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Everything posted by zircon

  1. Today, I installed new drivers for my nVidia Geforce en7600gs graphics card, because Team Fortress 2 said I needed to update them. I went to the site and grabbed the latest ones. After some finagling (uninstalling old ones, reinstalling new ones), I got them working - the latest beta version. Within two hours of installation, I got an "IRQL_LESS_OR_NOT_EQUAL" (something like that) BSOD while using FLStudio. This never happens, normally, but I had recently reduced my page file to 512mb (since my phys ram was upgraded to 6gb.) I increased the page file, and then uninstalled the graphics drivers to install the latest STABLE non-beta release. OK! 4-5 hours later, system is stable, then while I was simply talking on Pidgin and I got a BSOD mid-sentence that said "BAD POOL HEADER". Supposedly, this is a driver issue, but I'm using the latest drivers from nVidia to begin with! I haven't changed any other hardware, and I emphasize I haven't had any problems in the course of my normal computer usage otherwise. I did install new RAM about 2-3 weeks ago, but that did not cause any problems. Two BSODs in the same day after installing new drivers seems too coincidental, but I don't know what I'm supposed to do to find stable drivers if the latest official ones aren't stable. I don't even remember what version I was using prior (my system was pre-configured and built in early '07).
  2. Cut it out - consider this a warning. Don't bump your own thread.
  3. The thing about radio is that it's offered for free to begin with. It's supported by advertisers almost entirely. Unlike actual music CDs or software. Also, no BS about prices being "exceptionally high". You can create a killer right for <$500 total. New Macs come with everything you need. A decent keyboard? $100 or less. Headphones? $100 or less. Some of the best samples? Get Computer Music magazine for $15 and get gigabytes of stuff. Reaper? $30. I could go on.
  4. I don't know what I had before. They were just pre-installed on my computer. I seem to have fixed the problem by going to the Advanced area of the nVidia panel and forcing a resolution. So dumb that I should have to do that.
  5. *throws Steffan into a garbage can and rolls him down a hill* *slaps Doug with a piece of pizza* You keep your dirty minds off my girlfriend!
  6. The nVidia panel has the same resolutions as Windows. The issue is I want a 16:9 ratio. Apparently the system won't allow that, even though I had it before. I've set a custom resolution for my second monitor now - my non-primary - which works fine, thanks to the advanced nVidia panel, but it won't let me set one for the left. Or at least, when I do, it looks misshapen..
  7. Nope, no difference. My left monitor does from 1280x1024 to 1680x1050. The right one has 1280x1024, 1360x768, 1440x900, and then 1680x1050.
  8. I am using two identical Sceptre 20" monitors on Windows XP with a Geforce en7600gs graphics card. I was using resolutions of 1600x900. I wanted to play Team Fortress 2, and the game told me I should update my drivers. I did so, and when I did, my resolutions were messed up. I could no longer even select 1600x900, or 1440x900 for that matter. The closest was 1680x1050 which is too high for me. How can I get back ALL my resolutions? I even tried forcing Windows to display resolutions that wouldn't work, and it doesn't have 1600x900 or 1440x900 on the list. It's driving me crazy.
  9. Not to mention the latest wave of dongle-based protection is quite effective.
  10. Triforce Majeure is still probably my favorite... Green Amnesia in a close second.
  11. How has that changed? I just said it's against our rules to advocate piracy. That's always how it's been.
  12. It really depends. Lately I've had a lot of school work so at most, I spend 15-20 mins a week judging. If you're really in the groove you can do it for awhile at a time - that's how most people do it, in my experience. It sounds WAY easier than it is. Believe me.
  13. OCR is based in the U.S., our copyright laws are pretty strict. In any case, the legality isn't so much the issue on these forums - it's simply against our forum rules to advocate piracy in any way, shape or form. You absolutely cannot post links to pirated software here. Many of us are in creative businesses and are personally impacted by piracy every day.
  14. Samson CO1U is quite good, Jill (pixietricks) has been using it for over a year. Clocks in at a little under $100.
  15. Again, it's an MP3 encoding thing. Not an FLStudio problem. The same thing will happen if you encode anywhere else.
  16. Haha - nah, when I first got here I started downloading every mix starting with "A", back before there were torrents. That's how I found stuff like HallsofAbandonment from Alisia Dragoon, which I never played and would have had 0 interest in otherwise. Ever since, I've made it a point to grab everything.
  17. I always have all OC ReMixes loaded on to my winamp playlist, as well as my iPod.
  18. The game could have come out yesterday and it would still be OK to remix it. I've never heard of anyone in this community looking down at someone else because they remixed music from a recent game. If anything, people LIKE when mixers do that.
  19. Really dunno where all the hate is coming from on this one. It's a creative, interpretive electronic mix with solid production values.
  20. Here's to another year of great original music, remixes, and performances from Ms. Jillian Goldin! ps. OMG my girlfriend is 22 and I'm only 20 :OOO pps. Give her a present by visiting her new forums! ppps. Beat Larry to it.
  21. I think 5-8 sentences of actual commentary on the mix is acceptable, maybe more if there's a really interesting story. Of course, if you don't have anything to say, you don't need to say anything... don't just put stuff down for the sake of having comments posted with your mix. I personally like to hear any unusual or unique details about the production of the mix, as well as a simple explanation of what setup was used to make it (eg. FL, Cubase, Reason, hardware workstation.) If the mix was inspired by a specific song, artist, or style, I think that is good to put also. Inevitably this has a subconscious influence, but we do our best to not let it really affect us. If something is really just uncreative compared to existing OCR remixes on the site, I might be harder on it, but that doesn't come up much.
  22. Just because that mix uses C64 sounds doesn't make it a chiptune. It is more full than a .SID could be by itself.
  23. I have encountered the same problem... it's an MP3 encoding thing. OGG will loop seamlessly; no gaps on encode.
  24. Your videos are REALLY quiet. I can barely hear the music at all.
  25. I just finished "The Millionaire Next Door" by Thomas Stanley and William Danko. Fascinating book that investigates the lifestyles, history, and mindsets of millionaires living in America today. The results are surprising, to say the least, and offer some great insight into what ANYONE living in the U.S. can do to generate (and maintain) wealth.
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