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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. Oh crap, I hid from thread due to recent embarrassing foray into uhh... alternative culture... almost missed that link. Thank you very much, will download now On another note, I've been playing Dante's Inferno and the screams of the tortured souls in hell are pretty much exactly what I want for this, hopefully it works
  2. ^ this v this (for people with the different forum settings)
  3. Hi. I spoke too soon before. All of the final revisions are turned in right now. Now it is just a matter of waiting for the album to be released when they get around to it. There's a new song not on this list which I think people will really enjoy. I am very excited for the album to be released, and to hear what people think of it -- especially Radek Sjamrez, who is waiting for this album. Thanks again to everyone who helped this album become a reality, especially those who stepped in at the last minute to make sure songs got covered!
  4. I love almost all forms of metal. I really enjoy this remix. The production is really top notch on this. The kick is nice and punchy, and the drums are present but not over the top. I love the pinch harmonics and stompbox usage halfway through, and the following clean breakdowns are really clean and open. My only complaints are that maybe the song is a little TOO clean, and also the lack of vocals. It's a great listen without them but you can't deny for a metalcore song, the vocals are almost a necessity. GREAT Work, I've loved every song I've heard from you so far. Thanks!
  5. Thanks halc. ;p What does 10char mean? You need less than 10 characters for something?
  6. I don't think I ever got comments on the WIP I turned in, maybe I did and forgot... I'd like to finish the song though so hook me up with some direction there.
  7. Hey hey hey! It's faaaat me, sayin' hi.

  8. The first rule of OCR Fit Club: Do not talk about the fit club. I just shoveled half of the snow out the front of the mailbox... I figure there's probably an hour or two left to do there. Getting cardio + strength training at the same time. Nice.
  9. My heart rate is usually around 150 when I'm on the exersize bike.. When I go at 80rpm and higher it starts to move up to the 155+ area, but lately hasn't gone over 160 like it did when I was starting out. Scared myself once, was totally working, checked the heart rate, and it was like 169... hehe So you'd say 150 is the calorie/fat burn heartrate then? Or is that too much / too less? My diet totally sucks. It's basically not even a diet, just smaller portions. Obviously it needs to change but I just love food so damn much. xD
  10. The excersize bike is really brutal on my knees if I don't put the level up high enough. The pedals go too fast and it whips my joints and hurts' em. So I raise the level to make it more like running through molasses! Genetics can be overcome with determination? Is this true?
  11. That's cool Mono, I've been doing kind of the same thing as far as arm muscles are concerned. I can do pushups now, and I haven't been able to do them ever.. so it's a cool change to have that kind of arm strength. I've been going Monday to Friday for about 80 mins like I said. I basically eat whatever my mom cooks but I've eaten much smaller portions compared to what I used to, and I use the little plates instead of the big plate. :/ So Taucer, you say intensity doesn't matter? That's good to know, because I've really been running myself ragged on the excersize bike at level 10 with an RPM of 85+ for 40 minutes. X_X As for genetics, my whole family and extended family is obese except for my sister, who is dangerously anorexic and can't gain weight. Weird that we couldn't have some kind of middle-ground.
  12. I've been going to the gym for 4 weeks until this blizzard hit, and I don't think I lost any weight. I've lost 5 lbs tops. I've been doing 40 minutes cardio and 40 minutes weight lifting every other day (some days I do 20 minutes to give muscles time to rebuild) My goal was to lose a fair deal of weight by next December. I don't understand why dieting + doing the 80 minutes hasn't caused me to lose a ton by now.
  13. Soundtrack has enough tritone to give you nightmares.
  14. You'd like that, wouldn't you? ;P Ok, we'll see... hehe... *grabs his leather executioner outfit and whip*
  15. Why FLAC when you could WAV? Then let whoever wants a FLAC make it from the WAV. I'd rather have the high quality original WAVs that you could burn on a disc.
  16. Took a special trip up to the shop to buy this game today, and I am very happy with it. It's exactly what I was hoping for and more.
  17. We're trying to collect tortured screams for my WA track.
  18. I asked mkriton and he said it was ok. Plus, I'm a very prolific musician and will be posted soon. Artist page exists, it's just not filled in yet. B
  19. [God of War] Kratos / Zeus | ??? / ktriton I challenge mkriton to kicketh thine buttox as Kratos! The monster you created has returned... to kill you! (wait, is the good guy supposed to say that?)
  20. That's a pretty great picture, but there's something sagging out of her skirt Also, on a serious note, you might want to approach drawing the dragon by finding a decent shot of one and tracing it
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