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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. Took my sweet time, made a new image, got the stuff converted and tagged... final round is a GO, folks! DOWNLOADZ Two men representing two strong women, GET IT GOIN'!!
  2. To be fair, you were born in 1995 xD I think that's a big problem of this dude who wrote the article though. He's got the nostalgia goggles for that type of old music, and for whatever irrational reason finds it better than modern soundtracks...
  3. Happy birthday you two, you share this day with the mighty prognosticator!
  4. YES! Groundhog day explained: Excerpt: "If you think that Groundhog Day is a dumb pointless holiday, there are 2 things you should consider: (1) you have no sense of fun, and (2) you better be careful on Groundhog Day because in addition to their weather predicting day jobs, these groundhogs also have the magic power to trap you in an infinite time loop until you learn to be less of a jerk." Happy Groundhog Day!
  5. That's good to hear, cause I may have put it up for grabs otherwise. So, not sure what will go up for grabs if anything. I think I'm hearing from people, despite lack of WIPs. BUT! We have TWO new finished songs, one currently untitled by PacificPoem (he's new to the whole naming remixes thing) and Chimpazilla's To Tree or Not To Tree. April 1st WIP date is NO JOKE!
  6. I strongly disagree that quality is in ANY WAY getting worse. Just because music isn't limited to 4 voices and overly catchy doesn't mean it is worse at all. If anything, that means it is better. Now, for anyone who doesn't listen to modern OSTs, here's some personal highlights from recent games: Ni No Kuni - Remember Me - Call of Duty: Ghosts - Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag - Devil May Cry - BioShock Infinite - nuff said Killzone Shadow Fall - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s_l_Wo0EJRU Lightning Returns FF13 - Beyond Two Souls -
  7. In this economy? ouch. They should have given the guy a raise. Then again, how hard did he push the used merch? Hard enough to deserve being fired? I kinda doubt it. Selling the used one is in the company's best interests isn't it.
  8. I am really sorry jnWake and others... just the worst timing possible, between working a double friday night, then sleeping a double, then Groundhog Day I shouldn't have procrastinated as long as I did because I ended up not having time
  9. Groundhog Day is a huge Holiday at the Strader households! I would like to wish you all a great Groundhog Day, later we can discuss the outcome of the Groundhog's forecast and in the coming weeks, see how accurate it was. The news is already forecasting more snow for this area, so I can see the Groundhog potentially going in that area as well. We'll see!
  10. You can make the next thread if you want. I don't agree with DoD's level of quality right now. At least wait for the website to be put back up maybe.
  11. I'm gonna loose too, I blame the other guy. The song will need to be finished someday but it won't be today
  12. Yes sir, that would be great! I'll mark you down once I get out of bed. x__________x
  13. I'm gonna sleep and get crackin' on this tonight but then I gotta go to groundhog day. Serious business.
  14. It's very unfortunate news that General Offensive must drop Jinn the Fire as he's currently in hospital. That's the worst kind of news to get and I just wish him a speedy recovery and to get well soon. Real life and peoples' health will always come first. You're more than welcome to claim something again when you recover, Mr. Offensive! Apart from that, today is the WIP date. And I ain't heard NOTHIN' from anyone else. I'll be looking over the tracklist to see what can be put up for grabs but a lot of stuff has pretty solid claims, wips, or assurances that progress will be made. @begoma: I'll leave a note for you to be added
  15. Man, between work and sleep, I ain't talked to you in FO-RE-VAH -- but I will never forget your generosity and how awesome you are. EVAH.

  16. Yeh... Mario is happy and cheery... so is Kirby's Epic Yarn... you all know how I feel about that game... The only thing keeping Mario and Kirby from being "murder simulators" is the overly cutesy graphics.
  17. Ok, just so you guys know -- we'll finish this off tomorrow night, midnight, after Groundhog Day is over. I will probably be celebrating the holiday with family so make sure I have those entries by 12AM (technically on Monday) EST and I'll get the voting thread and entries up as soon as I can. Good luck you two! FIVE DOLLAH on the line!
  18. If the album isn't out before Christmas 2014, I'd blame the gremlins.
  19. Haha yeah, I get that. But you are stronger for having made it / finished it, and being able to go back and look at it and say "damn, I really screwed the pooch on this one!" Honestly, what anyone chooses to do is their own decision, if you drop something and move on to another project, there's nothing wrong with that. You can get a lot of experience and practice as long as you just keep at it, and get encouragement from your peers. I hope you don't think I came across too harsh with my 2 cents, it wasn't my intention. I still LOOOOVE listening to Trapped even though it's probably my oldest "metal" song on OCR. The setup for that song is still pretty top notch, I don't know about the EQ or production though. But like, I had the amp double-mic'd, and the engineering itself was pretty rad. The production is totally dark compared to what I do these days.
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