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Wassup Thunder

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  1. Like
    Wassup Thunder reacted to APZX in MnP Round 128 - Spooktober Special!   
    I feel that I need to provide a bit more explanation to my submission. At least some of the backstory. See, originally I had done some work with my chosen theme, and because I was a bit bored I threw up Ghosts n' Goblins and just tried to be silly with it. And at this point I was basically done with my take on Spinal's Theme. At this point I just decided to give a more thorough listen to the sources and listened to the Castlevania pick. Again purely for the funzies I opted to do a bit of a minor remix. Really, just a cover that I decided to make a bit silly.
    It was at this point, I thought that it would be fun to add some spoken word elements to these three to try and sort of thematically link them together. At least in a really loose sense. So, I went to the interwebs looking for Halloween appropriate poems or short stories. Then I remembered about creepypastas, and then went down that rabbit hole. At this point in time I ran into Candle Cove, and I thought to myself, "You know? This could actually be a lot of fun!". So, the next morning I sat down with my mic and recorded the entirety of my Candle Cove take. I tried to just take bits & pieces that initially worked, but it always felt like it was just missing something. It was at this point I made the terrible mistake to try and fit every source together in a loose framework based around creepypasta. To me there are a few outliers that I just could not make work, but without all the sources there was really no way to make to creepypasta work in a reasonably flowing manner. So, I do agree with you @The Vodoú Queen that Concrete Canyon is way out of place, but I really could not think of a decent place to put it nor could I think of a way to do a remix that would have really placed it well either. The best way I could think to do it was to try and loosely link it to the bit about the main villain and the skin. So, that is the reason for the sore thumb, but at the end of the day I like to think of that track as more of the calm before the storm as it were thematically. In the sense that you've got some werewolves going around having fun before things start getting too real.
    And really, I did this mainly, purely, and just because I can. It was meant to be something different. Something that you just put on and think to yourself, "What did I just listen to?"
  2. Like
    Wassup Thunder reacted to H36T in MnP Round 128 - Spooktober Special!   
    Nooo I forgot about the time difference. Uhh is there any way to get my vote in still? 
    Edit: if not, I can just post my feedback here and disqualify myself this round. I think you were pretty generous with the deadlines and it's my fault for waiting to the last minute. It's all for fun and feedback anyway! 
  3. Haha
    Wassup Thunder got a reaction from The Vodoú Queen in PRC436 - I Am A Remixer (Mystical Ninja Goemon)   
    *Glances at headset's microphone* ? This is a professional piece of equipment, right?? I can just click "record" in FL studio and it'll magic my voice into the music, right? Can I even pronounce Japanese??? I may need to find a karaoke version...
  4. Like
    Wassup Thunder reacted to TheVideoGamer in PRC436 - I Am A Remixer (Mystical Ninja Goemon)   
    This is a pretty funny source, i gotta admit. I think i might stick to the backing track lol.
    Fun to see what i will come up with.
  5. Like
    Wassup Thunder reacted to studionimbus in PRC436 - I Am A Remixer (Mystical Ninja Goemon)   
    Everyone has to sing ?? this will be fun!
  6. Like
    Wassup Thunder got a reaction from Souperion in PRC436 - I Am A Remixer (Mystical Ninja Goemon)   
    NANI?! IMPACTU?!?! Dang, man, listening to this made me giggle. Oh man, what ever will I do to this?
  7. Like
    Wassup Thunder reacted to TheVideoGamer in MnP Round 128 - Spooktober Special!   
    I voted.
  8. Haha
    Wassup Thunder got a reaction from TheVideoGamer in PRC436 - I Am A Remixer (Mystical Ninja Goemon)   
    NANI?! IMPACTU?!?! Dang, man, listening to this made me giggle. Oh man, what ever will I do to this?
  9. Like
    Wassup Thunder reacted to Souperion in PRC436 - I Am A Remixer (Mystical Ninja Goemon)   
    Eh heh, heh heh, nope. But this song begets some quite fun ideas for arrangement.
  10. Like
    Wassup Thunder reacted to Bundeslang in PRC436 - I Am A Remixer (Mystical Ninja Goemon)   
    The People's Remix Competition 436

    Hello everyone and Welcome to the People's Remix Competition!
    In PRC434 it was Studionimbus.org who got his second win a a row. The source has been selected..
    Source: Mystical Ninja Goemon (N64) - I Am Impact
    The deadline is Wednesday December 1st 2021 at 10:59 am ThaSauce time (18:00 UTC, 19:00 GMT), check the link https://compo.thasauce.net/rounds/view/prc436 for the exact time left. Make sure that the song is uploaded to ThaSauce or that there’s a download link posted in this thread. 
    You may enter as many mixes as you like and work with as many people as you like on each mix. You are free to create a second ThaSauce account for that if you use ThaSauce, it's needed to be able to upload a second remix if you use ThaSauce. Of course you can also upload it somewhere else and put a download link in this thread.
    Do not make qualitative comments on an entry until the results of the vote have been posted in this thread.
    Mixers cannot vote for themselves but if they vote they receive a free first place vote added onto their score.
    The winner of this round may select the source for PRC439.
    Studionimbus.org can enter with a bonus song and has a double vote.
    You can find the full rules list at this page as well.
    PRC Home Page
  11. Like
    Wassup Thunder reacted to Souperion in PRC435 - The Challenge To Not Only Remix Seymour (Final Fantasy X)   
    Got my vote in. If I'd known that we'd have a SNES and Genesis remix of this song, I woulda tried some 8bit stuff just for thematics.
  12. Like
    Wassup Thunder reacted to TheVideoGamer in PRC435 - The Challenge To Not Only Remix Seymour (Final Fantasy X)   
    I'd just mentioned that in my vote, and when i went to tell everyone, you had written about it lol, a strange coincidence.
    If you'd had made a NES tune, the cycle would be complete lol.
    Anyways, i've voted!
  13. Like
    Wassup Thunder reacted to Rozovian in An OverClocked Christmas v.XV   
    How do I put this...
    I would love to do a Christmas tune for a twelfth year in a row but that seems like an awfully big lift for me. ?  We shall see.
  14. Like
    Wassup Thunder reacted to Seth Skoda in An OverClocked Christmas v.XV   
    I got one finished so far. Sending it by PM, as I'm not uploading it anywhere public until late next month.
    Also, sorry about last year. A certain individual in my life really dragged me down without me even realizing it until it was too late.
  15. Like
    Wassup Thunder reacted to LostOmens in The Newbie Introduction Thread: Come on in and say hello!   
    Hello everyone, I'm Damian and I'm super excited to join this community! I happened to find out about OC Remix on Youtube many years ago, when I first listened the Fire Cross Final Fantasy OC Remix by Luiza and the Purple Heart OC Remix by goat. They were actually some of the first songs that inspired me to want to play guitar and make video game music arrangements.
    I was finally able to afford an 8-string electric guitar almost one year ago, and have been learning to play alongside learning music theory to be able to understand why I feel so moved when listening to certain music. My next goals (music-wise) are to cover some of my favorite songs and to turn some ideas into full songs. My favorite bands in recent years have been Animals as Leaders, Avenged Sevenfold and ALI PROJECT.
    Video games I've been playing lately and have been amazed by the OSTs are Advance Wars: Days of Ruin, Nier Replicant Remastered, and Atelier Ayesha.
    Besides being involved in music, I love to read (all kinds of genres, but mainly history, philosophy, and economics). I also love playing hide and seek with my cat Ophilia. ?
    I'm still very new to navigating around this site, but it looks like there's so much content to look into and explore! Thanks for having me and I am looking forward to meeting you all over time! ?
  16. Like
    Wassup Thunder got a reaction from TheVideoGamer in PRC435 - The Challenge To Not Only Remix Seymour (Final Fantasy X)   
    Dang, this song is hoppin'! That rock organ tho. Makes me kinda wish I played past FF9 now. This'll be real fun to work with.
  17. Like
    Wassup Thunder reacted to TheVideoGamer in PRC435 - The Challenge To Not Only Remix Seymour (Final Fantasy X)   
    Thanks for all your help! This is obviously an unusual system error, than a late error. I might message the mods at the discord, should this problem continue.
  18. Like
    Wassup Thunder reacted to TheVideoGamer in MnP Round 128 - Spooktober Special!   
    Welcome to the Voting Stage!
    There are 8 entries this round. There is 0 Bonus entry(s) this round There IS no voter bonus this round! Nobody has a vote worth 2x.  When Voting, if possible, avoid granting 1:1 covers top spot.  MnP requires a bit of remixage after all.   Don't vote for Bonus entries please.  Do let me know if you have problems voting, and we can sort something out. Try and not make any comments about each entrant until after voting has concluded. Thanks! Participants may not vote for themselves.  The winner of this round, will join the winner of the last round, in a Double Dose source off, for MnP129 Vote ends 16th November 1PM.  
    Vote here: http://compo.thasauce.net/rounds/view/MnP128
  19. Like
    Wassup Thunder reacted to Bundeslang in PRC435 - The Challenge To Not Only Remix Seymour (Final Fantasy X)   
    I did the extension to get the song in myself which failed. Good to see it's there. I'll let the 12 hour extension stay, in 12 hours voting will start. I hope problems are fixed.
  20. Like
    Wassup Thunder reacted to TheVideoGamer in PRC435 - The Challenge To Not Only Remix Seymour (Final Fantasy X)   
    Nevermind i got it to work. I think you extended the deadline by 12 hours, which was good for me to get it in. I've never encountered this problem before, but i'm glad i've gotten it in. Hopefully all my ramblings can be dismissed lol. It's all strange indeed.
  21. Thanks
    Wassup Thunder got a reaction from TheVideoGamer in MnP Round 128 - Spooktober Special!   
    Finished my entry and am ready for some spooktober action!
  22. Confused
    Wassup Thunder reacted to TheVideoGamer in PRC435 - The Challenge To Not Only Remix Seymour (Final Fantasy X)   
    I can't seem to upload my entry....
  23. Like
    Wassup Thunder reacted to TheVideoGamer in PRC434 - Racing to the Future (Scorcher)   
    Everything about my absence is explained in the Final Fantasy round, but i just want you to know, i'm still here, and i'm feeling good now. As with the FF round, i too didn't vote for Scorcher, so i'm going to do it here. Great work you guys!
    Before i start with the voting, i want to explain why i think Suburbs is a trance piece (In contrast to what APZX said. Not disagreeing with you, just offering my contrasting thoughts).
    1. To be considered a house track, this would have to be around 120-130bpm. The BPM here is 150.
    2. It's quite a synth heavy tune, with a large amount of bass. Genres like Progressive House are more minimalistic, and relies more on build-ups. This track doesn't
    really have a build-up as such.
    3. The kickdrum is pretty hard hitting, and functions almost like a pulse. I don't focus too much on the kick when i listen to progressive house.
    4. While there is overlap in terms of sound, when you put side-by-side Trance and Prog House, i feel Prog House has close roots to the house genre, so the melodies
    feel less futuristic, and more Jazzy in a way.
    5. It's probably just me, but it just sounds like trance when i listen to it, who knows.
    Again i'm not saying your wrong, it's great that you think differently. However if you are curious as to why i think it's trance, i've made essentially a list of 
    reasons why. As people say "Agree to Disagree". 
    Anyways to the entries:
    studionimbus.org - Great intro, really sets the mood for a science fiction epic. It's also interesting seeing how people have approached this tune, since it's a looping
    based tune, reliant on 1 bar of material stretched for a few seconds/minutes. The structure is almost completely different, it feels like a complete different idea than
    the original, but yet it still sounds like Scorcher. Great drum work and impacts. The drums really get vibing around 1-2 minutes in. The bass and main melody work super
    well it's amazing. The mix is super tight, the kick is really nice done in this one. I also dig you creating more melody to this one, since the original doesn't have
    much of a melody than you think, just looped riff's really. Personally i don't like the vocal samples, they're overused, and i do feel the kick could be more of a dance
    like kick, than a 80's drum machine. But i base than on a more mixing thing, than a sound thing, and honestly it's not a big deal, i feel it works either way. The way
    you've switched the chords is amazing. Like you've really gone out for the harmony, turning simple loops into something magical. It's sooo good. I also really like how
    you still have a bit of a faithful rendition. You didn't go full 180, despite that changes in the arrangement. All in all, some seriously awesome ideas. Well done!
    APZX - Great kick, really nice and full. Super into the bassline, it's very juicy, and fits the vibe perfectly. Love the background ambience, really transforms it form
    a simple trance-ish tune into a very spacious electronic piece. Also like how you followed along the minimalism from the original and made something your own.
    The synth sounds also seem to work very well in this context, it's not too intense, and favours more sparkly atmosphere, than straight forward riff material. It is hard
    to make this sound good in a sense, because you are given 1 bar loops. This is why i like the composition, because it showcases why i love and in a way sort of hate
    90's dance music. They seemed to make simplicity the new effective if you will. Great switch into the chords, doesn't feel jarring or sudden, definately felt necessary.
    The whole mix is really nice, like super nice, i feel you managed to lock into the vibe of the track, it just feels right for you. The only critique i can really 
    suggest, is maybe use more of the main melody, because i feel that was the star of the show, and in this case it's not really used. I also feel your trying to set a
    synth solo/melody to this, which is a lovely idea, but i feel it get's masked, more as a background sound/instrument. I also kind of feel like that when the whole track
    does climax into a big build-up and drop. Every sound is fighting for a spot, there's no unity, so i can't tell what instrument should be the star, which should support
    it, which should provide the low end. That's really all i have. The track itself though again is super nice, and definately plays to your strengths. I love the synth
    sounds a lot, the drums fit well with the genre, and the arrangement kept me interested throughout. Well done!
    Wassup Thunder - This one is a more closer to home, and kind of really showcases the simplicity of the original, which is great. The last 2 entries, really sought 
    about making it grand and epic, almost like a warehouse rave or something. This one feels more like a futuristic electronic piece, with a hint of organic moments.
    I do love the guitar, it really feels like it belongs as a 80's rendition, it's awesome. I also like how you managed to really bring out a diverse range of synths,
    everyone has a unique function, and does not feel like it just sits there for the sake of sitting there. I'm kind of glad i made mine into a bit of a goofy mess,
    because i'm more interested in each interpretation, and some of the interpretations can get pretty epic. It's also nice that people respect the sources intentions
    at parts. The only critique i have, is i feel the chord progression at the middle, of the original source, isn't used enough, even though you say that is your focus.
    I don't know, maybe i just like the cool chord progression enough. I hear it a lot at the end, so this feels more like a nitpick than a critique. Honestly i can't
    find any critique really, it's just your signature sound, done very well for this kind of arrangement. I loved the synths used, and for 5 minutes, did not bore me.
    Well done!
    Souperion - Amazed at how everyone went pretty much full synth. I know that's the intention of the original composition, but it's interesting how people ran with that
    and made something magical. Really like the addition of rock instrumentation and strings. Really turns it from a sort of Tron Movie into say a...Terminator Movie i 
    guess. Where it's more organic and heroic. I love the synth work here, it really brings out the juicy vibe, and when contrasted with the choir, it sounds really good.
    The whole thing is very cool, because the rock vibe works better than imagined. You also seem to really emphasize the first half a lot, which not many people seemed to
    lean into. But i attribute that to the fact it's just 1 bar of material looped. I didn't pick it, because it was repetitive, but rather i wanted to see how people
    could turn something very simple, into something kind of epic/developed. Again this music is a product of both it's time, while still retaining some relevance to it.
    The arrangement is extremely solid, took me on a journey without being boring or mundane. I mean if i have to be honest, if i were to critique it, i'm not really a fan
    of the rock drums. But that might be the bias towards techno, and my expectations towards them kind of beats. The rock vibes would have still been kept, but with more
    emphasis on the electronic part. When you have the synths working with the drums like this, it sounds more like Synth Rock or Synthpop. Again though, it might be a taste
    thing with a bit of personal bias towards the original. The whole thing was super nicely done though, and i did enjoy the arrangement from start to finish, with a lot
    of fun to be had, and the synth sounds were definately on point. Well done!
    Marcusg - Your attempt at techno, sounds very techno to me. I don't hear hardstyle at all, honestly you've exceeded what techno is supposed to sound like. Now of course
    the original is not a techno track, so a stylistic change comes with it's own set of perks. I really dig the high intensity lead, it really makes it in anthemic in a 
    way. The track sounds more like a product of the harder techno, and it's a good thing. It's nice to see a different approach to the original. I do love the synth sounds
    here, your taking the simple essence of the whole thing, and really exemplifying it. Then again, a lot of techno tracks can be simple, and minimalistic, which to some
    is necessary, because it's the nature of the genre. The main lead, really amplifies the whole thing, otherwise it sounds a bit bare, and to be honest, that's a big 
    problem here. I listen to loads of techno, and while the kick drums are banging, i usually have it accompany something else, that's rich in texture and sound. I'm
    only really hearing essentially 1 of the melodies in question, a riff, and a looping kind of approach, to a point, where i consider it even more minimalistic than 
    the original. I do think this is more of a new thing for you, because based on your description, i kind of got the feeling, this isn't really a genre you make, 
    which is ok, i too have tried genres, i don't usually make, which can cause a bit of difficulty. It's all learning and growing. The track idea in itself is really cool
    though, it really sounds different than all the other arrangements, which is great, and honestly i could see potential in any future remixes/tracks if you do decide
    to go this route again. Really nice and lovely work. Well done!
    Again i don't really have an idea of who i would pick to win, other than congrats to Studionimbus.org for his second win. (Dam, already on fire lol). As usual great work to everyone, hopefully i won't fall absent again, and keep myself invested in OCR!
  24. Like
    Wassup Thunder reacted to TheVideoGamer in PRC433 - The Heart of PRC (Final Fantasy Tactics Advance)   
    Ok guys i've been absent for a really long time, so good to see you all. They're are primarily 2 reasons for this:
    1. I've been away on holiday for 4-5 days.
    2. I also managed to fall ill again (Lucky me). There seems to be something going around in my neighbourhood, because i always seem to get the sniffles, and pretty badly too (I'm not the only one either...)
    But i'm feeling ok now, so i'm glad to be here. Because of this, i forgot to vote on 2 rounds (Including my own source pick). Here's some feedback to this round, all honest listens. Have a good one all!
    studionimbus.org - Very nice electro vibes, great synth and string work, this is kind of dark at parts, but also bright and uplifting.
    I sense a real guitar in then, that sort of works as a synth, it's very nicely done. The drums are great too, not too heavy, not too light.
    The developments are also really cool too, the fills are lovely, it really adds to the syncopation. The only critiques i really have,
    and it's primarily one, is that i feel there is a confliction in the styles. What i mean, is that there are orchestral parts that are 
    trying to come through, but they get lost in all the synths and guitars. I don't know, it might be my ears, and this is a small nit-pick
    but the orchestra could really enhance the epicness, and instead it's mostly a background texture, again this might just be me, and my
    personal taste. The only other minor one i have, is maybe to bring more dynamic changes throughout. It's very consistent, with the guitar
    representing most of the melody, and the drums being consistent. Maybe a breakdown or pause could work, but that's just me. All in al, i love
    the sound of the guitar, it's awesome. The whole thing is very nicely done, beautiful mixing (I know i said, the thing about the orchestral parts,
    but that's a sound thing, than a mixing thing). All in all, lovely work. Well done!
    Gerych02 - Ex Metalhead eh? I'm interested in your approach. This one is very much a laidback version, a big contrast to the last one i've heard.
    Really nice soft synth sounds, and light percussion. This isn't as epic and grand as the last one, almost like a chill chiptune version. It's amazing
    how people take one source into different directions. Big fan of the synth and drums, it's very light and soothing, great contrast. The vibrato is a 
    lovely addition. It doesn't drastically change the melody, but really makes it stand out, it's like a hint of spice to the whole piece. Really like the
    custom additions, really adds to the composition, without being a sharp change. The only critique i really have, is to introduce some new synth sounds,
    I know when you work with MIDI, you are using the default channels, so most of the synths will be using these channels, hence why there might be a few synth
    sounds used. I think i'm overthinking this lol, but yeah i feel a different set of sounds as additions might work well. Maybe more lead synths, or pad sounds
    who knows. The arrangement was super good though, and i dig the lead melody synth, that was tasty indeed. All in all, great work. Well done!
    Souperion - Soup bringing his string work into full force. I was expecting this, since that is your signature style. Great developments in the beginning, it feels
    like a full on RPG flavoured boost. It's almost as if it's a remake for the latest Final Fantasy game. The strings and piano, also sort of make it emotional, which
    to me is a big plus, it just works so well. Honestly for this one, it took me a while to find things i could work on, because i love the melody and arrangement, but
    what stuck out, when i re-listened, was that i feel it's a bit dry in areas, where i feel it needs more reverb. Not too much, but a little bit more to add to the
    space. The final climax, was amazing though, such a beautiful dynamic shift, really works well for this composition, and honestly my favourite part of the whole thing,
    because it just feels so satisfying. What's also good, is that nothing's changed, the melody still remains the same. Other than that, again i don't see anything that
    really needs improving. The reverb usage is the only one really, and maybe a more suitable closer, since i feel it ends in a more sudden way than it could have been.
    But really though, the whole thing was really nicely done, great arrangement. Well done!
    APZX - I can see similarities between this and mine. We sort of both went for a techno arrangement lol. Really liking the cute synths, very warbley and a ton of fun. 
    The melodies really work well actually, it fits the cartoony vibe of the whole thing, especially when the pads come in. The last entry, was almost like some epic
    movie battle or something. This feels like an animated series aimed at children (And that's a good thing, please don't think i come across as mocking, i mean that as
    a compliment). Honestly it's my favourite part about the composition, is the feel especially in the synth choices. In terms of critique, i have 2 and the first is in
    the drums. I don't hate them as such, but they are way too soft for this composition. I don't know, i was expecting a bit of a thicker kick or something, and maybe a
    more aggressive snare. It felt more like light and cute electro, than a ravey electronic piece. It's especially noticeable at the start, with a 808 like kick before the
    transition into a supposedly bigger kick, however i felt it could have been more fuller. Maybe it's a me thing, but thicker beats could really being this to the next 
    level. The only other thing that i feel could be improved, and it's a small one, but i feel the ending is almost like a different arrangement, i don't feel that the
    first and second halves are properly interlinked, so when i hear the piano come in, i don't feel like your making me anticipate the piano, but rather you suddenly drop
    it in without warning. But i consider it more minor, because it's still a lovely addition, and a nice texture change. The whole thing is really nice, lovely synth work.
    Well done!
    Pressure_Echo - Interesting basslines here. Nice full kick, this also feels like a electronic techno piece. I guess not many people have the capacity or the tools to
    make orchestral music lol. This is a very nice idea, i love the light percussion, and the nice synth work on the melody ideas. This one feels intentionally minimalistic
    which i don't know how i feel about that. I feel something is missing, but yet i know that's apart of the composition. I also feel the bassline every now and again, 
    sounds a bit distorted, which might be the velocity triggers, or intentional on the part of the composition. I also feel the claps are a bit weak for my taste, but
    like with a lot of my critique, taste is personal, and really, just take it with a grain of salt. All in all though, despite it's minimalism, there is a lot of cool
    ideas here. I love the slow transition from smooth chords to almost gated trance like sounds. It's a smooth and seamlessly unique idea, that really creates a lot of 
    that nice electronic sounds. Not much else to say, i love how yours was more of a stripped down version, in contrast to others, it was great. Really nicely remixed,
    well done!
    Wassup Thunder - Great brass work here, very fanfare-ish, super nice and heroic. Kind of feels like your adding your own ideas, to the existing idea, and i like it a
    lot. It's always great to pay respect to the source like that. Great drum and guitar work, it feels very much in the spirit of Final Fantasy. The melody work is lovely
    here, it translate so well especially to the drums. In terms of critique, one major one comes to mind, and it's the guitars. They're practically hiding, and i feel in
    this case they should be the star. You've made compositions before where you've really sold me the idea of the guitar, but in this one i don't feel it as much. It's 
    as if you want me to hear the brass more, than the rock parts. The drums are great in this one, and i love the string work, it's just the guitars for me. I could also 
    talk about the dynamic changes as i did with studionimbus's entry, but you do introduce a cool breakdown towards the end, so it's not completely consistent, and there 
    was a lot of changes to keep it from being too boring, which i really liked a lot. The whole thing was a ton of fun, and super nicely arranged, well done!
    I don't really have any idea of who i would have picked to win, but i will say congrats to Studionimbus for a well deserved win, i really enjoyed everyone's. Thanks again!
  25. Like
    Wassup Thunder got a reaction from Marcusg in PRC435 - The Challenge To Not Only Remix Seymour (Final Fantasy X)   
    Got an entry finished. My personal computer ended up being unusable for the last two weeks which lost all my progress, but I got FL on my work computer and finished a remix using free SNES soundfonts. Not my typical style, but I got it done.
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