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Everything posted by DrumUltimA

  1. Avers-O's - the only cereal on the market guaranteed to reject your appendix!
  2. i can wiggle them a little bit... and write in trichords?
  3. Avers-O's - the only pizza and cheesesteak flavored cereal on the market to date.
  4. My ear training teacher plays in this contemporary chamber group called Alarm Will Sound, and they do a lot of really cool stuff--for example one of their albums is the music of Aphex Twin done acoustically. Check it out: http://www.myspace.com/alarmwillsound, or simply http://www.alarmwillsound.com Here's my ear training teacher http://alarmwillsound.com/about/members/orlando.html
  5. this is where it's at!!!!! i love your stuff sam, but you know that so i wont beat the bush around
  6. is this over yet can i not worry about heroes now
  7. yeah, i remember a test similar to this one--except i think it was better because is dealt with timbrel changes as well. This one had one sound and definitely had less than 30 examples it was using... after a while i just started memorizing them
  8. no no no i didn't buy the soundtrack, i bought the game. they should've paid me to take it off their hands
  9. oh yeah well at least you didn't buy sonic heroes for 2.50-- that was a terrible buy
  10. The past three years of my life have been my biggest musical achievement, as well as personal. It's still going on.
  11. i fucking hate the judges. each and every fucking one can burn in fucking hell
  12. This is by far one of the most harmonically creative remixes I've heard on the site. This remix is very original, yet is riddled with so many sonic themes that it's inspiration is unmistakable. I feel like this has set a nice paradigm for future remixes, the idea of "here's an original melody influenced by (video game) supported by harmonic/rhythmic/melodic theme from (video game)", as opposed to "check it out it's terra but on accordion lol" anyway awesome. awesome awesome awesome.
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