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Everything posted by zircon

  1. After having met nearly three years ago at the first New York City meetup (Winter 2005), I proposed to the lovely Jillian Goldin. (aka pixietricks!) The deed was done at the same restaurant where we went to breakfast the morning after the meetup had ended; it was also where we ate the day we started officially dating, on July 4th, 2006. Here's a pic of us there, with ShonenSamurai, GeoffreyTaucer and D-Lux (Dec 31st, 2005) For those who don't know how we actually started dating... it again relates to OCR! We were enjoying a nice lunch at our "hosts-only" VGDJ meetup and I made a comment to the effect of, "Wouldn't it be nice if people on OCR could all get together in the same city? Then, we could all hang out more often." Jill sort of smiled and giggled at this, not a response I was expecting, and when I asked her why, she refused to tell me. For the rest of the day, I kept trying to figure out what made her react that way, and continued to ask her to just tell me. Finally, after seeing a nice fireworks show and spending several hours talking in the wee hours of the morning, we were all set to go to bed and I finally just got the courage to ask if she giggled like that because she was interested in dating. The rest is history. This is a picture of us from two and a half years ago, the day after we started dating. This very spot is where I ended up proposing to her. (Note the OCR shirt!) Anyway, this relationship wouldn't have ever happened without OCR, so a big THANK YOU to not only djp but also everyone in the community, ReMixers and listeners alike, for making this place so awesome.
  2. Make sure you actually check your initialized controls automation to see if there is or is not any automation existing... sometimes I set init controls without realizing. Also check ALL your automation in all patterns.
  3. If both cards are enabled, it's no problem. In the Windows sound options, you can set the default sound output to your onboard card. Then, in FL, when you're picking audio drivers, you can select the drivers for your EMU 0404 ASIO.
  4. Rush is not underrated... they are multiplatinum artists.
  5. I wouldn't call Ratatat obscure... they're pretty popular as indie electronic artists, constantly being mentioned/featured in magazines like Remix. I also think they're extremely overrated and could name 25 people on OCR that are more talented and interesting.
  6. For all the complaints about SB butchering the English language, ScrewAttack spelled "rapper" as "wrapper" on their front page. At the top.
  7. I was actually going to comment on this myself. Kanye West is a really creative producer. He specifically said with this album that he doesn't care about sales - and his fans have generally reacted poorly, as I understand it. He doesn't care that other people use Autotune - he heard it and said he liked the sound, so he's using it. I like that attitude a lot. No stereotypical hip hop claps, kicks, and snares here. Just unique production. I've heard another track from the album, "Robocop", which is also quite creative. It uses dry orchestral strings, distorted 808 percussion, and an unusually major tonality. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=krxnf4WG4qA
  8. It's E-F-G-C-C(8va) in the key of C, otherwise known as a "cumshot". It's a musical in-joke that started on VGmix during a Kwakfest competition (I think) and spread from there.
  9. Definitely a great show. I saw one of the very first back in 2006, and even though it wasn't amazing then, it was still enjoyable - and they've only gotten MUCH better.
  10. Necro bump because I like this. Yes it's my own thread.
  11. Guys, you know if SA wins Soulja will just say something like, "Well yeah, you're a bunch of nerds that do nothing but play video games, of course you won." It's not like it will be some great embarassment.
  12. Congratulations, Andrew!! That's wonderful news. Can't wait to hear stories as he grows up. Wait.. is it a boy or a girl?!
  13. Well, evidently the latency was because oversampling and linear phase modes are enabled by default. Turn those off and latency is fine, plus CPU drops. They also released a patch further lowering CPU.
  14. SampleTank 2 XL is $199 at eSoundz: http://www.esoundz.com/details.php?ProductID=171 SampleTank 2 L is $99: http://www.esoundz.com/details.php?ProductID=169 So, if you get ST2L for $99, you'll still get:
  15. Huh, very interesting idea. When I was in middle school I went to a "computer camp" and it was a load of fun - got to study programming and hang out with similarly-minded people. If you were ever interested in developing a computer music program, I'd be happy to consult for you on that, though as a full-time composer I don't think I would have time for full employment at your facilities. Best of luck, regardless!
  16. Yep, I do usually set my media player and playlist to shuffle. There aren't that many good albums out there that will hold my attention for a full 45-60 minutes, at least more than once. Every album I buy does get a full listen-through when I first buy it, of course. Basically I agree with what you said towards the end - I like cohesive albums that are still varied.
  17. As Taucer said I do pro work as a composer, have been for about 4 years. One of my first contract jobs was writing ad music for radio.
  18. I agree with Nasenmann... few albums are worth listening to from start to finish more than once or twice, at least in my experience. Part of it is that MANY artists have too consistent of a style, so unless you want to hear the same kind of music for 45-60 minutes it can get old quick. The exception would be albums like the kind you hear on OCR, which feature the same kind of underlying compositions but very different arrangement and production styles.
  19. BUMP, this is still available and everyone should buy it. :3 (ps. if you do, don't forget to refer me!)
  20. zircon


    Haha, but that's the cheap way out! Where's the fun in that? Anyway, I couldn't stop laughing when I first played this. So awesome.
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