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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. I'm not like other people in that, I really like my old stuff, even if it sounds bad. How bad something is, is pretty subjective. You shouldn't just drop something because you think it's bad because you'll end up not finishing anything. Something they used to tell me way back when, in a different community mind you, is that there's always someone out there who will like what you make. If it doesn't fly on OCR, then don't worry about that, and release it somewhere else. If you want to try to touch it up for OCR, you could do that too. You're not just abandoning the song, you are abandoning the practice involved with improving and finishing that song. Especially starting out you are going to need all the practice you can get. Even when you move on to more serious / pro stuff, you'll be working with stuff that isn't engineered up to your comfortable level and you can't just say "oh this is bad", you will need to be able to improve and fix it, especially if it is for a client. Just my 2 cents. Carry on.
  2. Hrmm? Was this real advice or did I accidentally wander onto The Onion Remix
  3. So can I submit a standing question that you answer every week, about how the panel is doing?
  4. Welp I'll be starting on mine tonight, or else I'll be losing. But I already had a great idea in my head that I have yet to put down on paper. Butt Hill Bossa with an indie rock twinge to it. I don't ACTUALLY know what source I'm supposed to be mixing Butt Hill with.
  5. Tell ya what, there's a strong enough representation on the roster now, how about we set a WIP date for April 2nd?
  6. Just a wee little more info here: http://mynintendonews.com/2014/01/30/iwata-announces-nintendos-new-business-plan-focusing-on-quality-of-life/
  7. When Nintendo starts selling erectile dysfunction pills in a Mushroom case, profits will also skyrocket
  8. D: don't give away my secrets~!! it'll affect voting just assume I've been working super hard on it this entire time
  9. YES Get practicing man, we need some french metal vocals!
  10. Sorry, I forgot to include a source link: http://www.nytimes.com/2014/01/31/technology/nintendo-chief-announces-foray-into-health-care.html
  11. Nintendo's getting into the health care business now... it's a good move, if you think about services that will always be needed, health care is probably at the top of the list.
  12. Yes... I just made it private so I could potentially do them for DoD. NOW I CAN'T DO THOSE 2.
  13. Dear Friend, If you don't like metal guitars you're not my girlfriend anymore. --Tuberz McGenius
  14. I do appreciate that a lot, I'm just in a funk, and it's really cold I might hold off until Friday night into Saturday and try to finish recording it before Sunday.
  15. Oh man, I'm away from the internet for ONE DAY and Iwata resigns? I gotta google this x_x
  16. "E for Everyone" DOES mean that a game could be enjoyed by adults, but it doesn't mean it will be enjoyed by adults. The target audience for most Nintendo games is young people. Even if there was a T-rated Nintendo title, I could assure you they would be targeting the 13 year olds rather than the 18 year olds. It's that soft image that made Nintendo not a power player in the hardcore gaming market despite attempts to market Wii U towards hardcore gamers early on.
  17. No prob, gotta increase the de-ess. It's already on -8 and only goes to -12 I'll tweak stuff.
  18. There ain't hope for none of us, we ain't worthy to use the same site as Vig
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