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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. Computer hardware eh? I just bought a new 1TB hard drive to replace my 160gb one which was full. Apart from that, my hardware is pretty good Pentium 4 dual 2.80GHz and 2.75gb RAM on a stripped-down XP
  2. Would a soundcard help me be able to run 10 instruments of EWQLSO, 5 instances of amp sim, and any other effects I need? Cause that's something I can't do now and I've heard people say "ram", "processor", etc... but nobody ever said it was due to not having a powerful enough soundcard. I have an SB Live! 24-bit soundcard and Alesis io|26 firewire recording interface. The recording works perfectly and I have up to 8 phantom-powered inputs.
  3. lies, you heard his teen agent songs... this one may be good but it ain't that good
  4. Yes. It was done before dkc2 came out. Just waiting to hear back on whether my new songs passed.. then that should be it.
  5. http://kotaku.com/5503940/final-fantasy-ix-looking-likely-for-psn Snurrrrf... This is about the 3rd reason to get a ps3! (ff7, ff8, ff9)
  6. Where the hell did you come from? Dude, you are awesome.

  7. I know if I asked you how to vote, you'd tell me to look at the website and stop being a moron, so I'll do your part for you and call myself a moron and I'll go read the site, http://www.abadoss.net/CMC-Current.htm, to figure out how to vote. But it may be legitimate to ask.... 'HOW' to vote? Which is to say, where can I hear the entries?
  8. Seems like the action has been dying down at the site the last few days, maybe not... but I do know one thing. It's about time we get another album or 3 posted. Who's with me?
  9. Wow. Old. Congratulations. Time to start acting like an adult. Hahah... *pokes fun*
  10. 4 minutes left edit: Nevermind, it's PST not EST... You've still got lots of time.
  11. I heard it was good for the hair and/or throat. You'd think there would be jobs available for men to get involved with that industry, especially in this economy, and with unemployment on the rise. A job with minimal work experience? You don't need a degree? The government should be all over that.
  12. "At first I was mortified when my boyfriend Mischa showed me his semen filled cake hole. But when he assured me that it was gluten-free and 100% organic, I could not help but dive in head first." Fuck. (google images, cinnabon)
  13. Aww, I would have gladly split up your posts so you didn't have to double post. I don't think anyone really cares anyway though. In fact, they should make some new twitter-type system for project directors so we don't have to post AT ALL... You know? AT ALL. They could incorporate like twits with certain tags, like #dkc3project and have it show up on this .. somewhere.. Anyway yah great news! Good luck fella
  14. It's too bad they don't have the same service but for dudes. I bet a lot of people would pay a sparkly diamond to play with you. I could probably make a rupee or two as well. It'd be fagmoney but money nonetheless Also I once played Rock Band 2 with Ashamee for free. So, I win.
  15. They're in the process of moving, etc. Would be better to make a post on their facebook -- not send a pm, a regular facebook wall post that they can read on a cell phone.
  16. Ugh, I didn't get an update via User CP that you had posted this, thank you so much Zircon. edit: Checked it through, the composer for the 360 and the Nintendo DS versions are different. It's not the same music, the composer of the DS version actually told me that. x_x I was actually stopping in to ask another question relating to valid source. DJP said that they will allow songs that were made to be used in a game. Does the success of the game matter? If it is known that the songs were produced for the game, like music for an MMO that may have been released publicly as a sort of "music pack"... Would that still count? The composer was hired by the company to produce this public pack and is not necessarily credited on the game. This is a game that uses uploadable media as well as that supplied directly through the game's weird downloading system... Let me know cause if it's allowed, I may end up remixing myself.
  17. edit: I missed the previous post when I posted this, but I do really want to help out -- looks like it is full up but let me know if a track opens.
  18. I'm starting to also think that something like a Pod would be a great tool, especially for computers like mine that can't run more than 1 instance of a plugin My only gripe is that you can't change your tone after the fact, you would have to re-record the part with a new tone through the pod
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