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Everything posted by Hale-Bopp

  1. We're going and we're definitely planning on being there for the OneUps show!
  2. VOCR: Vocal Remixing Competition (Rock Edition) Hello, and welcome to ocremix's 3rd vocal remixing competition! This time around we’re switching things up a bit and introducing a rock song for those of you out there who have always dreamed of being a rock star. Fame, glitter and glamour awaits… --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RESULTS 1st Place - "Rock The World" by Phillip Spear & David Guillot (22 Points) 2nd Place - "Solid Liquid Separation" by Noah & Kroze (15 Points) 3rd Place - "Text Message" by DragonAvenger (12 Points) 4th - "Ode to Medical Student" by Swordbreaker (5 Points) 5th - "Why Is It?" by CN (0 Points) Lyrics: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 Congrats to all for participating and to Phillip and David for their winning entry! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Voting: Once the competition closes and the tracks have been hosted, voting shall commence! All entrants must participate as well, in the spirit of comradery, and cannot vote on their own mix (duh). Everyone will choose their top three entries, listing them in order from most favorite to least favorite, and PM their votes to me. Only OCR members with at least 20 forum posts may vote, in order to avoid spam voting. #1 choices will receive three points, #2 choices two, and #3 choices one. Make sense? We won't actually be rating the mixes on each of the following criteria, but I ask that you keep these things in mind while you vote: Creativity (personal flair, interesting harmonies, original lyrics, etc) Vocal execution (pitch, rhythm, confidence, etc) Production (bad/hissy recordings, dry mixing, mastering, etc) Also, feel free to write a review to go along with your top 3 votes. At the end of voting and once the results are displayed, each contestant will receive, by PM, any reviews that may have been written for their entry. We want to reward people for getting out there, even if they think their singing could use some improvement. Please don't be afraid to enter. Everyone is welcome to join in on the fun. Now...LET'S ROCK! Round 3: Mercury Meltdown arrangement by Hale-Bopp Track info: (BPM = 106) Here are the rules: You must use my instrumental track for the background. The track may not be changed— only added upon with your vocals and effects, or spliced if you're going for an a cappella section. Create your own melodies. Original melodies and harmonies are applauded. Show everyone what you got! You can write original lyrics or sing without words. It’s up to you! Additionally, if you'd like to sing with lyrics but can't think of any, you may collaborate with someone else so long as you give them credit. No borrowing from other sources unless you run it by me first. Texts for songs with lyrics must be included in the email to me. And if your song is in a foreign language, an English translation is required. Effects are more than welcome, but the main vocals may not be vocoded. Auto-pitch correction will be allowed for the time being; nobody's perfect, and we don't want this compo to focus too much on raw singing talent, when there are plenty of other factors that contribute to a good vocal mix. Just don’t overdo it! Entries: All entries are due by 9:00 pm EST on Tuesday, September 2nd. That's about a month from now. Plenty of time for you and plenty of time for me to go to PAX and come back just in time to host the entries. MP3 submissions should be tagged with an original song title of your choice and sent to - email deleted - and may be hosted online or included as an attachment. Please include “VOCR” somewhere in the subject. If you send me your track well before the deadline and then decide you wanna make some changes, that's totally cool. It's never too late to send again before the round closes. DO NOT post your track in this thread, however! We don't want anyone to "draw inspiration" from your original ideas, and plus... more suspense. . All entrants are to remain anonymous until voting has ended and the results have been posted. At the end of the month, I will host all of the tracks on my website and edit the first post for everyone to see.
  3. My request still stands! I can handle the gagging part. Not that I'm speaking from experience or anything...not that there's anything wrong with that.
  4. I met BGC at magfest too! He offered me totally non-gay hugs and it felt pretty nice.
  5. ooooh, this is my request as well. Also, I'd specifically like to see the process involved in getting a final mix to sound loud. I have this problem where all my mixes sound quieter than I want them to sound. I can't seem to grasp how to fix that. Perhaps a visual presentation would help me out.
  6. happy b-day, djp! It was awesome meeting you at magfest and I'm sorry we didn't get to hang out in some way or another. hope to see you again next mag!
  7. Well, my thoughts are that they've already ensnared the casual audience. Those people are sold. They bought their Wiis or are already planning on getting one. So with that in mind, why not take it up a notch and give those people and the rest of us who do in fact enjoy casual and hardcore games and have already had their fill of Wii Sports, something with a bit more meat? Maybe Resort will surprise us, but I'm not holding my breathe, considering that what I saw at their conference was kind of underwhelming. I am however really excited about the possibilities of 1:1 motion control with games. I wish they had taken their time demonstrating that with the sword fighting, instead of flailing their arms everywhere. It's hard to tell just how accurate the 1:1 motion was. I also would like to see head tracking integrated into games within the next year, hopefully sooner than later. While this holiday season may not be everything I would personally hope for, I'm gonna try my best and practice patience and maybe even have a little faith that some developers out there, including Nintendo themselves, will fully deliver the goods on the things I mentioned above during this generation of gaming, instead of holding out for the next one.
  8. AC:WW, for all its potential, bored me to tears. That being said, this game doesn't look much different, so you can bet I won't be getting it. I'm just disappointed that there isn't more to these games. I guess I'm not part of the targeted audience though, so there's that to think about.
  9. The thing that concerns me is how overly casual some of Nintendo's games are getting on the Wii. For instance, Wii Music is looking much more like a showcase demo of what the system can do, as opposed to being a game that will engage players for hours and hours. The impression I get is that games like this and Wii Sports Resort are more like Electroplankton in that they're a neat little toy that distracts you for a few moments, but that's about it.
  10. Anyone remember when Brawl was announced at the end of E3 last year? There's still hope...
  11. Congrats and welcome to the club! Whoa, awesome. I take it you got the whole visa thing worked out ok then? I remember you asking me about it last year.
  12. SSX3. For my tastes, it's the perfect video game "vacation" getaway from daily life. It's also loaded with replay value.
  13. Awesome mix. Production is scary good. The Gods of All Things That Rock are grinning maniacally down upon you, musicalman. Also, Dave's write ups are perfectly Solid as usual. (sorry)
  14. Girls love Mario Kart and Mario Kart DS is the best game ever, so there you go.
  15. heh, both of my mixes on this site started out as DoD submissions. DoD simply has a way of motivating people to work with their instrument of choice. Pretty cool thing.
  16. I never won being a shield camp whore. I know, I've tried.
  17. happy birthday, needs to stop!
  18. Just last weekend I went to the Midwest Gaming Classic and played the original home version of Pong for the first time in over 25 years. Now...someone try telling me how old you feel.
  19. I have it. So far I've gotten through 2 chapters. The action (mostly hacking/slashing) is neat. The rest is mostly fluff. The pre-rendered backgrounds look neat, but since you can't really interact with them, they're just kinda there. I've never been a fan of pre-rendered backgrounds. Talking to other characters is sort of generic, but I didn't really expect much there anyways. Platforming is kept at an absolute minimum. So far, I've only battled on large, flat areas. Not sure what else to say about it. I think I need more time with the game before I pass any real judgment on it. I'm still waiting for it to get exciting. I hope it does.
  20. I'm kind of in the same boat as Protoype, so I'd like to know more about this as well.
  21. Takero, just check out his myspace page for artwork. There's plenty to choose from there. I used the first image on my ipod for the album. Speaking of artwork, that new piece he posted by Andrew Wilson is sextacular. Totally awesome. MM forever!
  22. I can say that I'm somewhat excited. I played the demo and thought it was ok, but I'm waiting for the real meat and potatoes of the game to see if it's as good as I'm hoping it'll be. I have it pre-ordered at Gamestop's website, so I'll just wait for it to show up at my doorstep.
  23. Fantastic! I like this addition.
  24. Well, I just got back from pre-paying at gamestop and signing my wife up for the tournament. Should be fun!
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