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Everything posted by zircon

  1. OK, spent the whole day memtesting all of my four sticks (total 6gb) *individually*, two full passes each, with no errors. It's not my RAM, which is what I thought before. RAM doesn't usually cause your system to hang, memory problems = bluescreens. Back to square 1.
  2. Alright, I guess this is worth bringing up. Yeah, Proticity is in the quarterfinals as well. However, it is worth noting that he has cheated on OurStage before on the behalf of other artists, and on another occasion for himself.
  3. OK, I'll run memtest again. I swear if it's my memory I'm going to kill somebody.
  4. Hello and welcome back to the OverClocked ReMix on OurStage thread. July 31st: finals begin! Out of six total tracks from OCReMixers and OCR community members, two have made it into the finals this month. * "Breathing You In" feat. Jillian Goldin * ROMance Both are my tracks - I'm happy of course that I made it this far, but it would have been nice to see guys like Skrypnyk and OverCoat make it past the quarters/semis too Maybe next month! Anyway, finals last until 11:59PM EST tonight and ALL judging is in the Finals channel. There are many battles that can take place (up to 1035) but any and all votes count. In previous months, OC ReMixers have been as close as 2nd or 3rd place! Lots of other great music this month too, from artists like Trifonic (who I highly recommend.) So, if you can spare any time at all, I would appreciate your support. FAQ What is OurStage? A monthly song contest with tens of thousands of entries and dozens of genres. Anyone can enter for free - if you're an artist, you should too! Most of each month is spent determining the top 20 songs in any given category. In the last seven days of the month, only the top songs remain. The quarterfinals contain the top 20 songs of each genre, while the semifinals cut it down to the top 10 in each, to selet the #1 song in each genre. The winners of the semifinals all receive a $100 prize. During the finals (on the last day of the month), the winners from the semifinals go on to compete against each other for a $5,000 grand prize. Artists from OCR have been successful on OurStage so far, due in part to the assistance of people like you! Both Jill Goldin (pixietricks) and sgx have won the grand prize. How can I help? First, register an account at www.OurStage.com - it's free and takes less than a minute. Then, click "Judge" and navigate to a category where an OC ReMixer is competing. Here are the categories: Club/Dance - http://www.ourstage.com/judge?channel=79-club-dance Techno/Ambient - http://www.ourstage.com/judge?channel=79-club-dance Comedy - http://www.ourstage.com/judge?channel=131-comedy You will be presented with a pair of songs. You cannot choose which songs to vote on, as the system is randomized. Listen to at least 15 seconds of each song, and then select which song you like more, and by how much. When you vote favorably for a song, you encourage that song to move up in the rankings. NOTE: Once you have listened to at least 15 seconds of any given song, you never have to listen to that song again for the remainder of the round (ie. quarterfinals). This will save you time when you want to vote quickly in hundreds of rounds. Anything else I should know? Please do not cheat to support OCR artists. Do not create alt accounts or use any kind of automated scripts. Do not simply vote against popular song ("voting down") to help us. No one in the running for the grand prize wants an illegitimate victory. If you don't want to contribute your time or support the ReMixers listed because you don't enjoy their music, please do not feel any pressure to. OCR's involvement on OurStage is unofficial as it is simply individual ReMixers. What's in it for me? OurStage is a great place to discover new music. I personally have found a bunch of great artists there, and a ton of great songs. Plus, you get a sense of satisfaction knowing that you helped ReMixers who have put in countless hours of time into this community in the form of free ReMixes.
  5. You could simply cut and paste the part of the waveform you want to repeat, which is easy to do in FL, or you could automate the delay mix as you suggested. Both are relatively easy solutions.
  6. I've thoroughly tested all my memory as of a few months ago; several sticks are only a few months old. I WAS having massive memory trouble, having gone through two kits of bad RAM that Corsair sent, but the third kit tested perfectly. When I was having memory problems, I got BSODs, not system hangs. I'm hesistant to spend an entire day doing Memtest again considering everything checked out not very long ago (Prime95 did not encounter any problems either.)
  7. I got a Q9450 processor which I had professionally installed last month at Micro Center. Since then, I began having problems with system hangs. I'm not positive the processor is the cause, as the first hang wasn't until at least a week or two after I got it, but they've definitely been regular. I've gotten maybe 10 total. The system just freezes completely; no noises or error messages, nothing in the Event list. I've installed two new pieces of hardware since the new processor, which are USB-only (Printer + USB Mic), but the hangs happen even when the hardware is not plugged in (or in use.) The system has hung randomly, sometimes when I'm doing intensive stuff (eg. working in FL), sometimes when I'm just navigating folders or browsing in Firefox. Seems random. Coretemp reports my idle temperatures in the low 60c range, now that I have my case siding off. At first I thought it was a heat issue, which I suppose it still might be, but the system doesn't shut down, it just hangs. Worth noting: I've run torture tests on all FOUR processors for several minutes, bringing the temps into the upper 70s, with no hang - plus I've seen the hangs happen when the temperatures have been as low as 63 (for the hottest proc.) I have an aftermarket cooler which I used on my last processor, and the tech who installed the whole setup also used Arctic Silver coolant. Another thing worth noting is that the tech did need to flash my BIOS (ASUS board) to install the Q9450; it would not post without the update. I have probably installed and uninstalled new software since I got the new processor, but in the last 3-4 years I've never gotten hangs like this and I certainly haven't been using anything out of the realm of my normal activities (simple web browsing and music making.) Please help! I don't even know where to start diagnosing this as there's no log or error of any kind. It's driving me crazy.
  8. Component cables should fix it.. upscaling is what creates the lag, same thing happened to Jill and myself when we got our new LCD HDTV.
  9. And... we're done! Jill and I are keeping it private until bLiNd hears first, but we do plan on sharing it with the rest of y'all soon.
  10. Musician's Friend should have some info on that somewhere on their site - typically, you qualify if you're a K-12 OR college/graduate student or educator.
  11. Might be a good time to mention that I'm working on the soundtrack to a game that will be released on the new "Community Games" thing. Might be on XBLA at some point too.
  12. Haha, those are plaid shorts, like this: http://urbanupdater.files.wordpress.com/2007/03/plaidshorts2.jpg
  13. Page 2? C'mon, y'all. You know you wanna remix the good stuff and win $$$.
  14. Sorry for the difficulty with the Red July pack, the SoundTempest FTP has been repeatedly messing up its transfer, apparently. It's up now, however. The "Secret Guards" pack has been updated to include the second verse, that was my mistake! You can also download that part direcly from: http://www.soundtempest.net/jill/SG%20Vox%20Verse%202.wav
  15. I really don't agree with all the negative opinions on the guitars. They're definitely not perfect, but have you ever tried just playing a guitar sample? It's very hard to get it to sound realistic with any normal playing techniques. The sequencing here, from the inclusion of the fret noise to the actual strummed chords and humanization of timing, is definitely great. I've sequenced enough guitar to know a GOOD mockup when I hear one Are they perfect? No, but I think we've definitely accepted remixes with sequenced guitar worse than this (eg. Ryo Lion.) I agree that a live player would be ideal - someone like Pot Hocket could nail this. The vocals are my main issue here. The performance is solid but the recording needs a lot of work. It just sounds 'cheap' when it's so exposed. If there were more instrumental layers it wouldn't really be an issue, but since this is essentially just a handful of parts, the flaws of the recording show up much more. The reverb sounds kinda mono for some reason, as does the delay. A wider sound would have been preferable, IMO, though I'm not sure whether a tighter reverb sound or a more expansive one is. I did like the actual arrangement and interpretation quite a bit: very creative stuff. The only weak part there was towards the end where the guitar drops out to expose the vocals. I thought the way the guitar slowed down and stopped just didn't work. Vocal recording aside, vocal harmonies wouldn't hurt here either, even if it was just one additional part to thicken things up. Cool concept, just rough around the edges. Go for a resub, ideally with a live player and re-recorded vocals (though the latter is more important to me.) NO, resubmit
  16. This kind of reminds me of OA and Kaijin stylistically: a (primarily) electronic/sampled texture with pleasant sounds and a happy vibe overall. The production is nice all around with good sequencing, instrument choices, mixing and mastering. The guitar work is spot-on and fits in well. I loved how the piece changed in feel as it progressed; everything was seamless and natural. Good job! I do agree with Anso that some of the instruments have a little bit of a "General MIDI" quality, particularly the bass, but I don't really think it detracts from the mix much overall. With regards to the interpretation of the source itself, it's leaning toward the conservative side with no major stylistic changeups and no big changes to any of the melodies, harmonies or progressions that I could hear. This would be my only real complaint... I would have liked to hear some solos, for example. However, the arrangement is there and effective enough for our bar. YES
  17. I could have sworn I voted on this... weird. Even though it's pretty much already approved, I'll throw in an opinion anyway. The execution here is solid overall with some mechanical parts, but because of the powerful nature of the arrangement, it doesn't hurt the mix too much. I agree with all of the production comments - I would like to hear more separation of the pianos if at all possible. A little more volume, via a maximizer, would not hurt either. The arrangement is nice overall. There was a lot of source material to work with but choosing to stick with that primary motif and build on it was a great idea. I feel good enough about this to yes it with no conditions, but would be OK if it got sent back to the ReMixer for some additional work. YES
  18. Two and a half hours until the Partyline starts. All the remix materials are ready to go, and as I said before, I think you all will like 'em (as well as the prizes of course.) We're also going to be debuting some new music and playing music from our various albums, including the new Breathing You In EP.
  19. Glitch: If you or someone you know has an account at Amazon, which accepts many forms of payment, you should be able to pick up the release there. Axem: Yeah, that iTunes thing is a bit annoying, as they WERE given the proper titles... but the way you put it, maybe it's not such a bad thing. Everyone: Thanks for the interest, and I hope you're enjoying the tracks! We're rocking the JunoDownload trance charts now.
  20. Haha, yes, that's exactly what I was referring to Brak. Thanks again for all the feedback guys.
  21. Noticed this on the front page of OurStage today - Cool, eh?
  22. The release is now on Beatport! https://www.beatport.com/en-US/html/content/release/detail/119423/breathing_you_in Also, we're doing VERY well on the Juno charts. #3, #5, #6, #13, AND #14. Not bad, eh?
  23. It's really easy to hack a slim PSP, once you know how to do it... it took me and Wes awhile to figure out exactly what needed to be done, but once we did, it was like 10-15 min.
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