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Everything posted by Hale-Bopp

  1. Yo, Malcos, are you gonna re-link to the entries in your first post? As it stands, there's no way for anyone to grab the tracks. Any new people visiting this thread won't have anything to listen to, that is unless they happen to find my previous post.
  2. Thanks, everyone! I had a lot of fun with this track. This is my first time winning an online competition, so I'm abundantly overjoyed to say the least. I took the liberty of uploading a newer version of my entry. I thought everyone should know which entry was mine, so you can grab it right here: Knuckles Chaotix - Over Ocean's Blue - By Malcos & Hale-Bopp (NEWER VERSION) and Lyrics I basically just tightened a few things up production-wise and retagged the MP3. I hope you dig it! Thanks to Malcos for generously providing prizes and an excellent backing track which was perfectly suited for vocals, and to the rest of the contestants who maintained a positive and easy going atmosphere throughout the competition. It's been a pleasure sharing this moment in time with you guys.
  3. I just scored a 187 in Tanks! Man, that little game is so addictive.
  4. ugh, reading about stuff like this makes me practically sick to my stomach. It's probably every musician's worst nightmare, to come home one night or whatever and find that all of your stuff is gone. Then it goes beyond that, because all of his work is on the comps that were taken. I sincerely hope this guy is able to track down the thieves. Whatever happens, this is something that everyone in every music community can learn something from, at the very least. I'm really liking this community project of his too. It'll be interesting to see how it pans out. I hope it works well. I'm betting it will.
  5. Anyone hear from EgM on his track? I remember catching a WIP something like 3 years ago and really liking where he was going with it.
  6. My votes are in! I'd also like to know how long the voting process lasts.
  7. SB, glad you dig my work. Thanks for the kind words. Dang, only 4 participants this time around. I was sure there'd be some last minute entries. This will be fun though! Too bad we can't comment on each other's work. Like SB said, it's gonna be really quiet around here. Anyhow, again, good luck everyone! I really look forward to listening/voting.
  8. SEX. SEX. SEX. This track is overflowing with it. I so cannot wait to go roadtripping with this. Very nice work. Very hot. On a side note: djpretzel, I wonder if the metal version you heard at magfest was that of the DoD entry by Tackle created for Mario month back in July of '05.
  9. THIS ROCKS! Can't wait to hear more of this! That's all I gotta say.
  10. Sweet, more entries! I was hoping for a decent turnout.
  11. My entry is submitted. Good luck, everyone!
  12. weird, I dream about djpretzel every day.
  13. haha, this is beyond awesome. I like the look he gives when he's like "k, you can cut the drums NOW PLEASE".
  14. That sucks. Hope you and your computer get better soon! I wonder how everyone else is doing with their entry...
  15. So far, so good. Unless my DAW gives me trouble, I'm in.
  16. Dear OneUps, please please please please pleeeeeeease come to Wisconsin! k, thanks.
  17. Congrats! I, too, am engaged and shall be joining the ranks of the newly united before too long. Can't say when that'll be exactly since we're still working on immigration stuff. Probably within a couple of months though! Good times.
  18. Fun remix! This reminds me a lot of my own Tron I/O club remix that I made a while back for Stepmania. Cheesy, catchy, infectious and upbeat. Every once in a while, I just need to let loose and get my DDR groove on, so I'm throwing this into the collective pot of solid gold that I carry around for such occasions. I admire remixers that dare to take material in directions otherwise not considered by anyone else. Kudos to you.
  19. haha, those could be fun though! If you're up to it, take some pics of yourself using them so we can see what they look like. I think if I had some extra cash, I'd probably geek out if I saw them and make a purchase myself.
  20. oh, just doing stuff
  21. How's everyone doing around these parts?
  22. mmmmm, Gerudo dessert
  23. I have a whole bunch of melodies and lyrics written for this already. I really got into it over the past few days. I can't say for sure yet whether or not I'll enter the contest though. My hardware is still on the fritz.
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