section say the remixer name is good but it's a huge mess in any mp3 player program. Sorting the album by game would be convenient so that you could play all the remixes for a particular game instead of sorting all 2000 songs into one folder. If you sort your mp3s by album then you'd be good probably, but that's a buttload of skipping to find a song you want.
  16. If they did a batch rename for every remix that set the album as "OC ReMix" or something and had it set for proper Zune or iPod usage then I'd totally redownload it all.
  17. Gamertag: Oinkness Games: Battlefield 1943 Castle Crashers Worms Armageddon 2 TMNT: ReShelled? Happy birthday, dude! I'll play with you on your lonely birthday. I hope you can get a lot of people for Battlefield 1943. I'm not very good at it but with regular humans it might not be so bad.
  18. Cubase's got a great piano roll! There's a lot of programs with piano rolls... FL Studio is the easiest right under Cubase...
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