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Everything posted by DrumUltimA

  1. I'm moving to Lawrence! I'm going to KU next year for grad school.
  2. I'll try to make an appearance... but that's the day my dad comes to help me load up the car and pack my apartment. I move to kansas the next morning
  3. Oh man, I wanna go... but I don't think I'll be able too
  4. hey wes, are you willing to sell your xbox 360 hard drive separately? Regardless, I definitely want to buy the following: all 3 wii motion plus' xbox controller IF you are willing to sell the hd separately, lemme know how much and I'll consider it! If not, chances are I'd like to put Okami in that list as well. lemme know what's up! also I'm moving soon, so I don't think I should have anything sent here, lest it end up at the wrong address! I'll tell you my new one as soon as I know what it is lol
  5. did girls generation... just sing bubble bobble? Okay, I quit. Everything. I don't need a job, a family, anything. I'll just sit at home and watch this until I rot.
  6. yeah, for some reason I noobed out on how many octaves it was lol YOU CAN WATCH IN IN HD TOO! 720p
  7. check the thread!

  8. Dear halc, Here is Harmony's and my final WIP: Love, DrumUltimA and Harmony
  9. Harmony was just over and we had a pow wow. Completely changed the direction of the track, but hopefully for the better!
  10. JH, thank you SO MUCH for coming! I'm sorry I didn't get to chat with you more--we had like, barely any time to pack and I almost missed my train outta there. It was awesome to get to meet you though, and I'm so glad you came! he also took some great pics, check them out on facebook! http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Medicine-Lake/155324398862?v=photos
  11. dude, that would be awesome to see you there! good luck, I hope you can make it! I just found out the ticket prices: it's 8 bucks at the door! I'll have my full rig too, and hopefully my soundcard wont fall off my stand this time!
  12. Hey guys, I know you're only really supposed to post album releases as far as my music goes here, but I kind of consider this to be something to that effect. Basically, this past April, I performed what was probably the most stressful, challenging, and LONGEST performance I've done to date--and that was my senior recital! I decided to make a little project out of it--once I got all of the video from my cousin (those of you who attend VGL probably met him), I uploaded the recital to my youtube piece by piece, and accompanied each piece with a blog entry, talking about the piece and my experience learning it. The performance started with the minimalist work "Electric Counterpoint" (links to part I and II of the video respectively) by Steve Reich, originally performed on electric guitars. It was transcribed for vibraphone and marimba by my friend/colleague/teacher Svet Stoyanov. The next piece was a work for marimba, violin, and clarinet called "And will " (Once again, parts I and II respectively) by Kevin Puts. This piece was written pretty recently, and I really think it's a beautiful work. It reminds me a lot of the music in Shadow of the Colossus.The third piece on the program was a bizarre theater piece in three movements called " " (Movements I, II and III respectively) by Stuart Saunders Smith. This was probably the weirdest piece on my program, but each and every one of those rhythms I play was deliberate. I'm playing junk, singing, shaking trees, playing bird calls, and speaking text in Passamaquoddy Native American... amongst other things. This piece was definitely the hardest work to learn.As if it couldn't get much weirder, the next piece was a piece for solo vibraphone called " " by Franco Donatoni. I don't have to walk around or say stuff, but the harmonic language of this piece is pretty complex. There a lot of duality going on in this work... each section is sort of like a crazy dude having an argument with himself. This piece was by far the most difficult to perform.After Omar was performed, the pace went way down with Peter Klatzow's " ". I only played one of the two movements of this work, even though I had prepared to play both movements. This piece is based largely around the octatonic scale, and was the most emotionally draining piece for me to play. I had to search pretty deep within myself to really understand what this piece meant to me.I closed my program in typical Doug Perry fashion by playing a . Basically played about how relieved I was to be done, in my typical cheesy C-minor Yasunori Mitsuda harmonic language.For each of these pieces, I wrote a fairly involved blog entry. You can find links to the individual entries in the videos. You can find the playlist here: http://www.youtube.com/user/DougDrumUltimAPerry#grid/user/6DFAD2BD9A080A95 There was one other piece, but we made a better recording of it, so I will wait until it's done to post it. Thanks guys, hope you enjoy!
  13. i hope at least like 4 other closet furries have posted in this thread
  14. well guys, looks like I'm out. I just got offered a 200 dollar gig on the 4th, and I would be stupid to pass that up. I guess if anyone isgoing after 6 pm, let me know! Maybe I can hang out for the evening...
  15. Woah, Kate, is that you playing violin!? Wow, it wasn't enough that you can sing your face off-- you play like a million bucks too! Great work, and congrats on the Yasunori Mitsuda kudos. That's really awesome
  16. GDAAGH that's really cool DA why did you show me these you're making it worse
  17. well, the dude that coop linked is the person who did the art. renard and that dude have a joint multi-media project thing going on, which is why that game is happning.
  18. http://www.furaffinity.net/user/renardv I'm kind of a closet furry
  19. Holy crap. As a percussionist, I had to spend tons of time playing that god damned exotic birds excerpt. I'm so glad to see something like this on OCR! I'm a huge advocate of new music. My hat's off to you!
  20. The sad thing is I've seen those character designs already for reasons outside of video game music
  21. My peabody friend is a composer for this game! Check out Geoff Knorr. He also occasionally plays cello for my band!
  22. atmuh, normally I beg people to come to my shows. But since, it's you, I will challenge you to go to my show. Choose your weapon wisely.
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