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Everything posted by Moguta

  1. LOL. I'll never think of the Federation Cruiser the same way. Thanks! Just beat Normal mode for the first time, using the Fed Cruiser. I think it's one of the better ships, especially with a maxed artillery beam. Guaranteed hull dicing is always a plus, no matter what other weapons you lucked upon. Been trying to master the Rock Cruiser, but I keep running out of missiles. Or just never running across any substantial missile-less weapons. Or accidentally beaming over the Engi who just fixed the damn teleporter, instead of evacing my eviscerated Mantis warriors. Ooops.
  2. Love the new Advanced Edition enhancements! Not only can you send all crew back to their stations with a single button press, but those crewmembers are also colored differently so you can tell them apart just by looking. Oh, and you start out with the new race's ship by default! And I haven't even begun to mess around with the new weapons & systems yet.
  3. Hope to catch this. Prolly gonna miss, though, helping my sis shop computahs. So sad.
  4. Looking forward to the sight of my revolutionary new musical expression, "Used Car Candidates 2013.xlsx.mp3", appearing on the front page of OCR. So excite! It's so mind bending, you'll have to redefine new entire new paradigms just to wrap your head around it. I call it... a noizemix!
  5. Links in the remix comments seem to be broken. See Larry's post here: http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR02852 The link URL seems to be appended to the /remix/ path, like so: http://ocremix.org/remix/"http://hunz.bandcamp.com/track/draw-the-line" And nice upgrade. Feels like the remix reviews/comments are a full fledged part of the remix page now.
  6. I love the vocal direction OCU seems to being going in. Zombies on my Lawn was a hilarious smash hit as always. The Zelda rendition was beautiful and heartfelt. Can't wait for that one to make it to CD. Didn't recognize the Silent Hill 2 song, was it underneath the new lyrical melody? Then Guile's Theme, which brilliantly faked us out first with a re-upholstered Red Cyclone before blasting full force into our favorite Air Force family man theme. And Twin Seeds Flyby, complete with Stevo ahh-choir! It was a great time.
  7. Amy, Yes I was joking about the "trans dino" thing. Especially with your Koopa avatar here, I would often misread your name as dinotrans. Hence the dino and trans halves of my attempt at humor. Cool to hear you're delving into electronic music as well. Anyway, I enjoyed the passion infused into Headlines' vocals. ..."they all say the same damn thing"...
  8. Good opportunity to mention: Nice name change. Get frustrated of everyone asking what it's like to be a trans dino? Though the name does conjure a vibe more electronic than acoustic. Cool expressive song. Best art comes about through agony.
  9. Are we using the same GroupMe group as last year? Directed to: Whoever is adding people.
  10. As many others have said -- probably more eloquently -- kudos for giving it a go! Obviously you know your limits, and it's great that you can stop yourself before getting even more flustered. As someone who struggles with social situations, your predicament is all too familiar. And it's encouraging that you recognize that performance as just one step toward breaking out of whatever anxiety or shell holds us back. Keep on keepin' on!
  11. Whoa, I missed this somehow. Thanks for letting us know. Secret of Mana is one of my absolute favorite SNES soundtracks. How Kikuta fit so much emotion into such a tiny box, we may never know, but at least we'll have his and this music.
  12. RIP, friend. Many nights I fall asleep to a relaxing Winamp playlist, knowing that it'll put the PC to sleep immediately after finishing. Anyone know other audio players with this functionality?
  13. Hey, saw you came from Project Majestic Mix back in the day. :D I was Moguta there, did you go by another name on the PMM forums?

  14. Who were you on the Majestic Mix forums?!? This is almost exactly my story! Never really noticed the Overclocked comic like many of you, but I do remember Bart Klepka's remixes. Got probably the only Daggerfall mix I'll ever hear from his site. Also, I find it awesome that Kaleb Grace helped lead you to OCR, Amy. We both frequented Gamingforce Forums back in the day. I got involved in his awesome Song of the Week when it started, and I've still got a forum-stickied MP3-ripping guide over there (gathering obsolescence as quickly as technology runs past the CD).
  15. zircon's "Full Speed Ahead" just popped up on my phone the other day, and I have to say, this is one cheery well-crafted tune! Surprised to see the mix not on OCR yet (guessing it's either somewhere in the to-post stream or wasn't subbed). Posting aside, I especially adore the nod to Final Fantasy VII's conclusion between 2:00-2:30. He subtly sneaks in an ethereal soundscape at the break, and before you know it the melody morphs into a double-dose of FF nostalgia. Not sure how it passed me by before, but glad this spirit-lift of a song came by again and rapped me on the noggin.
  16. In Western culture and alleging Christianity is offensive. People, plz.
  17. Got my tickets. Should be getting a room soon with mah fellow trunk of a Delawarean, D-Lux.
  18. (Bolded for emphasis) I think your whole post is full of fair points. It's unlikely that Dave or any of OCR intended to de-emphasize the artists, it probably occurred simply from not thinking about YouTube videos from the perspective of an artist wanting to promote their music. Now, I don't post the YouTube descriptions, but this seems to be easily fixable! Every artist has a "homepage" field, so it wouldn't seem difficult to change the artist mention to something like: Seems like a positive solution.
  19. This so much. I do occasionally find myself enjoying LoL (and DotA 2), but the learning cliff is just brutal. And for someone with a lot less free time than when he was 14, I really prefer NOT to nosedive 100% into a game where being good demands memorizing the hazards & heels of a hundred foes. Even if the douchey atmosphere has toned down. If you're gonna make a game that complex, could I get at least a memorable plotline to go along? But LoL is fun for the occasional romp, as long as I don't entertain becoming anywhere near "pro".
  20. Niiiiice Anamanaguchi chiptune-fusion vibe. Lovin' it! virt, how you so freakishly good?
  21. So much agreement. Just because men have possessed the obvious power benefits does not mean that there is no benefit to being a woman. For example, men also tend to occupy the lowest rungs of power, too. Most homeless are male. And society tells women that every one of them is valuable, while a man is NOTHING unless he can make something of himself.
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