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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. We need someone to slap "NICE WEDDING" on that, then we can call it a night.
  2. Awesome game, awesome Motoi, awesome Sakuraba. Soundtrack is awesome. It deserves an album project, but I'd settle for a few great non-techno remixes.
  3. I hope you got a lot of WAVs, T.D. Congratulations on reaching the end of the calendar
  4. You sure it is such a good idea to do the full list? I mean it's probably fine to leave it all open now for claims but you will probably have a lot of songs here that people aren't interested in. They're not the overboard melodic type. I'll try to support you guys as much as I can just for poops and giggles, but there's a lot of songs that I wouldn't know how to approach. I think I picked the easiest 2.
  5. Halc was overheard singing while moving to the new place. Here is that rare audio recording. Also I'm bummed out project releases are going so slow. It almost indubitably means that Sonic is going to be delayed for release too. And that bums me out.
  6. He's studying for 3 law degrees simultaneously, what do you expect? He's been having finals since November. Joke #2: His finals are like Final Fantasy This is the Final Countdown
  7. They'd probably be more likely to use the SNES or Japanese version, which was Butz. I know when I played through and beat FF5, his name was Butz. I think Bartz is a fairly newer thing. I honestly hadn't even heard that translation of it until very recently. o_o
  8. You mean Butz. HIS NAME IS BUTZ. You darned, modern... kids... with your DS remakes... grrr.. Modern image is nice though... hmmm... This vote is seconded, but for BUTZ, not bart.
  9. It's been out for 3 days? Wow, I totally missed it too, Sterling Moss. I thought it was posted a few hours ago. What a klutz!
  10. So is there any genre restriction or anything like that?
  11. On second thought, you guys don't really have a deadline yet, and I'll probably be much more clear by the time you set one. I'll go ahead and grab Dart's Theme if that's ok. I don't know your stance on vocal mixes but I would definitely grab Grassy Plains for that as well if you'd allow it. Thanks!
  12. Yes. o_o HEY. We need to make a poll between the possible names we could have, and see which is the most popular... Here's a couple so far that are free according to google. Black Wrapper Gvttyrwyrm (lol i wub it) Damaged Emblem Slowly Dying
  13. Having used Reaper but never used Reason, I'm gonna say that Reason is better
  14. Count me in, but I'm too busy to claim something right now. I played this game but never finished it, I always really liked it though.
  15. Is this noise? Hah, heeey AMT! I didn't know this was posted. I'm going to download it ASAP then I'll let you know what I think. I'm also looking forward to your ff1.
  16. Dio wasn't a midget either, just unusually short. It was just a little joke. Also some guy named Dennis Hopper died at 74. I don't think he had anything to do with games or music though.
  17. Yeah, I should have had my song done by now, but I got caught up in who knows what. I restrung my guitar recently and I needed to re-record the acoustics because of computer problems. It's pretty much done, I just gotta re-record that stuff, do final mixing tweaks, and hit you up wit a wav.

    Monobrow has exceeded their stored private messages quota and cannot accept further messages until they clear some space. Dork!@

  18. We've already lost 2 of the most beloved midgets of our era between Dio and Gary Coleman... I think any other celebrity deaths this year will have no chance to measure up.
  19. katethegreat19 said to claim eet so i claim eet (passing sorrow)

  20. Here's another story http://www.people.com/people/article/0,,20389764,00.html?xid=rss-fullcontent Read that one if you can. Very sad but he was a smart dude.
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