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Everything posted by DrumUltimA

  1. happy birthday, you crazy swede! you're old enough to drink (in america) now! so come to mag!
  2. Been working on my bedroom studio a bit, here are some pics of what I've got so far! pics of my instruments to come!
  3. thanks stevo! downloading now!!!
  4. if someone would mirror this, that'd be awesome. I can't get to his site for some reason!
  5. stevo, I'd love to hang out saturday evening. if somebody can drive me there, then I'm totally down. I wanna see your place!
  6. okay, time for me to make one of these posts: HIGHLIGHTS: -getting there and being super pumped -getting to jam with VIRT! and DANIMALCANNON! but also tons of other notable --personalities/awesome musicians, like prince of darkness, OA, melody, level99, prophet, rellik... the list goes on! -MAD PROPS TO XENOTONES! lets do it for real next year! -finally meeting ash, neko, prot, and mono irl -ALCOHOL! -GIANT FUCKING PIZZA that was SO GOOD -TGI fridays and olive garden trips -OneUps, Metroid Metal, Select Start. do like -room parties, once again ALCOHOL! and PIZZA! -dod listening party, even though it went FOREVER -getting SONAR 7 at the OCR panel! Deeply humbled. -not playing video games because i was having that much fun the whole time -drunk dancing at A_Rival's concert -OA AND STEVO WON DOD! -having CHICKEN AND WAFFLES for the first time. it was good! -going to dave and busters with a bunch of peeps after MAG, and then partying all night at my apartment -surprise extended stay at my apartment by mono, prot, liz, ash, and neko--for three days! -having a delicious homecooked meal by mono and prot. Mashed sweet potatoes and steak! So good. -making a dod joke remix with EVERYONE last night. Lowlights: -OMG SO FUCKIN COLD -having to sleep at all -getting my ass kicked (literally) trying to sleep -having to miss things because I was at other things (like the dance party because of dod :[) -not getting to go to the new years party because i had to work :[ -everyone got mag flu -it had to end So all in all, a fantastic time. I love mag so much with all of my body. What a week.
  7. just said bye to monobrow, prot, liz, nekofrog and ashamee. magfest basically turned into a week for me! we even made a remix...
  8. I suppose I will involve myself!
  9. right back at you dude! That was some of the most fun playing with people I had at the con! More detailed post following, my post magfestivities are still going!
  10. just got back from work, hope the party was fun. I'm gonna sleep in tomorrow so I have enough juice for the rest of the con, and I will see you all sometime tomorrow afternoon!
  11. Angela, just a heads up--this thread will probably get moved to the Feedback: Original/Others forum, which is for music that isn't actually based on video games. As far as the actual video goes, you've got a nice voice! The only issue I have is with the intonation--there are a few spots where it could be more precise (especially on the low notes). Are you playing piano? Also--I know you have a megaupload link in your vid, but it's best here to go ahead and link to just the .mp3, especially through services such as tindeck or the OCRWIP filehosting service--youtube sound quality leaves a lot to be desired!
  12. don't rub it in. I was so looking forward to that :[
  13. Oh my Thanks for your judging zircon!
  14. I'll be around! In fact, I was hoping to possibly have some of ya'll over
  15. so nobody is driving from baltimore on jan 1? It's not a tragedy because I can take the train and stuff--I just don't want to
  16. okay good, that's what that was from. I had no idea where that popped up from when I installed it!
  17. Well, the biggest present for me was our pug Gabby's back surgery. cost us about 4,000 bucks but otherwise she would've lost her ability to walk so it was worth it. I did make off with a PreSonus AudioBox USB, though! As well as some other nice things, including socks and two sonic t-shirts!
  18. when was teh bbq supposed to be?
  19. is anybody driving from the baltimore area on january 1st? I just found out that I can't make the New Years party because I have to work
  20. so maybe i'm looking to far into it, but I think there's something to be said about the whole concept of having an avatar, and how everyone in that planet pretty much has a usb cable attatched to them... do you guys think a movie like this was inspired by the internet?
  21. i have met escariot but apparently he hasn't met me >
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