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Everything posted by Kat

  1. I tried visiting the page for the mix directly but was greeted with a 404 error and a suggestion to visit djpretzel's artist profile and stare at his picture, maligning his ineptitude as a webmaster that has caused me to endure this entire experience. I don't see it credited on JD Harding's profile. It's also missing from OCR's Youtube, so I suspect this is intentional and it was removed for some reason. He does have one mix on Soundcloud simply titled "Super Castlevania IV : Bloody Tears [Orchestra Cover]", but I doubt that's the one. EDIT: Looking into it farther, it would appear JD Harding and some others disagreed with how the site was being run and requested many or all of their mixes be removed. This would probably explain any missing remixes. I assume the torrent hasn't been purged of any such mixes and merely been updated with new mixes.
  2. Just an FYI - It seems to be corrupt and can't be played.
  3. Obviously I've made a terrible mistake. I need to rework the entire mix into a pirate-styled mix ASAP. I'm talking lutes and harpsichords and all that pirate jazz. The internet needs a 12/8 pirate-style Cutlass of Justice arrangement!
  4. I love this. Was the sax harmonizing with a synth at one point? Because that was awesome. Can't say I have many complaints. Sax felt a bit quiet at first, but I'm pretty sure that's just how my monitors act at low volumes. Not a huge deal anyways, it didn't sound overwhelmed. Excellent work!
  5. In addition to the above advice, I might suggest SoundBetter. You can sign up as a provider and take jobs, with a small commission taken from the profits. They mostly focus on vocalists and producers, but they do have an entire section dedicated to game music. Generally someone offers you a job(or you find a job listing and offer them), you make a proposal(including cost), they pay SoundBetter and the funds are released to you when the job is finished. It's no guarantee, but it might get you some jobs. I see a lot of providers in the game music section charging $200+ per song(often much higher) and getting no reviews(which implies no jobs). Might have to low-ball on the prices a bit, but it couldn't hurt to sign up - One provider I worked with said he used SoundBetter and a ton of similar sites simply for the leads - Got his name out in more places, and while he didn't get a ton of jobs from any one site he did get quite a few from all of them combined. I wouldn't suggest indie game forums in most cases simply because, as AngelCityOutlaw said, most of em are going to be unknowns trying to make their first game and looking for people to do everything.
  6. Hm, yeah. I see what you mean now. I was doing a lot of late night mixing on my headphones and the percussion seemed a good deal louder there. Now that I'm on my proper monitors I can hear a good deal of mixing I need to do in that area. The strings/horns in the background? Yeah, I can see that. I was a bit too focused on the lead horns, I think, and trying to get them to sound great. I think I did pretty well in that area for the most part, but I really need to put more attention into the rest of it. For now it'll probably stay a straight arrangement while I get the mix sorted out and sounding better.
  7. Song structure, mostly. While I'm aware it was intended to be an over-the-top anime-ish hero theme(which also happens to share its main melody with Waterfall and Ruins, among others) , the way it was all designed just screamed "orchestra" to me. It made very liberal use of orchestral hits along with the marching percussion. The intro portion stuck out to me a lot, as the notes had a very clear staccato feel to them and built up to a climax before going into the lead melody. I'm terrible at explaining this sort of stuff. Mostly it just felt like it was the right way to go.
  8. Just a little track I've been working on - it's for a sci-fi themed game I've been working on with a friend. This is likely going to be a battle theme - Note that it cuts off rather abruptly because it's made to loop. The in game version will be a .ogg with proper looping and the Soundcloud version will be the "full" version, when it gets to that point. Feedback is welcome and appreciated. Not my usual genre and I know the mixing is subpar right now.
  9. Still loving this OST, and it's actually inspiring a soundtrack I'm working on. I love how the motifs are present in so many different songs. It really helps tell the story through music alone. I feel like the often different sample usage was an evolution of his style. I recall him saying he is a self taught composer and also wrote each piece right before working on the area it was used, with no revisions on most tracks.
  10. Just a little work-in-progress arrangement of Spear of Justice. An orchestral arrangement was the obvious choice. Right now it's very conservative, but I plan to flesh it out into an actual remix at some point.
  11. Several months later and I've finally got around to playing through on the other two factions(and actually starting Far Harbor). Just finished on the Railroad side, and I won't spoil it but I sort of ended up regretting it at the end. One of those "Oh crap, I forgot about that little detail" things. The new DLC looks like it might be fun. Haven't done too much settlement building so I'm not sure if I'll grab the Contraptions Workshop, but Nuke-World sounds entertaining.
  12. TF2 turrets are notably different. Scrap("Metal") works differently in that game - Not only are their costs higher, but their primary large source of metal is a respawning drop that both allied and enemy engineers can grab(in addition to the usual drops/debris). That is not present in Overwatch. In addition to knockback(which Overwatch's turret does not have), TF2's sentry gun also has ammo, which costs metal to replenish. They also have a notable lock on time and warning before they start shooting, and they do not fire while being built/upgraded..Also of note is that TF2 has the Spy, whom can disable turrets with little difficulty if the enemy team isn't paying attention(but we know they are). TF2 turrets don't fire on cloaked or disguised spies. The spy can sap it to prevent it from firing and can easily dispose of it in those situations. Finally, one huge difference: TF2's turret only has an instant detection range of around 90 degrees. It can and will rotate 360 degrees to lock on, but it's not instant and gives plenty of time to quickly move by small exposed areas(in particular, doors or other openings). You really can't compare the two.
  13. Personal favorite: Though the Gray Fox as Genji one is a close second.
  14. Try to flank it. It turns almost instantly and begins firing into your face. Try to dash past it via Genji or Tracer - Note how during the .2s travel time it locks on and fires several bullets(which all hit you - it has 100% accuracy even on fast moving targets). I'd like to point out your turret-destroying strategies are best-case scenarios. Remember that we also have an entire enemy team to deal with on top of this. On several maps, there is nowhere for the attacking team to snipe it without being within its 40m range. Hanzo and Widowmaker need to line up a shot/charge/etc, which is plenty of time for it to lock on and attack them. The obvious solution is to either shield them with Reinhard or have another team member take the aggro. Using your best-case-scenario logic, we have to assume the enemy team will also have a Reinhardt or other players actively guarding said turrets, or otherwise denying you easy shots at it. This means you're using at least two players to deal with an automatic mechanic created by one player. If they have multiple Torbs and a half decent team, forget about it. I'd also like to note that as someone who plays Genji religiously, I can tell you he can't simply "E" the turret. That works against a Lv.1 turret(though his basic attack is far more effective at that point, considering its slow attack rate and the likelihood of Torb being around to repair it), but the Lv.2 turret has too much health to burst down with Deflect, especially if Torb is attending to it. "Git gud" is never effective in an argument. In most cases it's the equivalent of saying "I can't git gud without that mechanic so you should git gud instead!". By the way, his rivet gun is very effective both in close range and long range. Firing rate is 2RPS and it does 70 damage. His molten core makes his turrets even more powerful while also making him a bigger threat. He is fully capable of defending himself without his turret in it's current state.
  15. Regardless, if it takes a fair amount of teamwork and effort to deal with the mechanic of a single character, it is not balanced. This goes doubly for Torb, who is capable on his own( if lacking mobility) and can quickly rebuild said mechanic.
  16. There are a ton of problems. Hanzos arrows have a huge hitbox. When this is pointed out, 90% of the responses are "he couldn't hit anything if it were normal sized" followed by "learn2evade git gud". I trust the irony of that opinion need not be pointed out. Especially since, you know, as a Genji player I have to hit them with pinpoint accuracy with my shurikens. The only good thing about this is that huge hitbox = easy deflect. So, thanks for making deflecting his ult's initial arrow super easy I guess. The problem with the turrets is that they're omnipotent, and on many maps their 40m range is enough to shoot anything in sight when placed correctly, which removes the easy counters. You have to coordinate with your team to eliminate them. That's fine any all, but remember that it's taking a coordinated effort from your team to destroy a static aimbot created by one player, which can be rebuilt within seconds of being destroyed if you don't(or can't) capitalize. This is on top of dealing with the enemy team, whom certainly won't lounge around waiting for you to destroy their turrets. It shouldn't take a fully coordinated team to take down a single player's mechanic, but that's what happens in many maps where such placement is allowed. In many of those situations you'll need someone drawing the turret's fire(preferably a Reinhardt), but he'll often have to face away from the enemy team to block the turret while you kill it. Roadhog's hook, to my knowledge, is hitscan. When he uses the ability, the game determines if it will hit you based on lag compensation + favor the shooter(that is to say, his screen is favored as long as he's not like 500ms behind) and then the hook is launched at you. This is why you'll often get hooked behind obstacles. At the time of using it, the game said "Oh yeah, that's possible. Go for it!". Simple solution (which was used in Heroes of the Storm): Let players queue up as the hero they want to play. I'm not against hero stacking, but it should be regulated in some way. Maybe limit the amount of certain hero types(Sniper, Builder) that are allowed in each map. Or just allow it in quick play and do that in Competitive.
  17. I think the biggest issue was that Gibraltar's first stretch is cramped(on the attacker side, that is) and there's pretty much nowhere for Widowmaker to snipe the turrets down, as she'll always be in range of them. Even if you get a good team to distract the turrets, you still have to deal with the rest of the enemy team who is free to harass your flankers while the turrets deal with everyone else. A couple Junkrats helped out, but still couldn't push through the turrets with their entire team harassing us on top of it.
  18. Just had the shittiest shitfest of a game. Attack on Gibraltar. Defense team had 4 torbs, a Symettra and a Mercy. MOLTEN CORE! MOLTEN CORE! MOLTEN CORE! MOLTEN CORE! HEROES NEVER DIE! MOLTEN CORE! MOLTEN CORE! First game I have ever ragequit from. I'll gladly take the leaver penalty over that bullshit. Coordinated attacks and proper hero swapping to take out the turrets and break through resulted in more turrets popping up in their place, because the amount of effort it takes to remove one is far greater than the few hammer strikes to get one working. The Mercy couldn't be reached because 4 turrets auto-aiming, and it was pretty much impossible to break through when they had enough unmanned firepower to break through Reinhardt's shield in seconds.
  19. Chalis' song is corrupt (try downloading it and look at the file size - 4KB is a little bit small for a MP3).
  20. Well, maybe someone should have competed the last time sleepy time music was picked Now time to work on normal music like normal people so I can actually submit something.
  21. I'd love to play with some OCR people but I'm over here on PS4. I have trouble playing Mercy. I'm used to the style thanks to TF2's medic, but I feel too reliant on my team to not do stupid crap, like clustering together - which makes it easier for them to all take damage, hard to target the person who needs healing and also gives me no escape route. Also not fun watching them constantly charge out of sight/around walls/etc in a way that prevents me from healing/buffing, or worse: Deciding to retreat and hiding behind me.
  22. A few issues I have: The guitar feels too stiff and sequenced to me. Not sure if it's just the sample or just the way it's used. Probably a combination of both. The notes cut off too early in my opinion, which may be leading to the overly stiff sound. I feel like they should flow a bit better. The articulations feel a bit off, but I couldn't tell you why as I'm just an amateur acoustic player(primarily rhythm, not lead), not an electric guitar player. Regarding the rest of the song: First and foremost it seems less of a remix and more of a cover to me, as it follows the original (shortened) version to a T, almost note for note. Dynamically, the lead guitar seems too loud, but I've noted my monitors to be notoriously misleading in the upper ranges. I can't hear too much of the background. The bass kick could be a little punchier IMO and the drum part is a bit flat dynamically as well. The rhythm guitar could be a bit louder, with a stronger bass line to give it a fuller feeling. It could simply be the loudness of the lead guitar compared to the mix though, and I always prefer a "cut then boost" method to avoid an internal loudness war where you're constantly raising the volume of other instruments to compensate for raising the volume of other instruments. I'd try reducing the volume of the lead first - listen to it on a wide variety of speakers and earbuds. If possible, try turning it up relatively loud and listening to it from a room or two away. I'm sure one of the more experienced mixers could give you a better idea of exactly what to cut and boost in the EQ department Perhaps my biggest concern is the whole EBU R 128 loudness standards - That's fine an all, but when a track has very little in the dynamics to begin with that doesn't help it much. In particular, listen to the vocalist(in any language version of the song) and how he sings in the verses compared to the chorus. It's quite a bit different, whereas your lead guitar only has one sound - "loud". During the dramatic chorus portions it isn't having much of an impact. Try skipping around your song a bit and you'll see what I mean. Without the vocals to set the mood for the song it all falls to the lead guitar, and you don't want to simply play the vocal melody with little emotion or vibrancy. Take away the vocals, and the only thing that gives a song its unique character is what the musicians do with it. I will say you've improved quite a bit from previous mixes, though. In particular, for all the issues I have with the guitar sequencing it was really done pretty well. There are some nice details there, it just needs some adjusting to sound more natural and more in tune with the mood of the song. As for the other parts, try experimenting with other instruments as well. In a recent arrangement/cover I did - of a vocal song as well - I opted to record an acoustic guitar for much of the background instead of the electric guitar used in the original, and it changed the tone of the song without changing much about the song. Little details like that can go a long ways in making the song your own while staying true to the original. Overall not bad work.
  23. Nothing but bad games today. First game was defending Anubis. Team decided to sit back and guard the objective that has 20 different flanking points instead of guarding the single chokepoint archway at the start. Next round attacking the enemy team has a Bastion, a Symettra, TWO Torbs, Zenyatta and Reinhardt. Couldn't break their defenses because they were building turrets faster than we could take them out and they only had one passage to worry about. Next match there was an angry Russian guy calling us noobs and telling us to go fuck our mothers all match. I think he was dissatisfied with our performance or something but I couldn't tell with all the insults and his terrible accent. And after he finally left he was replaced with what sounded like an angry white guy calling us whiny little bitches and complaining about how bad his team is. Each of those matches I had astoundingly low eliminations/objective kills(like, 5<) and yet still got a gold medal. So overall a fun day.
  24. Yeah, I believe Blizzard outright said that the kill cam is wrong, which makes me wonder why they included them to begin with. I notice it a lot because I'm always dash-dodging with Genji only to watch myself stand there while Hanzo shoots an arrow with a hitbox the size of a semi-truck at me. You can run a custom game at a higher tickrate, and supposedly they plan to use a 60 tickrate for competitive. PC or console? The highlights menu saves your last 5 Play of the Games(only yours), and on PS4 at least you can simply use the Share button to record it and save it. I'd assume it's an easier thing to do on PC. Not sure how Xbox handles it.
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