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Everything posted by Hale-Bopp

  1. You may want to try applying a noise gate somewhere in the recording chain to help mask the computer noise, if you find that the hum is still there, or if you just need a break from performing in the closet. I think you'll find it a worthy investment if you don't already have one.
  2. I decided to go with the Audiofire 8 and so far no regrets! 5.8ms of latency at 44.1k and 2.4ms at 96k is pretty decent for a firewire device, I must say. It's certainly a lot better than what I had with my last sound card.
  3. Very, very rocking! I loved it when I first heard it in DoD and I still crank it up now and again when I'm feeling stressed out and need to let loose. This is the kind of remix that could make anyone feel victorious just listening to it. It's inspiring in that sense. That mandolin rules.
  4. that bottle game is annoying
  5. It's their annual buy 2 get 1 free sale I think. Didn't the sale end yesterday? My TRU's here told me the sale ran through to Oct. 28, which is why I took advantage of it when I could. I picked up Downhill Jam, Nanostray and Magical Starsign. I might just sell the last one on ebay or even return it.
  6. Finishing that game was one of the most satisfying gaming experiences ever.
  7. What the heck are you blabbering on about?
  8. Tony Hawk's Downhill Jam: 2706-6519-8097 This game rocks. \m/ I especially enjoy downloading other people's runs and watching the replays. There's so much to do online, it's crazy. This game is oozing with gameplay options.
  9. I got the watermelon chair in a letter from Nintendo today. The letter says something about tomorrow being the last day of the Acorn Festival. I guess that's the letter that's been getting around. Weird.
  10. As it stands now, I plan on skipping on purchasing the Wii this year so that I can purchase more DS games that I want coming up. My list of most wanted DS games includes: 1) Magical Starsign 2) FFIII 3) Tony Hawk's Downhill Jam 4) Diddy Kong Racing 5) DS Air 6) Elite Beat Agents I'd like to maybe snag some older games off ebay too like WarioWare Touched and possibly Nanostray.
  11. Sure enough! "30-Day 100% Satisfaction Guarantee Applies On This Item " Can't go wrong there, especially with free shipping. Awesome.
  12. Well, it seems like somewhat of a crapshoot then as far as compatibility goes. That is unless I do a lot of research and find out if what I'm about to purchase is compatible with all of my computer's components. Even then you never know until you try something out, right? With that in mind, does anyone know if zzounds or other online retailers offer returns with no hassles if their customers discover that the equipment they bought and tried out simply isn't compatible with their setup? I'm leaning towards going with the Audiofire 8, but I'm not 100% on it yet. Argh, decisions.
  13. I'm actually more concerned about firewire's reliability and performance, though I know that varies from brand to brand. I'm also hoping more people who went the route of firewire audio will respond with their thoughts.
  14. Good deal! I'm hearing mostly good things about Echo products lately. Wow, great find there. That's definitely some interesting insight. I wonder what other audio card companies think of PCIe now.
  15. So, I'm in the market for a new pro/semi-pro soundcard and with all the research I've done, I can't seem to decide what I'm better off with, a firewire unit or a breakout unit that connects to a PCI card. Anyone know if there's a major or minor difference in reliability? latency issues? CPU overload? anything to take into consideration one way or another? I know PCI is going out sometime in the future (not sure how soon) and PCIe is coming, but how soon and does it really matter? Like, will we see PCIe pro soundcards within the next year? I'm guessing not, but I don't know. Well, anyways. I'm looking at either the Echo Layla 3G or the Echo Audiofire 8. I welcome any other suggestions as well from experienced pro card users. Any thoughts? Thanks.
  16. Very nice, djp! After hearing everything else on this project up to this point and loving every minute of it all, this track is some very tasty icing on the cake. I never thought I'd be at this point myself, being among such great company, making enjoyable music, but here we are. This project (and this track in particular) rocks and that's all there is to it. Thanks again for the props on my song, btw. The feeling is most definitely mutual.
  17. large tee and scrumpets
  18. yes, and for that I apologize. I thought my ears had already picked out everything before I released the track, but I somehow missed it. I'm somewhat of a perfectionist, so that sort of thing eats at me. If/when the day comes, I'll redo some tracks on there for an official OCR submission...and next time I won't be using a computer that's nearly a decade old and can barely keep up with things.
  19. Merry C******** to you too, Mr. Taucer.
  20. I'm about to make some of you feel a little bit better about yourselves. I didn't start remixing, or for that matter, I didn't even touch MIDI until I was about 26 years old. That was in late 2002. Even then, I wouldn't call my creations back then full remixes. They were more like experiments which I played around with while I got used to the idea of making music on my computer. I don't think I made a remix I cared to share with anyone until much later. Good times though. So yeah, it's never too late to begin enjoying a hobby like this. Although when you're as old as I am, it sometimes takes a little bit longer to finish what you started, heh. Or maybe that's just me.
  21. D'oh! I can't believe I missed that. I'd go back and fix it, but I lost my latest build of the song due to a recent HD crash. The backup I have is old compared to how much work I got done on the latest version. Ah well, live and learn.I appreciate the constructive criticism a ton! The areas I need to improve in seem to be things I repeat with each new song I create, so I'll be applying what I know now to my next remix. Anyways, I'm glad you guys are digging the song. rock on. \m/
  22. djp's vocals are perfectly suited for this style of music, while Taucer's guitar work is spot on as usual, just like in everything I've heard that he's done so far. I'm digging the down-home simplicity of the song overall. It's got the kind of tenderness and well being that you look for in a song like this. Good job, you two.
  23. Thanks for listening, you guys. It only gets better from here!
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