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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. Haha, I loved how you said that as if there would be any chance in 1,000 years that Roy Khan would guest on a song. I'm afraid you'd have to be a skinny, redhead goth chick to get him as a guest. But even then he'd expect something in return.
  2. Lemme know if anyone drops their track or if there is one open, for whatever unfortunate reason there may ever be, and I'd be happy to whip one together quickly. But hopefully nobody drops and you don't have to drop anyone for not turning something in. Good luck ya'll
  3. (pictured above at Video Games Live in 2005) Didn't expect this at all... very sad news. As many of you know, Gary Coleman was in Diff'rent Strokes, popular for the whole "What you talkin' bout, Willis" line... He was also in Postal 2, which I never played, but is a notable video game appearance. I was always a fan from seeing him on other stuff, and he was even in commercials. I don't remember what for exactly but I remember him in the commercials. He was hilarious. R.I.P. http://www.latimes.com/news/obituaries/la-me-gary-coleman-20100529,0,2088052.story ^link added so it happened Taken from kotaku: In addition to his Postal 2 cameo and promotional work, Coleman was also the voice of Kenny Falmouth in The Curse of Monkey Island.
  4. There's a lot of songs left open, so there is room for much more participation. I'm sure they would love to hear your audition. Good luck
  5. MegaMan X? I'll look for it and give it a shot. I kind of avoided MegaMan because I got the first game, which came out in 1987, when I was just a tiny lad. I was good at it then. I grew up and tried to play it, and I was horrible at it - couldn't beat a single level. Then I always nodded the MegaMan series off as "that series which I'm not good enough to play". With modern save-state technology, I could probably do it, but it would not be the least bit legit.
  6. Ah, Final Zone eh? Not one that I am more familiar with due to dying earlier.
  7. I actually heard that song, I thought it was really cool... I wasn't sure which source it was based off of though
  8. I wouldn't extend it a month, maybe a week. But as soon as you give them an inch, they'll walk all over you.
  9. It's really hard for some people to even imagine remixing some of these songs because they wouldn't want to tarnish the original... or personally change the way they feel about a certain theme, and then regret it later.
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nAdaQhitdKg ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Hopefully it's not too much longer. I appreciate the support.
  11. You just recommended FL over Logic? Whaaaat? If that isn't the biggest pun of all
  12. That's true about downloading games illegally. For the record I never do that, EVER. But I got an iso of Xenogears a while back, which ended up not even working for me, and 2 of my dogs died. It... was horrible... Buy your games folks, buy your games. Right now I'm using Gamefly which sort of keeps my remaining dog with naught but a half-life
  13. Punch Out has some great songs in it, even if they are pretty short. There's always room for more mixes. Isn't the intro theme for the first fighter some kind of actual national anthem though? Not an original track?
  14. You ain't gotta bump your own threads, you poopnoses! I would gladly. I'm planning to start on my version of this for Heroes vs. Villains so sadly I only listened to your song once, and I don't really remember it, but that's for the best. I can't wait until I finish this so I can listen to it again. >_>
  15. Forgive me yoozer, but I usually type from the perspective that people don't just have $500 laying around to throw any which way but loose. It was most certainly not a knock against Cubase 5 as I use it myself.
  16. I bopped you up with a WAV, figured I'd leave a visitor message since you've been responding to those, hehe... Where's the other finished songs? Do they get removed from the project forums when completed? I kinda wanted to check out Jovette's

  17. Yeeaaah! It's like that level of Battletoads where they're on the fast motorcycles and have to jump over the obstacles going really fast. Except without the obstacles! Also without the motorcycles... and no, I wasn't comparing any of you to toads... hmm.. maybe that wasn't the best analogy. There ya go ladies
  18. Happy birthday, dude! I slept through it. And I've got single-player games from Gamefly. Play by yourself! I say. caaaaaaake
  19. It's a beautiful game. Truth be told I just got discouraged with it because the overworld seemed like such a daunting task. And the battles had got pretty time-consuming by that point.
  20. Is there a width limitation on sigs?

  21. I'd love to use Windows 7, I think it is very pretty. But i'd have to buy a compatible recording interface to replace the Alesis io|26 firewire, and that would be expensive and I'd have to do a lot of research.
  22. I thought it was a little suspect when the "metal" drumming and stuff appeared, complete with Shreddage-style programmed guitars. I didn't remember that from the original music. I think it's good that they [found] a nice middle-ground between the original Japanese and new US broadcast music.
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