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Everything posted by DrumUltimA

  1. yaay! sega should celebrate by making a good sonic game
  2. i saw pavoratti live once.. my parents were playing in the orchestra and got me in. I wish I appreciated classical music more then (this is before i came to Peabody), so that I really would've have enjoyed an experience that, well, wont happen again...
  3. WAAAAHHH thanks everybody!!!!!!! :DDDDDDDDDD I'm fucking 20 now! I gotta get good!!!
  4. if i do this how committed to i have to be because i'm not very good at being timely as the people in the radical dreamers project know
  5. and who can forget the "a [something] a day keeps the [something] away" threads! now that i think about it, unmod was pretty crappy near the end, at least compared to like, '03-'04
  6. am i the only one who LIKED fad threads?! :[
  7. hahah me too, i was all like "jesus is this really still that big of a deal" you mods are craaaazzy!
  8. man what's wrong with you people! I liked unmod for a while until people there decided that i was a retard so then i didn't like them and tried really hard to fit in and just looked like a loser! But then it got deleted like randomly. I don't think that was the best way to do it, but it was really really funny.
  9. it has to be soon, things are starting up here.
  10. DID YOU GUYS SEE MY VIDEOS!!!! http://www.youtube.com/user/dougdrumultimaperry I'll add more too
  11. HEY EVERYBODY until i get this to sound good enough to work with in sonar HERE IS THE MP3!! http://drumultima.googlepages.com/DarkworldImprovisation.mp3
  12. Hi Johnny! Great to have you here. I have a lot of trouble with the production end of the remixing here, so I'm sure you'll be hearing from me
  13. yes i did! sorry i didn't respond, i've been really busy. I'll see what i can do
  14. my parents seem really adamant about keeping me from going to ny... we'll see what happens :[
  15. When I went to connecticon for two hours two people commented on my shirt, one saying that he's registered here apparently. I've never seen anyone else in an ocr shirt outside of meetups..
  16. So I just got an awesome new laptop and I transfered a whole bunch of stuff onto it from my old computer, which includes sonar. However, I cannot get plugins to work that i tried to install after the initial installation of Sonar... which includes Edirol VSC (which I use a lot) and sfz (which i use a LOT). I tried going into the security part of the folder and setting it so i have full control, but that still doesn't really change anything--the application will not change. I also tried removing the folder from program files but then the application wouldn't start up at all-- something about a sequencer DLL error. Anybody know what I should do? I would like to keep remixing! If it helps clarify, I had a related problem with playing cave story. I started playing it, saved my new game like once, and then tried to send my old save file into that folder. But it still would load the original save file i used the first time i played it. So i tried physically deleting the save files. And it still loaded the original save file, even though there was no save file! So i moved the entire folder to my "doug" folder () and now it works fine.
  17. why the fuck would you want a sax player when you can have a vibes player?
  18. oh i always spell it triggar lol i didn't know there was hip hop involved
  19. wowowow this is a+ i wish composers at peabody came up with shit like this.. the flurry of fourths and diminished chords... and then the block chords.... this is amazing. i gotta show this to my teacher. i'm going crazy over this shit
  20. This was the last thing shnabubula ever showed me... and it was amazing when I heard it. djp, your leanings are correct, these string samples are fake. I would love to hear this live, but I know that probably won't happen anytime soon. Great job sam, we miss ya!
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