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  • Software - Digital Audio Workstation (DAW)
    FL Studio
  • Composition & Production Skills
    Arrangement & Orchestration
    Drum Programming
    Mixing & Mastering
    Synthesis & Sound Design

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  1. This is awesome! I'm sure it took a long time to put together.
  2. Hey everyone, I’ve been dabbling in music production for the past seven years, and while I feel like I’ve learned a lot, I still find myself getting hung up on some of the little things when I’m working on a track. One of those weird questions just popped into my head, and now it’s driving me a little crazy because I genuinely don’t know the “right” answer. So, here’s the scenario: when you’re using a reverse cymbal as a kind of riser to lead into a crash or hit, how do you time it? Do you start the reverse cymbal right on the bar and give the crash/hit a little room at the end? Or do you line it up so the crash/hit comes in the instant the reverse sample ends? I added some screenshots if my question doesn't make sense. I know the usual advice is “do what sounds good,” and that’s mostly what I’ve done up until now, but for this project, I really want it to feel tight and intentional. Any tips or insights? Thanks in advance! 😅.
  3. It's been a long time since I've been on the site or forum but I thought I would drop in, listen to a few songs, and drop a track. Hopefully get some feedback lol. This is a very tentative rough draft. Not sure if the length is good, or if I should make it longer. It feels right, but I didn't know what to do at the end lol. I did a corridors mix like four or five years ago, which also the time I was just starting to produce so I wanted to give it a rerun and give it the love it deserves. I love Chrono Trigger and the music. It's heavily inspired the way I make music. Lemme know what you think. (Yes I need to kill that 808 in the beginning, oops lol) Thanks for the listen. Corridors of Time (EchoGhost Remix) Remastered I have some other game mixes on my soundcloud if you wanna take a gander. EchoGhost Soundcloud Corrridors of Time.wav
  4. perfect, I figured it'd need some compression love, just needed to hear it. Thank you!
  5. Hello, I'm trying to get a few takes on one of my new mixes and would love some feedback. Trying to figure out what I need to bring up or take down or if anything seems missing. Thanks!! https://soundclick.com/share.cfm?id=14441889
  6. Thanks bro, yeah the chaos of life really tends to impede projects but I feel like it'll get there soon. Good luck on your book, what's it about?
  7. After almost a year lol, I finally finished it. Working on different projects here and there helped to really bring to this to something I'm super proud of and hope ya'll like it. Hope to actually see this on the website but I'm gonna have to figure out how to change the actual CT samples used. It'll be on itunes/ apple music and Spotify in about 3 - 4 days. DL available on Soundcloud as well. Artist - EchoGhost616 Spotify - EchoGhost Youtube - Echo Ghost
  8. Version 2 of Corridors of Time from Chrono Trigger. I didn't like the drum track to the original version I had done, so I changed it up, added a different beginning, among a few other things. Let me know what you think. Corridors of Time (EchoGhost Remix)
  9. Yeah my bad man, I swear I thought I read the instructions but I obviously missed that part haha. and yeah that's nuts, but square has usually been a pretty uptight company so it's honestly not surprising.
  10. well I submitted and yeah they told me no because of all the samples I used, so I had to take a lot out. I have 2 versions. one without the samples and another with. You're definitely right about the skeleton, it's quite massive lol. But I'm pretty sure it's there. I rearranged a lot, changed up the drums and it's finally starting to sound like a song. it's still long but I can't bring myself to shorten anything. I love the flow of it. thanks for the critique though. definitely helped.
  11. Worked on a couple things here and there. I think it may be finally ready.
  12. just realized I posted in the wrong topic . sorry guys lol.
  13. Thanks man, will do. I figured it was little repetitive. I'll keep at it.
  14. Lil something I've been cooking up. Let me know what you think, any feedback would be great. I'm quite sure I made it too long but I'm working on that part. Artist EchoGhost
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