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Everything posted by DrumUltimA

  1. Yeah, I was quite partial to the B-K soundtrack... holy jesus i just realized how much i miss that game......
  3. I have an overactive imagination, so often I invent scenes and situations for the music I'm listening to. I also get reminded of colors, based on tonality, instrumentation, and recording quality. "Time Will Tell" performed by art blakey and the jazz messengers is a pretty strong blue to me, while "Siberian Khatru" by Yes is in a spectrum of yellows and reds.
  4. shut up there's a marimba :'(
  5. I'm terrible at coming up with titles. Call it something like "Brinstar's Hope" or something, I don't know. Feel free to name it.
  6. big update! http://drumultima.arnoldascher.com/orchestra.mp3
  7. Here Shariq - Solo Piano remix of Brinstar 2 - http://drumultima.home.comcast.net/forblind.mp3 Get well soon, bLiNd!!!
  8. bLiNd was one of the first remixers I listened to when joining this site. I think I'll have to play some piano for him
  9. hey, concept art is always good! got anything you can share?
  10. Loveablelink, do you have any screenshots that you could provide us? To get an idea of the atmosphere you're looking for
  11. what! Oh jeez, I hope he gets better!! i'm not a praying person either, but maybe that'll change, just for a night. Feel better bLiNd!!!
  12. alright lemme clarify this, I didn't mean to downplay other career paths: As a musician in music school, I go to school at 8:30 for my first class, and between classes, lessons, practicing, and rehersals, I don't get back until 11 pm or so (assuming I don't have tendonitis, once that set in i couldn't). That was an average weekday, completely unexaggerated. Of course I take breaks for meals, so lets subtract an hour and a half or so from that. I had trouble doing homework before I had tendonitis. Any less than that and I'd fall behind. I didn't have any sort of job during this time. This is not exaggerated. Now lets compare that to my friend who is going to be going into Pharmecuticals. Don't get me wrong, he doesn't have an easy time going through college, and there were points where he almost couldn't make it. Not to mention that in order to get his degree, he has to do like 8 years or something ridiculous. However, he's going to get out of school to a nice job that will take care of all of his expenses for the rest of his life. The point that I was trying to make, is that even though I think music is totally worth it for me, to take that MEAGER amount of money that we have waiting for us IF we get a job and tell us that because we enjoy music we shouldn't get it is unbelievably frustrating for me. The reason I said that about joe smith and etc was to reflect on something that my teacher reminds us all the time--and that is if you're not 100% sure that being a musician is your destiny, than don't do it. It would be a completely irrational decision because there are so many other people in the field, climbing to higher and higher levels and fighting for jobs that don't pay nearly as much as being, like, a lawyer, engineer, etc. Go be a lawyer instead: putting in less work in that field will still give you more money. Putting in the same amount of work in that field will get you tons more money. So yeah, of course everyone should be working hard. I'm talking about salary, not work ethic. Didn't mean to downplay those who do, I'm on your side
  13. bah that's not what i meant either!!! perhaps this works: the amount of money I will be making will not be "worth the effort" i put into it, compared to somebody in another field. This is not meant to imply "my life is hard", but rather "if you're going to go into music, you better fucking love it because otherwise it's not a rational decision"
  14. i never said other career paths were "easy"-just that mine is hard
  15. you'd be surprised! Then again I don't know how hard those guys work
  16. woah woah woah woah-- In my studies for being a musician, I have to work a lot harder than almost any other career path out there (maybe with the exception of medicine) so that I can hold a stable career in which I will be making less than Joe Smith who went to law school. But in this highly competitive field, I shouldn't be paid at all? I pay 40,000 dollars a year so I can go into an "industry" that shouldn't be paying me? Music is plenty free--if you want free music, go tap on a table. Or go to the music store and play around on the keyboard until they kick you out. Or sing to yourself. Let me tell you that most "professional" musicians don't do it for the money--if my biggest goal in life was to be rich, I would've been a lawyer.
  17. hey there is nothing wrong with going to music school >:[
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