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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. ...and I'd call it.... atmospheric evisceration... haha

  2. I would like to get some opinions from remixers who are attached, as well as fellow directors and co-directors as to what initial deadline you would find most reasonable for everyone involved right now. I'd like it to be a substantial WIP deadline if possible. That means WIPs that are around half-completed and fairly polished. Let me know what you think.
  3. Thanks for changing my name on the roster, Geoffrey. I'm not sure if the change is reflected on my account yet, though Liontamer did say "thunder cats are go". I'm paraphrasing there. But this post is sort of my test to see if it took, and also I might as well throw in a "good luck" to djp and virt in finishing their dkc2 tracks. Hmm.. still listed as oinkness
  4. Without knowing when DKC2 is coming out, there's really no way I could say. I'm waiting on one more track which will hopefully be completed by Tuesday. I'm not sure if that will have any effect on the February 2nd release date. o_o Mine is showing 4 pages -- my pages must be smaller than yours. And they are in backwards order too.
  5. Go relax! Get it? I haven't talked to you since last year. You ought to update me, or something!

  6. I didn't even know this project was going on. What do I need to do to get involved? I checked the first post with a list of heroes / villains and proposed games, but there wasn't a list of who claimed what, or what is available. It would be a real honor for me to get involved with this one. Someone please point me in the right direction.
  7. It definitely sounds like a just64helpin song. It's going good so far! Let me know when it is finished and I'll check it out.
  8. Hey Aba, could you pm zircon sometime and tell him you're involved with FF9 and that you support it? Thanks x.x

  9. Hey, Hy Bound. Could you pm zircon and tell him you're on FF9 and that you support the project?

  10. I got caught staring at that for a few minutes, then I forgot what thread I was in.
  11. Congratulations on the new server. I'm looking forward to some good times.
  12. Raleigh, North Carolina? That's a little too close to my grandma's place for comfort.
  13. Why are you all SO DAMN MAD?! When's IV: After Years coming to XBLA? I might have time to beat FF4 before the squeakquel comes out.
  14. Well it might take another "Spirits Within" scenario to make them realize they are retarded.
  15. Hi All the tracks are in except for OCRE's bonus track of Army Blues and a mysterious collab of Army Blues which should be finished by Monday, or Tuesday at the latest. Needless to say, they don't sound very similar so there's no conflict there. I'm not sure if we're still set for February 2nd but it's probably possible. At any rate, I'd like to thank everybody who ever supported this project or had anything to do with it whatsoever, and of course the... fans? Also my deepest sympathies go out to Joshua Morse and his family
  16. I really did not like the song, and considering there's probably multiple hundreds of trillions of songs they could have picked instead, I think they suck.
  17. I liked the first Hulk with.. who was it.. Eric Bana? So I never watched the new Hulk. Heard it did pretty well though, so good for them. As for this new Spider-man reboot, I can't support this at all. Instead of trying to start over, they should ball-kick the people responsible for messing up Spider-man 3 and get everything back to working order. They're basically doing the opposite of what would make Spider-man good.
  18. Loose Bruises is probably the best thing of yours I've ever heard, it's too bad you don't put that kind of detail into all of your songs.
  19. Gasp. I might have you two beat but hey, it's not a contest.
  20. Larry may or may not have shared a spoiler when he gave me a +v on irc... maybe not.. I might be reading too much into that, but that's what I thought at least.
  21. Good news for any hesitant claimers, a few songs just opened up -- at least until their original claimers produce a WIP, then they'll have them back.
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