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Everything posted by DrumUltimA

  1. I actually think a lot of the mysteries of the island itself weren't supposed to be explained--especially considering you all know that if they were explained, nobody would be satisfied with the explanation. I think that's part of the reason why there was so much reference to Egypt through the entire show. We have theories for why those Pyramids are there, and pretty strong ones too--but in the end, we can't really say for sure how they were built. I mean, when I was in like, elementary school, I had a teacher who told me that some people believe aliens helped them build the pyramids--which I think is funny, because I remember hearing people speculate about aliens being involved in lost. Lemme go through step by step and try to defend my perspective: Throughout the whole show there have been biblical/spiritual/supernatural references to these guys--whether it was by the name Jacob, the two of them being called the devil, the adam and eve thing, the cain and abel comparison, etc. The Bible sure as hell doesn't explain how a serpant could talk, or what was put into the apple to make it so, uh, "intelligent". Now, I know it sounds silly to compare lost to the bible (even though I've heard people say "lost is my religion lol) but it's the same idea. One, the facts aren't as important as the story, and two: if it was explained, none of these characters would be quite so "special". If any character in the bible could be explained, well, I guess that's why we have skeptics but you see where I'm going with this. I think it's simply a literary device. Also, wondering what would happen with the smoke monster/mib leaving... i mean, i don't know, he would've turned into godzilla or he would've started an evil corperation or something. But, what we do know is that he could turn into smoke and kill things, that he was not human any longer, and that there were "rules" that were somehow preventing him from leaving. We don't know exactly what would happen, but we do know that it would've been bad. If nothing would've happened had he left, then the black and white motif that was pounded through this entire series would've been pointless. So we don't know what, but it'll be bad. The end of mother 3 is the closest thing I can think of to this scenario, so play that game Once again we don't know what the light is--but only that somebody had been there long before anyone else was and had found a way to harness it (the cork in the cavern, which was a nice reference to Jacob's comparison). We also know that there probably was a smoke monster (maybe many? multiple skeletons in the cavern) before our smoke monster--there are ancient egyptian references to it (both illustrated and by there being a smoke monster temple), and at the time of the man in black's birth, everyone was speaking latin. Ancient Egypt started long before people were speaking latin (at least according to wikipedia), so that should give a good reference to how old the island is. I know that it's possible that people were just choosing to write/speak in hieroglyphics and draw and build egyptian looking things even though it's the wrong time period (which could be proven by the hatch and the numbers turning into hieroglyphics), but I don't think that would necessarily explain why everything else was so, well, egyptian. I guess it could also be an error that latin was chosen, and maybe jacob and the mib were supposed to be from egyptian times, and all of that stuff was built by the island dwellers while they were alive. I like the idea of all of that having already been there better, personally. Why was the island holding back hell? Well, jacob was holding back hell, and when he was the boss of the island, that's what it was for. Before our smoke monster, it wasn't for that, and now that the smoke monster is gone, it's no longer for that. hence, ben saying "well, that's how jacob ran things". As for time travel--we know that the island's electromagnetic qualities (which we can assume was "the light") was capable of manipulating time and space, and we know that during the man in black's time before he became a smoke monster, the people had figured out how to harness and manipulate that energy. They built the wheel to do so. Even though we don't know scientifically how it works, we do know that it manipulates the light to move them through space--but also through time. Why does the light move things through time? Well, that's why the dharma initiative and the science team and charles widmore and everybody who has ever studied the island was there--to figure that out. Nobody ever did, and everybody died trying. I think Farraday was the closest to figuring it out, but honestly if they tried to give us a good explanation the science buffs watching this show would complain about how ridiculous and unrealistic it is. Obviously. Also, it would've compromised the characters of jacob and the mib etc which I've already stated. Now, I don't know how many of you were trying to watch this on comcast hd, but they fucked up big time and there were tons of glitches throughout the showing. One of them was when desmond was talking to ellouise, and at the time I didn't hear any of what they said. I went back and watched it on hulu, and in that conversation ellouise makes it clear why she doesn't want desmond waking people up. She says "you're not going to take my son from me, are you?" desmond says "no". All of the characters who were brought to the church were all people who had something on the island that they didn't have in their ideal world (namely love and relationships, but for others it was different). As soon as they each found what they were looking for, they could move on. However, some characters couldn't move on. I THINK Ben linus didn't want to move on because he wanted to really be alex's father, which he had in the flash sideways world. Michael cannot move on because of how he betrayed his people (which is why they prob didn't seek him out lol), which is why he's still on the island as a ghost. Also, a lot of the characters that weren't in the church didn't have a lot to do with everyone's journey, like mr. eko and ana lucia (and paolo and nikki lol). But yeah, by desmond telling ellouise that farraday wasn't coming, he was suggesting that this was a private party. The one thing I'm not satisfied with is Walt. I wish they had explained his "specialness" a bit more. There were a lot of "special" characters... Hurley, Miles, Richard... but Walt was one of them, and we didn't get that much insight to his "gifts". Maybe it was part of being touched by jacob? The season finale took two and a half hours. The way I see it, it could either have done what it did--provided closure with the characters and brought the show around full circle. Or, it could've spent that whole time explaining everything, without necessarily providing the character closure. Which would you have rather had? holy shit that post is huge what the fuck is wrong with me i need to practice
  2. But, they did answer a lot, and what they didn't answer they left us with a lot of hints...
  3. Danger: potential spoilers See, the other thing I think is that if you were only watching lost because you wanted to see if they could answer all of the questions, then you were missing out on the deeper meaning behind those questions. We don't know a lot of things, but we did know the effect that it had on the characters--and by the end, basically all of the characters were explained. If they explained EVERYTHING, like what the hurley bird was, and why the island turned the man in black into the smoke monster, and what the light actually was, who put it there, etc etc... it would actually distract from the real point of the show, which is not about the fact that the island is weird but rather the effect it has on the relationships between all those people.
  4. you have no idea what you're in for. anyway I loved the finale. I felt like a lot of the questions I wanted answers to either were answered, or were close to answered enough that I had a reasonable amount of evidence supporting what it could be. I also will say I like, really cried (not the teary misty shit i talked about at the top of this page that I described as crying) at the very end. Especially the involvement with vincent. I'm trying to write that as spoiler-free as I can. I will say the flash-sideways realization was like, not what I was expecting at all. Not even close. If they answered all of the questions, I would've been disappointed with this ending. I don't want to know why all that shit is there and how it works. well, I do... but if they explained it, I don't think I would've like their explanation. Or at least, somebody wouldn't have. The metaphorical content seems to all have been explained, so I'm cool. I have theories for some things that weren't...
  5. I guess this is shameless self-promotion, but I played a piece on my recital called "And Legions Will Rise" by Kevin Puts, and I always thought it could be in Shadow of the Colossus. Not totally happy with my performance of it but it's the only one on youtube:
  6. I think it's time we're reminded of this
  7. I love chrome, and I love all things google. If they took over the world, it'd be fine with me. That being said, if this is a light-weight browser that's designed for netbooks, how would that affect heavy-application use? Like, Sonar and Cubase and stuff?
  8. here's an update for you all! I think this is gonna be a long one... http://tindeck.com/listen/pxrb
  9. The first piece had some really interesting harmonic choices. She lost control of some of her melismatic wails at the end but yeah, she knows her shit. I always thought there was something to her stuff, I guess there was...
  10. Hey guys, this is like the first thing I've done in almost a year, and I SHOULD be working on the sonic remix project but hey, what can you do. Here's the very beginning of this guy, lets see where it goes! Current: http://tindeck.com/listen/pxrb
  11. I like it when good things happen to good people. Congrats dude! Keep up the good work
  12. I started to cry when hurley started crying. that was really, really, REALLY sad.
  13. hey, thanks man! Unfortunately, it's totally improvised so there's no sheet music or midi data or anything :( Sorry man!

  14. Well, surprisingly enough, I can hear up to 19k, and I'm not only a musician--I'm a percussionist. Weird. What's interesting is, while wearing headphones, I cannot hear 20-22k... but I can DEFINITELY feel it. it's like, my brain/ears are trying to say "dude that is totally irritating, just take our word for it"
  15. Man, I do that all the time. In fact, if I compose something and it seems too easy, I normally get suspicious that somebody already wrote it.
  16. aw man, I would love to... but by august I wont be living in baltimore anymore... I'll be in kansas
  17. I'm pretty sure you can get the good ending with the machine gun, because I'm pretty sure I did it!
  18. in combination with your sig it was really funny
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