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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. Suggestions are like buttholes, everyone has one and they all stink. Here is mine. As you can see from the drawing, the user will log in on their verified remixing account. The account will be verified in any number of possible ways. The most basic way is they can apply for remixer status. If someone "abuses" the system in any way, they will lose their remixer status, and will not be able to upload to the site. After the verified remixer submits their MP3, it goes through a brief uploading phase during which the song transfers from their computer to an online server. The song will only exist in this area until it has been judged, which, for this new system, should not take more than a day or two per song. Keep in mind that the judges will still consider the song the same way they did before, yet the focus will be more on the votes -- yes or no, which will add up to a total of 10 votes before the voting is completed. Judges can post feedback during the judging period, and AFTER the judging period, allowing the artist to receive feedback even after they succeed or fail. If a song fails, the MP3 will be removed but the page will be archived and will be searchable and able to be posted to in the future. Similar to the current archive of judges decision threads that lead back to the early year 2000s. A good addition to the user's submission page is the ability for regular users -- verified remixers or not -- to add comments and feedback of their own. In addition to the judge's feedback, this additional user feedback will be a great asset for artists. Tabs like "Description" that appear under the user's title and mp3 preview will be expandable if you click on it. Within the tab will be the user's submitted description that they typed along with their submission. Here are a few of the assets of using this new system: --Much faster response for artists who submit their work --Cuts out the bloat --Split decisions will no longer hang the judges -- their feedback will be in addition to their vote. They should simply vote and write feedback to the best of their abilities without considering the thoughts of other judges unless it's specifically necessary. The point of the judges will be to accurately critique the flaws or assets to a track without being influenced by other judges. --Songs like Rhymes with Elixir would need a majority of yes votes to pass out of 10 possible votes. Feedback wouldn't be necessary similar to the currently existing Rhymes with Elixir judgement thread. --The queue would still exist, but it would in a TANGIBLE FORM. Instead of titles listed from 2008 that nobody even knows if they exist anymore, there would be a page you could visit with the mp3 and its voting progress. Needless to say the new system would take less than a few days, there would be no mixes from 2008 just sitting there. If a song is going to pass then the judges know the moment they hear it. They know at this point if a hi-hat is too loud, but if that isn't worth failing a song over. They know when to request a resub, and they know when a song won't pass. This is an attempt to speed up the process based on obvious experience. It seems like most of the delay in the judging process stems from an assembly line with gears that don't turn simultaneously. One gear might turn, then stop, and a week later a gear further down the line will turn. With this new system, all gears should be turning simultaneously and the system should flow smoothly. Thank you for hearing my proposal.
  2. Yours was the first remix I heard and it's the reason I'm here now

  3. Remixes for cash would be more appropriate to pay the actual person making the remixes I've got $7 in my Paypal :z
  4. you thought wrong! It was neat though.
  5. So what's up with the Usa situation? I think he's back as far as being back could be considered, he said he'd reply to emails or whatever but he's working on some big paying gig. He's has been wronged by OCR in the past a few times, but he's still a cool dude.
  6. I'll buy a T-Shirt and a hoodie when I lose a few ell bee's. I've got less than a year under my belt for this return. If I'm still here on August 15th, I'll donate some actual cash. Depends on if Teen Agent is released yet. You know, because that will be the 1 year anniversary of when I started the project. The project which has had no movement for the last month.
  7. We're actually cleaning the room right now so we can bring the equipment in, we recently got a new hard drive and reinstalled everything on it... sorry about the wait but I can probably do it tomorrow! Have there been changes to the song? Feel free to send me a link. :-P And you could send the lyrics too if you want~!

  8. DarkeSword said my revised version had good source usage so I'm going to go ahead and prepare a wav for you within a week or whatever. I'm done waiting to hear word back on stuff, it's incredibly annoying.
  9. It's funny, a lot of puppets around here wished upon a star to become one of those! Awesome band.
  10. Man you be sooooo immature... Sooooo immature. That crap would fly on April 1st but come on. You're the director anyway, if people aren't turning in a WIP, kick them off, open the track, move on. I don't know why your panties are in a bunch though so I can't comment on that, but I'm sure you have a perfectly logical reasoning for it. x_x
  11. Hooray for general awesomeness! Who is involved with this? No artist listing. And I assume it's full up, not accepting new artists.
  12. Ahhh damn it, so I was still too late... well if oinkness drops it, let me know
  13. I thought the voting finished on April 3rd, then when does CMC34 begin? And who won CMC33? What's going AAWN
  14. So Chthonic has Tal Tal and the last is Final Battle? Can I throw down on this one or what?
  15. In the Big Rock Candy Mountains there's a land that's fair and bright Where the handouts grow on bushes and you sleep out every night Where the boxcars are all empty and the sun shines every day On the birds and the bees and the cigarette trees Where the lemonade springs where the bluebird sings In the Big Rock Candy Mountains good work Cthtonic
  16. I went a step farther and put safe-search block against anything with the letters V, G, D, and J in them, so I can't even open the pages anymore.
  17. Pretty awesome take on this theme, and you're not far from OCR's electronica quality methinks.
  18. I dunno if you heard, but I got a new 1tb hard drive and I'm in the process of relocating and reinstalling everything. But it's Easter so happy Easter, ya'll. I'll be celebrating the death and the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ with family in Ohio. As soon as I get the new hard drive and all its software installed, I'll be in business to start musicing again.
  19. That's exactly what I did too. Hope you have a friendlier welcome and easier time trying to give back than I did.
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