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Unknown Pseudoartist

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  • Location
    Unknown Lands
  • Interests
    Videogames, music, music from videogames, etc

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  • Collaboration Status
    2. Maybe; Depends on Circumstances
  • Software - Preferred Plugins/Libraries
    LMMS, ZynAddSuxFX
  • Composition & Production Skills
    Arrangement & Orchestration
    Drum Programming
    Mixing & Mastering
  • Instrumental & Vocal Skills (Other)
    Vocals (bird), MIDI Keyboard

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  1. So... a few days ago I released which happens to be my most complex VGM Remix album so far. 11 covers, remixes, arrangements or whatever of 11 (or 12 if we count some hidden track haha) different tunes from this amazing soundtrack. Musically this is pretty varied but always with metal as the main base. Featuring a lot of talented performers in all tracks, some of them also active in OCR. You can listen to or/and download the full album in Bandcamp (it's "free or name your price", so just put 0 as price. Or ask for a download code if you want to add to your Bandcamp collection) https://unknownpseudoartist.bandcamp.com/album/songs-of-phantasia-a-metal-tribute-to-tales-of-phantasia Alternatively you can also listen to the full album in Youtube in a single static "video": Anyways, if you can find some time to listen that'd be nice There was a huge ammount of time, effort and passion poured into this thing and I thin it's worth it. I hope you like :)
  2. This is an interesting topic I've been thinking a lot of lately because the recent hype with AI generated music got me in a time when I just released my first original music album. Since I'm still learning and lacking of experience the results aren't that great so some people might prejudge that and assume it's AI, even though actually I manually wrote every single note in the pianoroll. But it was a pleasant surprise to see you all pointed at exactly the points I'm concerned of. It's not about results but more about the process. Nowadays AI generated music might be still mediocre, to say the least, but even if it eventually got real good... there's something special about the satisfaction of simply having your work done after all the time and work spent. You kinda grew with your works in a way that it makes them more like friends you build memories and stories with, and when you finally see them ready to be published you feel like you accomplished something you can be proud of. It don't matters if the compositions or arrangements are bland, if the mix sounds horrible or the genres/styles are not everyone's cup of tea. It's your work and you love it and want others to enjoy it just as you enjoyed the process, with all its moments of both tediousness and happiness. And then you keep learning and being able to do more and better stuff as you keep trying and doing more and more of that. If all you did to get it done is just writing some text line in a web/app form, however... where's the story? Where's that special feel that may connect both artists and listeners? That work ends being nothing but some randomly generated product, very much like any of these old Flash avatar generators. Music making can be often too hard and frustrating, especially if you are under disfavorable conditions of some kind (like lacking proper tools, dealing with ancient hardware, being in some kind of depression or any mental craps that makes everything even harder, etc), so I can totally understand people loving the idea of having access to such a task with just asking some cold and emotionless AI. I'm all into making things as easy as possible for anyone to show their creativity to the world, actually. But making things easier is one thing; and I can see how practical AI tools can be to just ease some parts of the process; but for the end-product? That's a totally different thing that does nothing good for creativity but rather the opposite.
  3. Hey, it's sad to see this is the end for PRC. I'd really like to be involved more. On the other hand, these 472 compos full of cool stuff won't be in vain; that's a lot of stuff for everyone to enjoy forever, so thanks everyone for so much of good music! Also thanks a lot for the reviews! Some of these were unusually long and detailed, and it's helpful to have more opinions like that from people who really took the time to listen to everything with full attention. I'm glad some people even considered mine worth giving some vote considering you can vote only 3 songs. I'm used to get into the latest places in compos like DoD and PM so that's somewhat refreshing, and even more so since that was a solo work with no actual talented artists recruited haha. I'm aware that while often having good and interesting ideas for arrangements I still suck at mixing and I think of that work more as a unpolished demo than the actual finished product. In a future I might have someone playing guitars and flute and maybe more improvements in drums programming and backing synths so that will sound a lot better.
  4. I have a couple of WIPs I started this month and was considering to submit as bonus/alt entries, but I hesitated to do because, unlike the one I already submitted, these weren't done with PRC in mind but more like "I got the inspiration to start this and gonna do it", so that'd feel like I'm spamming the site for merely self-promo purposes. Still since I see the compo is open again I might consider sending them today, tho. I also hesitated to recruit artists (instrument performers specfically) in my track because, for what I see, nearly all tracks are solo projects done by one single artist. But just seeing/listening to Vodou Queen's track and the awesome musicians involved and that sounds real nice :)
  5. Hey hello everyone! I'm not sure if this is the proper place in the forums to post this, as it looks like everyone is posting individual tracks rather than full albums. I remember seeing some people posting announcements of their own new albums in Anouncements but obviously I'm not that important as to deserve posting there, so just decided to do it here. In case that was inappropiate, please mods just move this whenever it belongs. So, well... for anyone who never heard of me before (most likely the makority of people here), basically my "career" into music started in totally accidental ways: it was never my intention to make actual music or remixes or whatever but just ruin it, replacing the beautiful, catchy melodies by silly humming vocals that sounds like a chocobo singing in a bad day. Most of that stuff was early the original source with lead instruments muted, or random midi files from vgmusic. However, eventually as I kept doing more of that I learnt a lot of music arranging, production, etc. And most surprisingly, some people in some place of the net (Dwelling of Duels, mostly) liked my sutff and "asked for more of that". So then I got involved with actual artists and collabs and more and more complex stuff that was totally out of my initial aspirations of simply "giving people something to laugh and have fun with". And so I kept doing more and more attempts of serious stuff too, with the extreme luck of counting with a bunch of talented artists willing to play for me. And so here's that new album I posted just a few days ago with all my new stuff since August (with a few exceptions for next one). That's 17 tracks, almost all of them VGM covers/remixes from both obscure and mainstream games, but also a couple of non-VGM ones and an original one. And just wanted to share this with anyone who might be interested to listen. Please note that I'm not any expert or pro or anything in my own roles, so don't expect awesome stuff, but still totally listenable and maybe even enjoyable stuff, I guess. A few tracks are kinda demo-ish (ie: the first track lacking real guitars because some unepected incidents at its creation time, so that thing that sounds like guitars are actually amped harps!) and while tracks 1 to 9 sounds kinda decent enough, from 11 to later it's just me and my synths/samples, without anyone collabing, so that may sound a bit "too midi-ish" but still trying interesting stuff and ideas arrangement-wise. Musically I'd say it's mostly metal as base, but lots of elements ranging from folk to industrial. Some weird stuff and some too agressive and some too smooth, kinda varied stuff :) In any case, I hope somebody listens and like something of this. The whole album is available for free download at Bandcamp, where I have a lot more of stuff too (but beware: while this album is kinda "serious" there's some really silly stuff if you check into the past stuff!). https://unknownpseudoartist.bandcamp.com/album/no-birds-allowed Thanks in advance :)
  6. Hey, just checked other people's tracks, lots of really good stuff there! So far my favorite one is perhaps the SMRPG jazz one, but everyone is going very creative and that's cool. The Godzilla one sounds totally familiar to me and couldn't figure out why since never played the games and know rather little about the movies, so I probably heard that from other people's covers/remixes, and that one sounds nice too. A pity this is the final round now :(
  7. Just submitted mine today. Including boring wall of text for context and personal thoughs :D
  8. Just started my PRC entry today and had quick progress already. It won't be great but it's a source I personally love and a style I think I can manage well with by myself without anyone's help, so that feels somewhat good and fun to work with. Maybe a bit outdated in terms of sound and production, but maybe because of that it'll help bringing a more 2000s music forums vibe that somewhat fits the nostalgia for those of you who kept submitting for decades
  9. This is still more of an audible but unfinished and unpolished demo that had some unexpected shit happening during the time I was supposed to finish it, mostly related to the lack of a guitarist that led to a weird experiment replacing what was initially planned in the arrangmement as guitars to harps amped like if they were metal guitars (my most sincere praise to Kirina / Nicole for the time and work spent on that!). Eventually this will have real metal guitars and sound closer to the initial idea, but in case you @LifeDeleter or anyone else is interested, here's my arrangement/cover/whatever of this fantastic soundtrack: Featuring some talented musicians playing most of the instruments. I'm kinda happy with the arrangement but a pity the unexpected issues at literaly latest week (that was done for a monthly videogame music contest and had a deadline to finish it) and the mix was a disservice. Basically my idea is to focus on Riza's scenario, so this includes multiple sources like "Crime of the Heart" and "Flame and Arrow" as well as "Holidas in the Village" and some small pieces from one of the Final Battle themes. I wanted it to have both agressive and smooth parts, but because the unexpected turn of events I understand this probably turned a lot cheesier than intended. I hope it's still enjoyable for actual Rudra fans regardless
  10. Ugh, it saddens me a lot to see this now all of a sudden. Honestly I'm having a rough time in both personal and creative stuff and felt very discouraged for any music projects, to the point that I once considered to abandon and right now I'm having a similar internal debate about that. So I'm sorry I weren't any active in more PRC compos even when that was exactly my intention. In the other hand, I totally understand the lack of motivation of organizers to keep this thing alive seeing the lack of participation. Every month I have that feeling that whatever music I'm doing at the moment could be my latest work, and it's a really annoying and frustrating way to keep doing stuff, and I bet that's very much how people organizing this feels like too. Anyways I hope to have something done exclusively for PRC during these 2 months. Good or bad stuff or whatever, just to have some fun and contribute with something more.
  11. That's funny, because I initially planned to choose an even more obscure source, but I was afraid no one would get any interest so I finally went to what I considered a middle term (still obscure but not that much). And now seeing no entries for so long... if another week comes with no entries I'd like to choose a more popular source if that's possible. Also, I see a video is included but that's not from the original source version but a remix someone else did. Plus the game is not PS2 but SNES.
  12. Hey, sorry I'm a bit late, but just did my choice and sent a message to the e-mail adress you specified, since it's easier to send files this way. If I have the honor to choose a next source anytime again I hope that happens because own real merits next time
  13. Oh heck... hahaha! The first time I win any VGM compo, and that happening just because being the only "votable" participant, so embarrasing! Anyways, I hope people liked the arrangement regardless. I might participate in FFX Seymor as well, since I already ruined 2 FFX tunes before and I'm familiar enough with that source too. Also I'll think of some source for the next PRC tomorrow and will send the message with it then. You may expect some obscure 90s JRPG since that's pretty much my favorite type of game and OST, so that's a cool chance to invite others to do more of that :)
  14. Thanks @Tex! I joined the Discord and Remnscience solved my problem just as suggested, so I was finally to submit it myself. Since the compo has an extra week now, please somebody submit some (non-bonus) entry! It'd be embarrasing to win my first compo just because that being the only one Also expect me to participate there more often
  15. Well, just managed to finish a quick, poor arrangement of this iconic classic based in the CV4 version, and I wanted to register on ThaSauce site but couldn't finish the process to validate my account. Even though I specified that I'm older than 13 years old the confirmation mail I received looks like that typical thing that should be filled by a parent or tutor printed in paper and signed, which is a nonsense. For what I did read it seems entries can be submitted by just posting a link here so I hope someone can make it for me. It'd be cool if some admin can validate my account so next time I can submit it myself without giving anyone's extra work. This is my entry, titled as "Bleeding Ears Again - Attack of the Killer Mummy" (I guess you all castlemaniacs will get the references :P) Thanks! That was lots of fun! There's never enough remixes of this wonderful classic and soundtrack, I'll be happy to hear what others are doing too :)
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