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Everything posted by DrumUltimA

  1. dude this sounds a TON better! I still maintain my complaint about the repetition though, although it doesn't bother me as much anymore. Nice work!
  2. big ol update to the first section, perhaps it's time to work on the next section :> http://drumultima.arnoldascher.com/orchestra.mp3
  3. fantastic beatdrop. How did you do the audio editing on the piano part in the beginning-between the chopping and the pitch raising? I really really liked that part specifically. I've been listening to this a lot lately. Fantastic!
  4. alright lets do it! PRODUCTION [x] Too loud [x] Low-quality samples [x] Drums have no energy STRUCTURE [x] Too repetitive PERSONAL COMMENTS (positive feedback, specifics on checklist criticisms, any other thoughts) [write here] So your arrangement, albeit a bit long is pretty balls to the wall awesome. At 2:45, the way the guitar changed chords without changing the accompaniment was actually pretty awesome in my book, although I'm sure there are people who'll be put off by that. As far as arrangement goes, I hear a lot of the same things coming from the piano. I would go ahead and try to give that some variation--make up some original ostinati, you've used the source ostinato enough that you can put more variation there. Sampling is an issue with this one, specifically with the violin. Some of the guitar samples sounded a TAD fake, but the violin is the only sample that really stands out as fake. You need to get yourself either a real violinist, a killer sample, or put a new instrument there all together. As for the drums, they strike me in general as being a bit too quiet compared to everything else--and everything else is so loud, I think it'll be a combination of bringing the drums up in their level as well as backing everything else down a bit. The snare sample isn't that great to me, snare and kick are both lacking a good punch. Eq the highs of your snare up a bit, and the lows of your kick as well, run a compressor over both of them and hopefully those parts will have a bit more umph to them. Also make sure that you vary up your velocity levels a lot, in all elements of the set--but especially the snare, which will be the most exposed. Cymbals too, actually. I'm worried this might be a bit too long... if it is, you might be okay with cutting it off around 6-6:30... though I can def tell why you want that extra minute . Changes you made are fantastic, I think it's largely production issues that you have left to deal with this piece of work here. Great job!!!!
  5. So this is exactly what the title says. I'm excited about it! It is pretty minimalist right now, with some stravinsky, reich, and disasterpeace thrown in. http://drumultima.arnoldascher.com/orchestra.mp3
  6. katie is 100% woman except she's on the internet so maybe more like 80%
  7. I'LL GET YOU NEXT TIME!!! thanks everyone for the response!! Mom and I are both really excited I'll try to get her to post
  8. all video games are art to me. That being said, I don't think all of them are very good pieces of art
  9. i am being sarcastic in this poast.
  10. Wow, this is a pretty groovin source you picked. Mix sounds good, I have things to say. ARRANGEMENT / INTERPRETATION [bORDERLINE] Too liberal - not enough connections to the source (too much original writing) PRODUCTION [x] Low-quality samples [x] Drums have no energy PERFORMANCE (live recorded audio/MIDI parts) [x] Wrong notes, general sloppiness (only because of the delay) STRUCTURE [x] Too repetitive PERSONAL COMMENTS (positive feedback, specifics on checklist criticisms, any other thoughts) Honestly I have to say this is a pretty strong track overall, I like the way you use dynamics. First off, that cymbal I hear at around :15 has got to go--are you going for a cymbal bell? I'm not a big fan of the choice honestly. I really dig the bassline that comes in around :45, very funky. However, not a big fan of the bass tone, sounds a bit midi-ish to my ears. Not sure how I feel about the synth that appears at 1:03, because it sounds a bit out of tune. However, I like the placement, so even if you can't tune that it's not a big deal. At 1:22, because of the delay, the F# in the lead rubs up against the G, causing it to sound sloppy. Anyway you can adjust the delay or change the rhythm of the line to prevent that from happening? As for your drums, i feel like they're mixed too low in general, especially that snare drum. I'd like to hear a little more crack in the snare as well, perhaps a bit of compression and raising some of the highs? Your sound palette sounds good, but it does get a bit repetitive after a while--a lot of that is due to the static drum groove you use, and that cymbal in the left channel that I hate . It helps that you do occasionally drop the drums, but I'd like to hear you work with changing up the groove occasionally, just to keep it fresh. Perhaps at the end, before the solo piano stuff. As for arrangement, I think it's really clever the way you wrote the melody. However, through this whole mix, I do only hear that melody once. I think the rest of the mix is very cohesive to the original in terms of chord structure and melodic/rhythmic motif usage...but part of me feels like that melody should get a little more attention than it's given. I'll leave that up to you. All in all this is a very well put together track. You don't suck, you're actually pretty good
  11. Stuff by pixietricks is always pretty chill. Specifically "Prayer" and "Dreaming Still"
  12. i wanted to go to play! on the 21st, so not then?
  13. Shadow the Hedgehog - all that fucking electric guitar ambiance
  14. Okay, time to get a little more in-depth... ARRANGEMENT / INTERPRETATION [x] Too conservative - sticks too close to the source PRODUCTION [x] Low-quality samples [x] Drums have no energy PERSONAL COMMENTS (positive feedback, specifics on checklist criticisms, any other thoughts) First of all, is it fair to say that this is a remix of both Secret of the Forest as well as Chrono's theme? Because I'm hearing both of those holding equal importance. I like the way you transition into the latter theme, but unfortunately right now I'm not hearing enough interpretation of either theme. You interpret Chrono's theme much more, especially with the orchestral-sounding arrangement of the background to the B section of that theme, as well as the layering against the secret of the forest ambiance. That being said, secret of the forest still needs a lot more interpretation. Maybe try segueing into chrono's theme completely, and then superimposing elements of secret of the forest, mirroring what you'd done before? Just an idea. All that matters is that right now you have secret of the forest playing almost exactly how it was in the source, and that's too close to being a cover. See if you can get a better bass sample, otherwise I like your soundset. Drums sound really cool--I think they could be a little less lo fi, especially in the snare (except at 1:30 where they're supposed to sound lo-fi ), and your cymbals sound a little soft. It also be nice to get some compression on the snare so that it pops out a bit more. Use your discretion. I also think maybe things could be a bit less muddy, but I didn't find it that offensive. Check to see the concentration of frequencies in the mid range, and see if it's too dense. I really like what you did with the opening...have you played cave story? It really reminds me of Egg Corridor from that game... Your mix sounds so good, just concentrate on fleshing the arrangement out!
  15. lol i have a large marimba, it just gets lower instead of higher like those do.
  16. i bought sonic heroes for pc for 2.50. still haven't played it.
  17. ARRANGEMENT / INTERPRETATION [x] Too conservative - sticks too close to the source [x] Other: Medly-itis PRODUCTION [x] Other: Imbalanced Levels STRUCTURE [x] Not enough changes in sounds (eg. static texture, not dynamic enough) [x] Too repetitive [x] Abrupt ending PERSONAL COMMENTS (positive feedback, specifics on checklist criticisms, any other thoughts) First off, your production in general is pretty solid. I would've liked to hear a more expansive soundset--the entire mix is drums, bass, synth pad, panning synth pad arppeggios, piano, and flute. This also made it far too repetitive--especially with the panning synth pad. There were points where I thought the flute was too soft too, specifically in the beginning--I also thought it could use a bit more reverb. Also, the ending was sort of abrupt, as if you hadn't actually written an ending yet. Your production skills are definitely good though, I like the way you work with the equalizer in this, as well as panning. It's just 6 minutes of the same techniques which is holding you back here. As for the arrangement itself, unfortunately I believe you've come down with a bad case of medly-itis--as in, when an arrangement sustains itself on simply being a medly, rather than developing the material within it. There are medlys out there that do adequately develop their material, and to produce one of those is truely a triumph--but unfortunately, your remix simply cycles through the melodies of these five tracks, all in the same static soundset. I'm listening to this maple story track.. honestly, I would love it if you turned this medly into a maple story remix. Listening to the source mp3, there's a lot of content in here that could be worked with, and it would be really sweet to see a MS remix on the site. Despite the kiddie nature of the game, I actually did think it had a nice soundtrack--good for killing mushrooms to You really didn't use much of the maple story track, actually. Let me break it down: :30-1:16 of the source is your melodic content. You referenced the bell-like arpeggios with the panning synth arpeggios, and you got the chord progressions basically lined up to the melody. But there's a lot more going on in this track that you could work with. First of all, a direct transcription of the ascending arpeggios from the beginning of the source track would be really cool-there's some cool harmonic stuff going on. You have more melodic material from :15-:30 in the piano noodling that you could work with, even give that stuff a new instrument to vary your texture up a bit. Also, hear how the source track splits up the melody between a bunch of different instruments? That's something you could reference, but with your own soundset. There's some melodic noodling from 1:16-1:30, and at 1:30 the chord progression changes up--this new chord progression is a fairly substantial change to me, and you didn't reference that at all in your remix. There's also a drum break that you could reference at 1:51 too. At 2:09 we're basically back to the opening melody, but with some different instruments playing--but that's basically it. All of this is to say that there is lots more you could've arranged within the maple story track. You can also play with changing the chord progression, the tempo, the time signature, the groove, etc. Using more than one source tune is fine--but they both need to be arranged and interpreted with the same level of interpretation you would invest in a remix of a single source. A particularly well done example of this is AeroZ's "Dark Butz" (http://www.ocremix.org/remix/OCR01581/ )--a remix in which Sebastian was able to not only arrange the two tracks ("Ahead on Our Way" from FFV, and "Dark World" from LoZ:3), but also able to arrange them together--eliminating any elements of medly-itis. But your arrangement relied on changing source tracks for variation instead--which coupled with the static texture, left you with not one large remix, but five very conservatively arranged remixes, all with the same arrangement. So in conclusion, I guess my advice is this: Pick only one or two of those source tunes, flesh out all of the harmonic, melodic, and rhythmic motifs you can, and use those to arrange the mix as creatively as you can. You'll find that with more interpretation, you will get a longer mix. You can even try referencing the other source tunes that you used if you want, just as long as one or two of those tracks gets the spotlight. One thing I like to do in my remixes (as well as AeroZ, from my observation) is use a melody from a previous remix I've done as an accompanying line. That being said, you may be able to fit, say, corridors of time back there as a brief accompaniment. So yeah. Cure your medly-itis, get a more expansive soundset. Your production values are totally solid, so concentrate on making an interesting arrangement. Good luck!
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