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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. Alright! Well I still got $5 for Eino! You guys can choose for me to just donate it to OCR in your name. That's an option. Or I could buy food with it, but have you seen me lately? Harrumph
  2. Congratulations!! The winner of the first Final Fantasy Crystal Clash is... TUBERZ MCGEE!! But we are all winners, really! The winner of the $5 is: Brandon Strader. If Tuberz McGee and Eino Keskitalo would be so kind as to PM me their paypal information, I will send you both a bill for $2.50! Just kidding! You both get $5!
  3. This really isn't the "complain about FF13" thread. FF13: Lightning Returns is actually a huge improvement on the series and if you haven't played the demo yet, you should check it out. edit: Sorry if that sounded harsh, it's just that FF13:LR Demo was really good, and the game looks SUPER promising.. you can have your opinion about how bad or good FF13 is but that discussion is beyond the scope of the LR thread.. I wasn't trying to mini-mod or anything, just hoping people could keep a positive attitude towards LR, with it coming out tomorrow, and being so promising.
  4. Honestly with a 2 week bracket, or even 1 month, I could see this going alongside other compos. Just to reiterate the voting cuts off at midnight, and I will 100% most definitely sleep through it, but I'll tally the votes up when I wake up and announce the winner
  5. your new wav has an effects trail at the start... sorry :-o

  6. Oh boy, so the winner will be announced at midnight then, yes? Unless I oversleep it. Muahaha... yes, I might sleep... If anyone has yet to vote, do so ASAP!
  7. THE RECENT TURN OF EVENTS makes me sad, but we can see how this goes
  8. Yeah dude, I'm with you 500%. It's like this scene from Billy Madison, just replace puppy with VGM:
  9. Yeah too many sequels and HD remasters, they need to get back to releasing fresh Final Fantasy games.. I do want to play MURDERED: SOUL SUSPECT and I literally just remembered I already pre-ordered and paid for THIEF which comes out in like 6 days so *shrug* Nobody can say I ain't doing my part to support the Squeen.
  10. Some brain storming, title-wise, mostly really goofy stuff, but maybe something will be inspiring?

    The Tenth Floor

    Mysidian Requiem

    Pill Gigas (it's a pun on Hill Gigas, an enemy, and refers to.. pills.. trippy!)

    Ascension (maybe too srs)

    Maybe something to do with Minwu? The white mage who sacrifices himself to open the door at the top of the tower. Or maybe something to do with Ultima, the ultimate magic found in the room at the top of the tower, which also turned out to be pretty useless and weak IMO :-D

  11. The thread kinda died down, but I wanted to post the Dante's Inferno OST because it is amazing. I've never heard anything like it. I listen to it loud like it's metal.
  12. I was thinking of pre-ordering this right now even though it comes out in a couple days, just wanna get dem bonuses. Games costing over $60 kinda bums me out, but it's been so long since I bought a game new and I think Square-Enix REALLY needs this to stay afloat, so I was thinking of getting it... what do you guys think? I still need to finish/play FF13 and FF13-2.
  13. This album project is so old, my parents hadn't even met when Larry started it.
  14. You gonna stick to your word about DPing a well-made lounge music crazy chocobo? :lol:

  15. It's gonna come out, hopefully it'll be sent in for eval before the end of the month. Not quite FF5 levels of limbo Updated the first post to really drive home just how close we are. Songs that are bold are already passed on the panel. Should be a quick, easy eval.
  16. Voting for your competitors, classy So after a little thought, I think I will do another FFCC in the future. After doing this one though, I discovered a bunch of "problem areas" to improve on for the next one.. Basic things like: We need 2 weeks instead of 1 Don't limit it to character themes, include ALL FF themes Possibly make mixing competitor themes optional (the focus would be on simply making the better mix) Either less emphasis on "graphical stuff", or have it ready in advance Choose a less confusing time than "midnight". Rewrite/make a new first post. Don't borrow DarkeSword's text anymore. It's great but as a compo it needs to be its own thing. Just a few ideas. Open to more suggestions. No current plans of when the next FFCC will occur. As for the current FFCC, keep the votes coming! It's too close right now! I see how hard it is to vote though, both competitors turned in amazing remixes.
  17. I've been rewatching Fresh Prince of Bel-air because of the sad news, and remembering how awesome James Avery was. I didn't remember them replacing Vivian in season 4 because I was just a kid when I watched it first, that was pretty jarring, but from what I read on wikipedia it seemed like there was some trouble between actors and stuff. The new Viv seems really stiff and one dimensional IMO. Anyway... yeah, really sad about Uncle Phil. He was always consistently funny but kept up his character as a pretty stern father figure.
  18. Aight well to be honest, the 1 week thing is tough, that's why I kinda failed to enter and offered to collab something for folks.. if you had something planned for THIS week before Sunday it might be tough. I'll be at work until 3pm Saturday, but then I'll be off.. so I should be able to do something last minute if that's what you are thinking... I work Tuesday nights too, and there's a chance I could get called out.. but yeah for the most part I should have plenty of time to contribute to something... especially if it's like a guitar solo, or vocals, that doesn't take too long, and I know how to send you appropriate dry wavs so you can mix them into your song. Less time wasted going back and forth "you sent the file wrong blahh".
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