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Everything posted by DrumUltimA

  1. You know, I think I'm going to use this crazy wip checklist thing ARRANGEMENT / INTERPRETATION [borderline] Too conservative - sticks too close to the source PRODUCTION [X] Low-quality samples [X] Unrealistic sequencing PERFORMANCE (live recorded audio/MIDI parts) [X] Poorly recorded STRUCTURE [X] Too repetitive PERSONAL COMMENTS (positive feedback, specifics on checklist criticisms, any other thoughts) I actually think that this is pretty cool, all in all. Love the original track. Lemme explain why I checked off what I did. I'm borderline with the arrangement on this, because due to the limited melodic material in this mix, I don't actually hear any arrangement of the melody itself--just drum breaks, your rap, and textural changes. Personally I would've liked to hear some more original content, but I think I can let this go based on what you did with everything else. The first three points I checked under production are with the piano specifically in mind. I think the distortion on the melody is cool, actually--but I heard the left hand of the piano distort too, which I thought threw off the continuity of what was going on. Can you keep the right hand with that distortion and the left hand without it? Second, I'm not sure if it's the sample or the sequencing (probably a combination of both) but the piano dynamically speaking is pretty static right now. I think you can fix this without changing the sample actually, but I'm really lacking dynamics from the piano right now--both in terms of velocity and level. The left hand could really come to life if you gave it's phrase a more defined shape--perhaps a slight diminuendo as the six note cell ascends? Especially at the beginning of the mix, when it's completely exposed. At least for the first two cells maybe a crescendo-diminuendo as the piano rises and falls. Play around with that. As for the right hand, I don't have as much of a problem with that line being loud and static, because it works with the distortion--however, I would like to hear some dynamic phrasing with the motif that goes "E C G F E"--sort of a crescendo-diminuendo swell on that too. In terms of the samples, I just hear the attack being pretty harsh most of the time, and I like to hear a softer attack often--especially in the left hand. Maybe shave off some higher freqs? You don't want the mix to get too muddy, but perhaps it could help... I think the idea of that rap break is cool too, and I love the effects you put on your voice! However, it sounds a bit muddy, and I'd like to hear some more of the higher freq range. Is there any way you can boost some of the highs on that? I don't think you'd need to do much--right now it's just hard to understand a lot of your syllables, and I don't think it's as much the performance as it is the mixing. I checked too repetitive with regard to the beginning of the mix specifically--your drums do some awesome stuff as the mix progresses, but they're quite static in the beginning. From :23-:46, nothing happens but that beat--I think you should either cut this section in half (4 measures of drums instead of eight), or do something with them/the rest of the texture to make it more interesting. Personally, I vote just cut 4 measures out, so you don't have do mess too much with the build you have going on. But the last thing you want to do is lose your listeners before the first minute of the piece. Anyway I think you have some really cool stuff in here, and I'd like to see this get through! You said you're pretty close to submission and I think it's pretty close too--but don't get antsy! I got antsy with a chrono trigger mix, and the judges handed it right back to me with a nice resubmit on it--and after listening again I realized that it definitely was premature. Good luck!!!
  2. Woah, congrats guys! I'm sure guys will be good judges and yes everything I submit!
  3. hahah the note I sampled from you is playing chords during the chorus, and I put some flange on it
  4. wow, the stuff you did with the cymbal overtones in the middle of the piece is really fantastic! Such an interesting sound, I really like it!!! Nice mix man, congrats!
  5. So here's that megamix that I was talking about that did nothing but disappoint me. I sampled a bunch of stuff off of other remixes but I don't really like my final product. It's another one I can't really work on anymore. I did the whole thing using Reason, basically. sampled tracks: Beatdrop - Antimatter pixietricks - Prayer Big Giant Circles - Begin the End of the Beginning Housethegrate - Walk on Water Shnabubula - Pegasus Boots Dhsu - Nirvana chthonic - Linear Groove Bladiator - Fast Cars, Russian Cigars Harmony - Dragon Song DrumUltimA - That's What You Get (not posted yet ) AeroZ - Dark Butz Mazedude - Minotaur Nightmares most of these are just samples of one or two notes, with the exception of Harmony. I'm a loser :[ http://drumultima.googlepages.com/stolenmusic.mp3
  6. Here's one that I can't really work on anymore, so I'm trying to decide if I should submit it or not :3 All percussion mix of "Rhythm of the Wind, Sky, and Earth", all instruments played by me--mostly live, some sampled from earlier in the year. http://drumultima.googlepages.com/drumultima_remaster.mp3
  7. If we can feel free to brag, ima take this way back Grandfather on dad's side: violinist, music teacher grandmother on dad's side: harpist, pianist, music teacher aunt on dad's side: music teacher, pianist, solfege expert (graduated from oberlin) Father: tuba player, music teacher. Graduated with MM from yale Mother: violist and violinist, music teacher. Graduated with MM from yale (GUESS WHERE MY PARENTS MET) ME: Percussion/drum set for about 11 years, piano for 6 or so, largely self taught jazz improv starting in high school (so for about 7 years), became serious about classical percussion when I entered college (so 3 years) started "remixing" summer after my freshman year of college (so about 2 years), music teacher. Dabble in singing all my life. Tendonitis-started in november, so 7 months of NOT being able to play much/enough. So I guess that's my musical background. Music's run through my family so I don't know if I would've pursued it if it wasn't for them. I've always been told that I'm talented, but the difference between being talented and being a good player is huge. I'm hoping to get into Yale and follow my parents footsteps, but with this tendonitis who knows what'll happen :[
  8. you're preaching to the choir First off, I think your drums should reflect your above quote Second off, what were dealing with is how you are identifying your bass line--is it of melodic function, like an additional line of counterpoint, or is it of harmonic function, where it clearly defines the chord. What you've done is explored a grey area, which I think is awesome and much more interesting. However, this early on in the game, I think it's more important to balance the bass more towards defining the chordal structure, and then as the listeners ear becomes more used to it, branching further out into melodic/contrapuntal stuff. Sometimes your bass line floats over the chord changes, instead of defining the tonic of each chord. But when it comes to defining groove... I can't. It's something you have to hear. But there are a ton of people who have this down, and since we're dealing with bass lines, I'll point the obvious direction and say Victor Wooten is a good guy to check out. He can play fast as hell and do some really complex stuff, but when he grooves the strongest is when he plays much more simple things. I'm a big fan of his rendition of Amazing Grace: It doesn't really get started with the groovy stuff until halfway through the video, but notice how when he's playing that melody, it groves really hard without much bass action at all! Once again, a lot of stuff that can't be written!!! sorry No idea. Can you use more than one patch? Nope!
  9. can you manually edit the velocities? Often times I'll just either draw the velocity levels in or assign numeric values. haha yes, of course I noticed the first part was in half time I thought everything was fine, I knew exactly what you were going for. Still, for the RnB feel that you're writing in, the bass line is too busy this far out. The piano syncopation is great, and I'm not asking for you totally back off on the bass line. However, the drum part is much less active than the bass line, so that bass sticks out more than it should--and that compromises the overall groove of the RnB feel. Once again, I'm a fan of active bass lines (remember my moonsong mix? lol), but I believe a bit more subtlety would make it groove much harder, and therefore hit the listener in the face with a little more force Oh I don't know, I never really considered RnB fills to be much different. You've used no toms though, and no crash cymbals-- and I don't think those would be out of place. Perhaps even just expanding the writing on the drums would act as a fill. I don't think I have any examples that I can personally give, perhaps try dropping the groove for that measure and just have the hat do quarters, and fill starting on the third beat from there? I don't know, it's hard to explain stuff like that in writing If you want more ideas about this style in general, I actually think djp does a really good job. Check out Pachelbel's Ganon: http://www.ocremix.org/remix/OCR00753/ No prob :3
  10. I won't say too much on production, other than shave some high roll-off out of the drums, get some better samples and work with velocities a ton more--especially on the piano. Not sure how I feel about the placement of some of the staccatos in the piano part, though some of them make sense. Have you thought about some sort of electric piano, perhaps a rhodes? In terms of arrangement, I'd like to see a slower build up. First off, I'd like to hear a less busy bass line at first (even though I love busy bass lines ), and allow it to build up. Personally, when I'm combining different themes of similar chordal genesis, I like to let it take a bit longer, allowing for the union of the themes to be the climax. Right now thats basically the third phrase of the piece--it strikes me as too much too soon. I like the reharmonization you used-- I think it was a-9 you landed on? I think that's cool, but I don't like how everything stops moving except for the drums. I hear what you're going for, but right now it's a bit awkward. If you're going to have the drums keep going through that, have one of your instruments play some sort of fill, weather it'd be bass or piano (personally my ear points me to bass, but I'm a bass kind of guy). You could also have the drums drop out with it, let a cymbal ring through, and then fill back into the next section. In short I feel like what you've composed so far could easily be a summarization of a remix, and could easily be expanded into a complete work. So use your material wisely! I'm interested to hear what other ideas you have. Good luck!
  11. I've got one in too this time around! "But the Future Refused to Change" in cover bands :3
  12. Hahah, this is a neat concept. The one thing that's bugging me right now is the amount of reverb--it's a bit overbearing. Also, with your drums, I would shy away from having the ride cymbal going at the same time as your hi hat. Also, the hat sample you have is sticking out a bit too much, especially compared to that snare, which actually sounds pretty good. So bring down the value on the hat, and I think that'll balance out much nicer. As far as arrangement is concerned, perhaps this is just me but I'd like to hear some more instruments! I think the ideas you have on guitar are really cool, especially with those funky slides. But I'm looking to hear more! I guess in conclusion my biggest concerns are in your production. Tone down that reverb a bit, don't have ride cym and hi hat playing at the same time, and balance the hi hat into the rest of the drums. You've got some really cool drum writing written, so fixing this stuff up will help emphasis what you've got! Keep up the good work!
  13. Sounds really nice! I'm liking how you've incorporated Lavos into the animal ambience I'm thinking maybe I'd like to hear from him a bit less? Also, I'm liking how you're incorperating other themes into this, from the Magus quote to the final boss drumbeat near the end of what you've got. I can't think of much to say production wise, either, though I normally can't . I can't wait to hear where you take this!
  14. my favorite part is the beginning- that guys face is hilarious!
  15. jill, it is possible! Somebody from boston may be buying my old marimba, so I need to drive up there anyways. i'll keep you posted
  16. maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyybe. We'll see what my schedule ends up being, but there is a SLIM chance I'll be in bmore-- in which case I can hitch a ride with xerol
  17. If we were to take a pie chart that looks like pac man (i don't know who's sig that is but it's important right now), the percentage of the chart that looks like pac man is about why this post wasn't mean. The percentage of the chart that does not look like pac man is actually about the thread.
  18. Nice! Great argument, love the presentation.
  19. Hahah woah, I thought you had disappeared into Japan. Good to see you! You may be my only proof that I was on this site before pixietricks
  20. here's a small update! I started sketching out the accompaniment. No singing yet http://drumultima.googlepages.com/nostrumfull.mp3 the piano part is playing the voice part now.
  21. Hahah, I could see it now The Legend of Zelda: The Movie of Power The Legend of Zelda: The Movie of Courage The Legend of Zelda: The Movie of Wisdom Anyway, I would be amazed if they were able to make a 2 hour Zelda movie in which Link NEVER talks.
  22. yes, i have thought about taking voice lessons! I don't know if I have the money to do that right now, but I'd love to. My roommate is a vocal minor and he's been giving me some pointers, but I'd love to get better.
  23. Thanks for the feedback guys! One thing I wanna point out is that I'm not going to be playing piano and singing. I'm hoping to write out a sort of orchestra/ethno sounding accompaniment. I improvised the piano accompaniment just to give an idea of what I'm thinking. I'm sure that I'll use a bit of piano in the remix, but this mp3 is mostly to demonstrate the lyrics and in what context I'm thinking of using them.
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