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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. Oh. That stuff is easy. Any mention of a person's name on the site should automatically link to their artist page.. The search engines on here make that a quick jorb

  2. bLiNd uses Cubase? Neat. I thought the song mode in FL Studio would be a bit easier for that kind of thing. Maybe Cubase has something like that but I haven't found it yet. I haven't used Cubase for trance or anything and any parts I've had to repeat, were copied and pasted. Yeah this stuff is expensive and if you're going to be using it a long time, you should buy it, especially if it has those free updates. I thought $500 was a lot because I don't make that much money. If you've got a dependable source of income then, nice job. Pun intended.
  3. I kinda thought the links were mandatory. You'd have to ask djp / larry / whoever, website people. Mirror 1 / Mirror 2 / Main download + torrent link. :-x

  4. I like the synths... the Monologue synth in particular is my favorite. I like the 70s Lead. Check dat one out. $500 seems a little steep. There might be a smaller version that is cheaper for individuals, but who knows what they cut out. Probably stuff that you want to have.
  5. Not a huge issue here, but the profile number section of User Details is outdated at OCR. It asks for a number, but I no longer has a number as my username is brandon.strader. For example, http://www.facebook.com/brandon.strader My eyesight is bad so to clarify it is brandon(dot)strader If it could be made to recognize usernames instead of, or in addition to, the numeric profile type, then that'd be cool. I would have hoped that the numeric profile type would have been gone by now. Activating facebook via the cell phone is a struggle though, so it makes sense that there's still some who don't have usernames. Anyway, just thought I'd mention it. o_o Edit: Sowwy, I seriously didn't know that the numeric ID still existed after you got a username
  6. DUDE. I just came up with the greatest band name, for this band.. ok.. here it is.. listen closely because it's epic. BLACK WRAPPER Tell me that's not perfect.
  7. Is each artist gonna have their own page on the site? That'd be cool, we could put their bio, a picture of them, links to their song and maybe website.. forum profile..etc.. :-o

  8. Cubase is used to create audio! Worth the cash? Maybe if you're a studio that stands to make a lot of cash in return. For individuals, not so much, but it's pretty easy to use once you get used to it. I'd like to live in a world where everyone is using cubase here.. that would make it easier to collaborate.
  9. The OCR forums were supposed to be the "next big thing" for projects! But the way it seems to take to get them, KNGI is not obsolete just yet. @chthonic: Great work! Can't wait to hear it! I should be finishing Green greens soon and moving on to Halberd. I misplaced a certain soundfont I need.. but.. the song is going to be sweet when it's done...
  10. You dipthongs need to keep on topic. So... status report? Any news?
  11. Happy. Birthday. Hey, can I claim the song I was supposed to do for last FBRC for this FBRC? I have it saved in my youtube favorites, from The Ooze -- Stage 5 or something like that. Also I didn't mean to quick-reply Chris, that's just the thing that was most recent. >_> Happy birthday, RAMA!
  12. Alls I can say is, posting in the workshop is a great idea, hopefully you get some feedback from one of the Workshop Mods. But if it's set as "finished" then they might not see it. Can you change that or do they have to?
  13. Hi. I just sent out a mass-message to all Teen Agent project members with a link to mp3s of the whole album.. I included you and Liontamer for ease of access to all the music. Hope you enjoy :-P

  14. I've been making some trance and I think i side-chained the kick to the master channel.. that's what you're supposed to do, right? So it cuts through the mix. I'm not sure how to set the individual settings in the limiter once I set it to comp though, on the master channel. But I set the kick to sidechain to the master and raise its volume to 100%. It seemed like it was working, I dunno. Have a hear for yourself and let me know. I thought it sounded like the kick was making the pad pump a little. And no, it's not a very creative song, but I was told to make "hyper trance".. and uhh... I don't make a lot of trance... whatever Here's another one, new.. Ok... It doesn't seem to make a difference to my ears when I change the comp limiter's settings. I click on FX channel 1 which is the kick, tell it to sidechain to master channel 100%... Am I doing it backwards or what? Or do I just have the "idea" behind how you're supposed to do it, wrong? And is it safe to have a second limiter in there actually limiting? I don't remember seeing ratio when it becomes a comp... I'll check again soon.. this may be what I was missing.
  15. Haha I have no idea what you're talkin bout, mine was a joke on your username
  16. Thanks for merging them.. I know chemo is tough and I guess it was too much at his age. They caught his cancer early, I thought for sure he would be fine.. I was sitting up last night about 3am when everyone was saying he had died, then Wendy (his wife) said that he was alive but not doing well. I went to sleep feeling better knowing he was alive and didn't think he would actually be dead when I woke up.
  17. I don't usually go to off-top.. figured this was musically relevant to community.
  18. You can edit your post, hit "Go Advanced" and change your title there... Pretty cool, but what is this Reunion if I may ask?
  19. His musical accomplishments are immense and will never be forgotten, his influence throughout the metal scene can be heard from mountain to mountain. R.I.P. Dio
  20. If anyone knows how to side-chain in Cubase 5, please let me know.
  21. Hi Will probably bounce out a final WAV for Mistaken Love within a couple days. I've got some free time now with minimal interruptions for about a week, It's going to be great. Will mediafire you soon.
  22. how halc managed to have nothing but protodome with how famous halc is, is a mystery to me... a much needed change imo, that kirby icon is poopy

  23. I forgot to turn my stereo down. At this volume, anything fills the room with sound. It's awesome.
  24. The panel would smite thee for the following: - Rigid, fake-sounding synth intro - Key conflicts, meaning off key notes - Some sloppiness to the solo, a couple off-key notes in it - Mechanical percussion - Somewhat undefined production; muddy, lead or "solo" should be raised in volume - Better EQ for the rhythm guitars to give them more clarity There IS potential, yet the song seems half-done and needs some cleaning up. You're off to a great start though, don't give up! That's what it sounds like to be judged. It hurt me more than it hurt you.
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