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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. 3DS maybe but Wii U is not profitable for developers at this point Vita version would be great if you could get it on PSN and have crossover with PS3/PS4
  2. Well it's hard to say. It's probably my own inadequacy as a lyricist anyway, or some psychological issue with the source tune that would prevent me from writing something touching and substantial.
  3. Sunny days! It feels so warm! Sunny days are great! Oh man I'm not even going to bother writing lyrics, I'll just use the original ones. I could get creative but I can guarantee anything I would write would be so much more cheesy than the original lyrics just because it feels engineered to be that way. x_x
  4. I'm not sure how I feel about the title Songs of Light and Darkness now Is there a chance we could maybe change it to Music With Dynamic Timbre or something?
  5. I honestly can't wait to hear you singing. And I hope a lot of other people enter too, like the guys from round 1 but also a lot of the other people! I wanna hear dem kitty purrs :3
  6. I'm sorry if I came across abrasively with my posts, I was just SUPER bummed that it wasn't the real Starbound soundtrack opportunity. Would love to get involved with an indie game
  7. 8 years for a baby? I don't want to see what this looks like when it's finally born. Probably all shriveled up like a raisin. Same color too. I kid you guys, keep up the good work
  8. Well you should! You don't want me coming after you! xD
  9. I'm gonna riff on The Coop's first suggestion and share this one - Zimmers Hole - Anonymous EsophagusWhole album is amazing.
  10. As much as it saddens me that there's no talkback tonight, Nicolas Cage will be on the Tonight Show so I can focus on that completely
  11. You could submit the mix to the panel anyway, and say it's a project mix. If there doesn't end up being a project, just let a judge know and they can move it to the regular list.
  12. I did, I was soopah excited to see Willrock and The Damned do this album together, and now they're not going to Who they choose to direct it is up to them but I'm open to it. I'm cool with being Will's go-to guy after Bionic Commando, I really love how that turned out.
  13. WOW. I was joking dude. Sure gimme it I'll album it up, hahaha. I'll start by deciding on the new direction for the album, and go from there. For me, coordinating albums is like checking my email. It's.... part of life. Only snag I can see is if OCR Staff has a problem with 1 guy directing 8 albums at once (exaggeration I hope), but hopefully they can see past that and recognize a raw wellspring of dedication where it lay.
  14. Whoo, finally got the album in the mail today, so now I can listen to it! I always wait for the physical CD to listen, whenever I get a phySical CD, which is rarer these days I actually checked the kickstarter page to see why I got 5 stickers and a flash drive, I didn't pledge for that! I can only assume it was a kind gift if not an egregious mistake, if it was a gift I really appreciate it. I know how stressful the kickstarter deal has been so if it was a mistake let me know. The quality was delivered flawless, not even a crack in the case, no thanks to the -- for lack of a more offensive word -- cheeky UPS delivery guy. Set the package on the bannister up against the little pillar with the mailbox on it. Literally 2 feet below the mailbox, and it's leaning half off with a 10 foot drop under it. Lucky I found it when I did. UPS guy is trolling the hell out of me. He can't put this package that would fit into the mailbox but he'll do stuff like this: Anyway, thanks a metric ton my good man
  15. Wow I forgot this existed Is this album going forward smoothly or do you need me to take it over, Will? LOL I kid I ain't got time for that
  16. Hey https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/13741915/popeyetimes.mp3 hard times INDEED
  17. I've put abc files in the game, you just have to put them in the right folder. Then you can do stuff like this:
  18. The topic is misleading. Trepsik isn't even involved with the Starbound development team, and this is more a "remix request" than it is an actual job offer of any kind. If someone could rename/move this to appropriate place (perhaps Recruitment forum) that'd be great.
  19. You guys are great. Thanks for the updates. The WORST mistake a guy can make is to forget this exists. Soooo shame on me But we can set the next WIP date for July 1st. I considered mid-June but it's too close to other deadlines. So July 1st. It's the second WIP date, but please don't be too worried, we're still pretty early on. The sooner we get finished mixes, the sooner this can move forward, but right now it's not a strict rush to the finish. Thank you all.
  20. I wouldn't do the email thing, you could do it with private messaging on this forum. Honestly, it doesn't seem like a unique enough idea for a compo. People at OCR remix 8bit music all the time, most of the compos are even using 8bit music, like Mega Man and some of the others. Would the goal be to remix them AS 8bit music, like chiptunes? I'd personally love to see some kind of free for all concept where people could remix whatever they wanted and go up against other people. Not sure how you would make it work but it'd be fun. You need to know how many people would be involved and when you would plan to do the compo.
  21. Oh man, I thought this was going to be an actual job composing for Starbound instead of a request to write bad-sounding music into an obsolete format. Oh well, good luck to you.
  22. Eh well I hope they're talking with whoever the winner is, in the background, and just being secretive as usual for the public
  23. The genre shifts was a great way to make less into more. This remix is as fantastic as I would expect from the Viking Guitar! It's not going to make me rush out and discover what Turtles in Time is, but I appreciate it heavily nonetheless That snare irks me a little but otherwise this mix is super solid.
  24. I was thinking of doing that, but you actually gave me a much better idea. I think I would like to make a promotional trailer, upload it to youtube, and get a jump on promoting the album much earlier than OCR would usually do. And to top it all off, I could use game footage and such because I'd upload it on my own youtube channel. Suppose I may get on that eventually, but not if it slows down the album production itself In other news, I've requested the updated OCR album template from Stevo -- don't think I didn't notice it changed! Rather than keep all 3 sites consistent with the same template, I'd like to make a ff trilogy landing page once FF3 is completed, if such a thing is possible. So rather than linking to all 3 albums individually, I could simply link to say, fftrilogy.ocremix.org which would have a simple button for all 3 albums to either visit their respective site or just download from there at a glance.
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