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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. My PSX memory card crapped out with my Final Fantasy 8 save, it wasn't even a particularly far along save, maybe disc 2. But I was a kid, and I think I had just gotten the game. I got so pissed that I chopped the hell out of the memory card with hedge clippers and threw "it" away. Or what counted as "it" by that point. I was staying with my Grandma for a couple weeks at the time, she was mad when she found out I cut it up and threw it away, but then we ended up going out and buying a new one because the playstation was all I had to entertain me with while I was there.
  2. I thought long and hard on whether to start FF8, FF9, or FFX. I'm glad to hear my decision didn't ruin your plans. If I get some free time after Teen Agent's done, before I start mixing for FF9, I might claim another Wild Arms if you'd be interested in that. I had the same kind of brain-feeling about "The Sky is being torn apart" as I did for the Dungeon theme... If you wouldn't mind a song in a similar style.
  3. You put your right foot in, you take your right foot out... You put your right foot in, and sh-- SQUIRREL!

  4. I just saw that message I left on december 2nd. I didn't know you were a "sis". Sorry! :)

  5. People always complain about my music being loud. Turn your speaker down. I just try to master as loud as the pros do, limit to -.1db to prevent clipping. Not that I should really be surprised, but this song is fantastic. As soon as I knew who was involved, I knew it would be. The guitar recording is perfect, and it doesn't seem to be an amp sim. The production is professional quality, and the mixing is superb. Even the programmed drums sound very well done. Good song.
  6. Yeah... claims are going faster than japanese hotcakes, and the people who had to do auditions are scrambling to get WIPs in just to ensure that they keep their claims. In the case of LuIza, I wanted to double-check with Fishy first so there was an extra night's delay on me re-adding her claims. I am sorry for the inconvenience. If it makes you feel any better, LuketheXjesse gave Terra away even though he knew it was my favorite before the project was even announced.
  7. I can't speak for every remixer, but I tried my best to produce WIPs for a wide array of projects. If people are interested in a project, they will probably help it. You can't really "force" people to help a project they're not necessarily interested in. Having "too many projects" is just a way to give people more variety, and a chance to work on something that they love. If they end up loving 5+ projects, then that's fine. Granted, my status is probably a lot different than most remixers. I can put hours and hours into remixing every day, and I usually finish something I'm focusing on within a day or two. But I still think variety is a great thing, even if people are very busy. If they're not making progress in a project, they can step down, and someone else who is interested can take their place. I could go on, about how people should be more accepting of new musicians coming to OCR, and things such as that, but I know nobody wants to hear it. Still, there's hundreds... thousands... of bands and musicians out there that might want to take a crack at a song or two. Just because they're not posted here, or don't have a rep, doesn't mean they shouldn't be able to audition for any project they want. As for removing claims for multiple-track people... Sorry about that. Seemed like a good way to proceed with things, and it seems to have raised the productivity of people who are devoted to the music. This is also a call to anyone who hasn't claimed yet, steal the track you want now before it's too late. @Josh Whelchel: You claimed something else before Immoral Melody, and I knew your main interest was in your initial selection. I hope I didn't cross any lines by personally choosing which track you have claimed. If you wish to change your selection, you are more than welcome to do so. Thanks.
  8. Agree with you, sir! It's not like this is coming out next week. When I started it, I estimated that it would take about 2 years. It could take more, nobody really knows yet, but the response seems to be really good. The dedication of the reMixers involved who are claiming multiple tracks, as well as the community who wants to hear this music, will ensure that it doesn't end up in a 5-year purgatory.
  9. FF9 album project! Please claim a track, we would really appreciate it.

  10. FF9 album project! We'd like you! :)

  11. Final Fantasy IX Album Project would benefit greatly from your talent!

  12. Hi! Just thought I'd let you know there's a Final Fantasy IX album project going on! http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=27108

  13. director: Brandon Strader co-director: Fishy, LuketheXjesse Welcome to the Final Fantasy IX album project thread. This project was started on January 2nd, 2010 by Brandon Strader who quickly acquired the assistance of co-director, LuketheXjesse. On January 7th, former-judge Fishy joined as a co-director. Substantial WIP deadline -- April 1st, 2010 We are going to allow claims for as many tracks as possible from the full soundtrack. The OST Plus is also going to be allowed upon request but not included on this list unless a track is claimed. Anyone who is not a posted remixer at OCR will have to audition with a sample of their work. There is a very high quality bar for this project, so make sure to do your best work. Disc 1 The Place I'll Return to Someday - CLAIMED by M-H Memories Erased in the Storm Battle Strategy Conference The Skies of Alexandria Vivi's Theme Feel My Blade - CLAIMED BY sum noob / Fishy Vamo' Alla Flamenco Decisive Action ~ Search for the Princess ~ Jesters of the Moon - CLAIMED BY Brandon Strader Steiner's Theme Prima Vista Band Stolen Eyes Tonight Your Warmth Mistaken Love Queen of the Abyss Awakened Forest - CLAIMED BY -RK- Battle 1 - CLAIMED BY CyriltheWolf Fanfare Memories of That Day Battle 2 Game Over RUN! - CLAIMED BY Dr. Manhattan Goodnight Crossing Those Hills - CLAIMED BY Joshua Morse Ice Caverns Frontier Village Dali - CLAIMED BY -RK- Far Away in the Twilight Reckless Steiner Limited Time Zidane's Theme - CLAIMED BY OCRE / Brandon Strader Black Waltz Disc 2 Cid's Theme One Danger Put Behind Us... Lindblum - CLAIMED BY Another Soundscape Song of Memories Hunter's Chance - CLAIMED BY sum noob Qu's Marsh - CLAIMED BY Another Soundscape Quina's Theme Aloha / Ukele de Chocobo - CLAIMED BY Joshua Morse Freya's Theme - CLAIMED BY Abadoss At the South Gate Border Fairy Battle Burmecian Kingdom A Face Unforgotten Kuja's Theme - CLAIMED BY Hitori The Sword of Doubt Sleepless City Treno Theme of the Tantalus Immoral Melody Garnet's Theme Gargan Roo Cleyra's Trunk Cleyra Settlement Eternal Harvest Grieve for the Skies Extraction Disc 3 Ambush Attack - CLAIMED BY sum noob Loss of Me - CLAIMED BY Ansgaros Fossil Roo Mountain Pass - Conde Petie Black Mage Village - CLAIMED BY audio fidelity / Monobrow Unfathomed Reminiscence Ceremony for the Gods Eiko's Theme Ruins of Madain Sari Walls of The Sacred Beasts Iifa Tree Salamander's Theme - CLAIMED BY Hy Bound Footsteps of Desire We Are Thieves! Slew of Love Letters Quad Mist Mogri's Theme Protecting My Devotion The Chosen Summoner Keeper of Time Oeilvert A Transient Past The Sneaky Frog and the Scoundrel Esto Gaza - CLAIMED BY Joshua Morse Gurugu Volcano The Heart of Melting Magic Disc 4 The Airship, Hildagarde - CLAIMED BY Vampire Hunter Dan Secret Library Daguerreo Ipsen's Heritage The Four Medallions Successive Battles Terra - CLAIMED BY LuIza Bran Bal, the Village Without Souls Pandemonium, the Castle Frozen in Time You're Not Alone! - CLAIMED BY Josh Whelchel / Poolside Passing Sorrow - CLAIMED BY TheLeviathan The Evil Mist's Rebirth Assault of the White Dragons - CLAIMED BY LuIzA Place of Memory Crystal World Dark Messenger Final Battle - CLAIMED BY Fishy Bittersweet Romance - CLAIMED BY Hemophiliac Hidden Lips I Want to be Your Canary Two Hearts Not Captured Towards That Gate Melodies of Life ~ Final Fantasy Prelude Plus Brahne's Appearance ~ The Play Begins - CLAIMED BY Dr. Manhattan Legend Red - Claimed track Green - WIP received Purple - Substantial WIP Bold Gold - Near completion All remixers signing on are expected to provide a basic form of communication so that we can contact you. This could be a forum profile at OCR, aim, msn, even a cell phone number. (or IRC) Outside of the forums here, you can contact us on irc.enterthegame.com at #ocremix. Check our forum profiles for our expanded contact information. (aim, msn, etc)
  14. I think $5 for a game like Centipede is grossly overpriced, but since I would only use the XBLA version, it'd be 240 points for me. What's that, $2? Still seems like a pretty hefty price to pay for Centipede. It's not like you get a lot out of that game. Why couldn't they just have it be free? The emulator and a thousand NES roms is small enough to fit on a 64mb memory card.
  15. Recently announced at CES2010 Is full of win. I just hope they don't try to charge 400points ($5) per game... Discuss.
  16. I might go to MAG next year but I know next to nothing about preparing for such a journey.

  17. Aww, Fishy... well I look forward to your remixes, of course. It's a little odd to lose 2 judges within a week. Good luck with all of your future endeavors, my good man.
  18. I'm sorry for how blunt my critique was. There's a big difference between writing for a zine and writing here, where the artists actually read what you have to say. As for guitars being recorded the "proper way", I am really just not a big fan of the amp sim and the sound you get out of them. I prefer the half-stack or full stack with microphones recording guitars, but I realize that isn't financially feasible for most people. At any rate, you can disregard what I said about the amp-sim tone, but I still think the song would have benefited from multiple rhythm tracks. Looking past the tones and number of tracks though, the arrangement is very well done and the song is a good adaptation and very enjoyable. Sorry and thanks for understanding.
  19. The arrangement is very well done and creative, but this is another boxy amp-sim sound. The song would have benefited greatly from having guitars recorded the proper way. Also recording the rhythm part properly. Instead of a single rhythm in the center channel, you could have doubled it and had it in stereo. It's strange listening to a rock song with one guitar track in the center; it has a weird mono effect. The leads are panned hard left and right and do mask this flaw a little bit. It's a good arrangement, but has guitar production issues.
  20. I remember always thinking the girl dog in "Lady and the Tramp" was the tramp. I was a kid back then. But for some reason I knew what tramp meant. And that female dog was it. But then I pondered why they would name the boy dog "Lady". Eh, it's still a little confusing to this day.
  21. I'm sorry, it was my first actual remix and I didn't know what I was doing and I didn't put nearly enough time into it... Sorry avaris. I'd remake the song if it would make any difference at all today. I still don't completely understand why you included it with the production issues being so bad (something that everyone always points out so it's pretty common knowledge at this point)
  22. Or if you try to start a revolution, the government will bomb your sleigh.
  23. How many kids drowned after watching the Little Mermaid? Wished they could be part of that world. Plus Arial was wearing suction-cup clam bra. There were no straps on that thing.
  24. I dunno but I'll get it for that price and if you do too, then we can play together if nothing else.
  25. audio fidelity said to tell you that he finished his Teen Agent track and turned in a final wav. It's pretty awesome! Looking forward to hearing yours! :)

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