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Everything posted by Airwalker

  1. My only wish is that the United States legislative branch would see it that way as well.
  2. After having watched the preview at least once daily due to my roommate, I must say 300 met my expectations from the preview. However, I wish I had not seen the preview as many times as I did. It pushed my expectations too high; to the point they could not be exceeded by what the film did. Still, I am sooo buying this as soon as it comes out to DVD. I'd also watch it again if a friend feels like going to it.
  3. Youth crime has gone way down--that's certainly a fact. The cause of that decline is heavily debated. Why, I even read a chapter in a book (Freakonomics) that made an argument that abortion was the cause of decline. Or there are likely many other less controversial theories. It doesn't mean video games caused the decline--that would use the same pathetic logic that links video games to school shootings, bum beatings, and other illegal activities swarmed over in the news today. It doesn't even really mean video games don't cause violence--what if it would be even lower otherwise? (I, of course, disagree with such the video game-violence link.) But the fact youth crime is down over the past decade does fly in the face of a video game-violence link.
  4. Considering how Miis are becoming integral characters almost by themselves, I could certainly see them coming to Smash Brothers.
  5. I believe it was an Op-ed piece on IGN that was talking about Wii Channels--but I read a good idea that I hope they implement. On the calendar, they should have official release dates for future Wii games, events and VC games listed there as soon as they can. It would be nice to have a direct source without all the rumor mills directly on my Wii.
  6. Wow. I just got back from Target. I went there for other reasons, but I came home with a Wii controller and a nunchuk that were sitting innocently on the shelf. So, now I have acquired two extra wii-motes in one day just stumbling on to both coincidently, whereas my weeks of hunting and calling every place in the phonebook have turned up nothing. (Going to sell one to my brother.)
  7. Looking for a Wii controller? Amazon has them in stock. As in, right now! It also says they have nunchuks in stock. (EDIT: Amazon has only 3 of these left at retail price.) I told myself I was gonna wait to find Wii Play with the remote at retail price, but this just seemed a little too urgent.
  8. You need a component to VGA adapter for the best results. But, I can't seem to find one that goes in that direction. Most of them go the other way--so you can connect an HDTV to a computer.
  9. This underscores all of the reasons why I came to love this site in the beginning and since. You would listen to and love it without knowing the origins, yet a universal nostalgia is interlaced everywhere and really lays the foundation. This is a powerful piece. Now, where is my copy of Super Mario World?
  10. Well, I've played with one of those. I got a mac laptop hooked up to the Nintendo Wifi dongle, but not using the program that comes with it. You have to hack it to use SoftAP. But, even then I had some trouble--the hacked dongle kept crashing my computer if I had it plugged in at boot-up, and it would stop working after 10 minutes. So, my roommate and I just decided to go with a wireless router. The dorms have a policy against them, but I think I got it set up just right... one month and counting without them disabling it.
  11. I agree. Still, Diddy Kong Racing was all I played with my friends the entire summer my fifth grade year. That and Starfox 64. So, even though they messed it up, it still brings back the memories.
  12. The sad thing is it is really easy for Nintendo to fix this, so I wouldn't rely on it. Just make a system update and combine it with some new channel--and make it required to buy a VC game. Poof, away goes the trick. It almost makes you long for the days of consoles that weren't part of a network. Silly restrictions to begin with anyway.
  13. Perhaps that was a qualifier that I missed. In any case, most of these games are hard to find anyway. You can't find Advance Wars DS that easily now. And honestly--there may have been one copy of the Collector's Edition of Elder Scrolls laying around in one store in a remote city and that's the only way it made the list.
  14. Employees at Best Buy can't buy anything on the clock or in uniform, as far as I understand it from a friend who used to work there.
  15. Whenever I am driving I have to remind myself there is no reset button. Just high insurance premiums.
  16. Wii outsells PS3 and Xbox 360 in January. Of course, we all know this is just a fad, of course. And, Nintendo just isn't making enough Wii's compared to Sony's PS3's--that's the only reason why you can't find Wiis anywhere. It's all just an illusion. This is merely further propoganda.
  17. Say "hello" to the Missus for me.
  18. EDIT: Oops. I broke the walls of the thread. Here's the link instead. http://www.uploadit.biz/uploads/images/emrocamariolanddesktop3oe4sg39677.jpg </thread>
  19. I'm personally waiting to snatch up Mario Party 8 in the short term.
  20. What else did you really expect to be parading in your Mii Parade--especially with many friends? For instance, my brother back home and I both have a Wii, so we set almost all our creations to mingle. Or my friend has a Wii as well, so we have our own friends made. I'd assume this may be the case with other people's family and friends. Of course I have some funny guys and celebrities/idols I set on mingle. But if those are the only ones you want to see, I doubt you'll ever get your wish. There's more to Miis than just that. There are just things you're going to be out of the loop on.
  21. I remember everybody talking about that for a few weeks. Then it simply died down. People got used to the features.
  22. That's something I find odd considering how little work is put into releasing VC games. The only thing I could see getting in the way is red tape, such as having to get the game rated by the ESRB. (Re-rated?) Plus, working with the original creators of third party games to get them released. Beyond that, they're simply stretching the games they have to have a continuous stream of "releases".
  23. Considering the Wii is always shown standing up, the Wii logo is vertical, and the Wii comes with a stand to hold it upright, I think that's how Nintendo wants you to hold it. Though, I'm sure a horizontal position wouldn't hurt it since it has nobs on one side that look like they'd sit on a counter. Anyhow, I hope they pick my poll question: Who would win in a fight? 1) tyrannosaurus rex 2) Brad Pitt
  24. I was excited when I heard they came out with a new channel. I was disappointed when I read about what it was.
  25. Perhaps updating VC games just involves deleting the the game and redownloading it since you get unlimited redownloads.
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