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Everything posted by Hale-Bopp

  1. As mentioned, pretty much any Pixar movie looks amazing on blu-ray. Ratatouille is the best I've seen yet. It's almost scary how crystal clear and detailed everything looks in HD. The OCD in me is pleased.
  2. Guys, just wait until the Hard Rain campaign. Trust me, I feel the same way as you. The demo is not scary or creepy or haunting or what have you and I miss that a lot. But Hard Rain looks pretty damn freaky. Watch some videos on youtube if you need re-assurance. Hopelessness and despair will prevail!
  3. Also, the middle part of that highway is supposed to be broken open with a semi hanging down through it. At least that's how it looked every single time I played through the demo.
  4. RIP Geocities. There goes my "Tron MIDI Sector" and "Scarface MIDIs" pages. I am sad.
  5. Wow, this mix really hits home. Big time. Brilliant stuff, bro.
  6. That'll be on the 'yeah baby' re-remix.
  7. I think I've been waiting for something like this ever since Castle of Illusion.
  8. We really should have traded places. I probably shouldn't be rapping now that I really think about it. Oh well, too late!
  9. I hope everyone digs my rapping. I've never rapped before, so I just improvised all over the track. I kept the first take cuz it was the best. I'm a pretty good rapper considering how white I am!
  10. I just started this. Is it just me or is this the longest tutorial ever?? Also, I just lol'd hard at Lexaeus bitch slapping Roxas out of nowhere before his training. Hilarious. edit: whoa, I just tried a limit break. Bad ass! The action is very smooth for a DS game.
  11. Cool track! Very chillin' and then very rockin'. It's epic! This track has everything I love most about music. DKC has been treated well here.
  12. I've been using EZ Drummer for some time now. I love it for what it is. I don't really care that it doesn't have all the articulations I'd ever want. It just does its job so well, that I don't have to worry about my kit sounding good. The MIDI library is a bonus and a half. You can edit anything you want, so there's no real reason to cry about using preset anything. So yeah, I'm gonna have a look see at this new EZX once it arrives. For now, I remain hooked on the Nashville kit, my current rock kit of choice. Oooh, how I love it.
  13. Loooooooove this. Absolutely brilliant, playful, story-like and fresh all the way through.
  14. *highfive*
  15. Level 3-7: Summon a helicopter and get inside of it. Fly over and hover above the cow. Then summon a rope. Attach one end of the rope to the bottom of the copter and the other end to the cow. Fly up and carry the cow back to the left side of the screen as far as you can go. While you're doing this, the cars will drive on ahead and a starite will appear. You'll also get a nice -1 for your Par.
  16. How appropriate would it be if an admin took the 's' out of your name?
  17. Good thing too, because this game is quite delicious! I can't put it down. Some of the puzzles are maddening, but they really make you think and challenge your imagination to the fullest extent. It's weird to find out how your brain thinks when you're trying to come up with random stuff to help you out when nothing else works. Like summoning some blobs to hold down some switches while I make my way to the starite. Would I have thought to do that in any other game? Nuh-uh. Only the most imaginative gamers will get the most out of this game and love it when they do.
  18. Neat mix from a delightful game! I recognized the melody right away at :40. Glad to see this game get a mix!
  19. Wow, those sound like some bad ass systems. I don't think I will be able to afford anything like that anytime soon, actually. Nice to know what's best though.
  20. What would one expect to pay nowadays for a relatively decent PC that can handle all these wonderful Steam games, including newer ones like L4D2? /PC gaming n00b
  21. I love my Dreamcast!
  22. I'm picking it up tomorrow. Send me a friend request if you want a singer. I only own a microphone, so that's all I'll be doing is singing my heart out. Getting some harmonies going would be pretty sweet if anyone else has a mic.
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