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Jonathon Striker

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  • Real Name
    Jonathon Chase
  • Occupation
    Wal-Mart Dept. Manager

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  1. It sounds like Golden Axe though. And I mean I like that too.
  2. I like the mix. Nothing like way out there from the original, but rather sounds like an HD Remix. Makes me think of that HD Remix project by OCRemix for Street Fighter. If Fatal Fury got the same treatment, I am sure your track would get thrown in there.
  3. Lemme just say this: Flying Battery Zone is over done... ...until now. Thank you for this.
  4. That Synth Lead at 3:27 I don't really like with that effect. Maybe just a personal preference for me, but I would expect that effect more for a dubstep. I think the sound should be clearer. Vibrato would be okay, but not a "jaggy" sound. Instrumentation I don't mind, but if you can find a way to touch up the sounds, definitely make sure to explore through before submitting. Overall, I would def add this to my VG Remix playlist. Personally I wish this would be more dance than trance, but you could easily make an alternative version with some different sounds and some tweaks that would make it sound the same yet different. Good luck with this! I Love Lufia!
  5. If they decided to redo the Golden Axe series (mind you I only mean the original 3), they should use your track as an arranged version. Definitely get a Final Fight inspired feeling from this mix as I am remembering a classic arcade side-scrolling beat em' up.
  6. There were quite a few questionable parts, but for the most part, it came out alright. The intro alone was kinda disturbing as I actually thought OCremix lowered their standards for allowing sounds that made the Sega Genesis sound like an almighty sequencer. But that was just the brief intro. The voice, the breif moment of... um.. singing (for those who'd call it that) isn't that interesting to me and I woulda prefered a much softer voice or just playing on flute or sax instead. The vocals come off too strong, overpowering the piano solo which follows in between. Did I mentionion I'm not quite sure how the lyrics tie into the game if at all was that the point? Lastly, once you make it past the 2:45 whining that few experienced musicians could appreciate, its got a nice morph to a soft ending of a piano solo. In short review, its just weird, kinda cool, but a little overdone. If it sounded like a song, or just had had no lyrics, I could tell you for sure whether its hot or not, but because it is more like brief moments of yelling humours nonsense, I'll leave the judgement to you as the listener (and those who think they actually know what they are talking about).
  7. But this deserves one from so bad so I gotta lay it down. Just seeing No.5 gave me an idea of what to expect, because I've been thinking for the longest time this song needed to be remixed as it was my favorite from playing the game. I never expected THIS though. Loving the electronic tranced out intro, that gives you no sense of the song until about 0:52. The fast rhythm makes you imagine the game in the future, at really high speeds, and probably high from too much sugar and caffine. then the change up at 1:50 is like fighting a boss in distortion, before it picks back up to the melody at 2:02 in an ambient swing. Its so freekin' awesome that its a much for Double Dragon Song fans as well as remix and electronica fans. Everything is nice about this.
  8. I am gald to have been a part of the project with my one track thats short and not outstanding but has completed the CD. To be honest, I don't care for all of the tracks too much, but one of the greatest things that I love about the project is not so much the quality, but that it encouraged people to complete the project by doing remixes to songs that haven't been touched as well as putting out better remixes that previously weren't done. analoq OilSpill (track 7) is awesome and I am so amazed by it. I'm also glad to find hilltop zone remix, which the original sounded so synth country, and radio results (track 20) brings a nice touch by adding imagination and yet leaving it simple though long. I'm actually happy to see all of the sonic 2 themes have at least one remix now, and I hope to see the same results with future game product. torrent these files guys. If they aren't all to your liking, try replacing tracks with what you like, but now you can finally have your own sonic 2 remix CD.
  9. somebody e-mail me or something if i'm missing this... I having trouble getting track 13 to 14 to connect correctly (using no gap, and several crossfade options). They just don't seem to connect perfectly. More so, I have this problem with track 20 to 21, Dhsu piano to SnappleMan's Thrash the Plank where it just doesn't connect right and i can tell the snappleman's mp3 part not directed toward the artist),Dhsu's piano part shifts channels unexpectedly. Is this just me? I'm using Easy CD Creator 6 by Adeptec, but my dad does have Nero on his system. e-mail me or something if you have the solution.
  10. Lol, While I'm not too crazy about the rap, i love the fact that it was done and its not too bad. I haven't heard Star Salzman since the Incredible Singing Robot. Star, Have you been hanging out in the ghetto or somethin', cuz this is ill. Man, I'm looking forward to more of your lyrical skills.
  11. "PLAY THAT FUNKY MUSIC WHITE BOY!" Okay, maybe not. But this remix is definitly funky and tripped out. I'm feeling every second of it and the funk just doesn't stop. The electronic sounds are nice and the quality is excellent. While its not a dance/techno, or disco style of music, it'll have you moving like you got a little MJ(Michael Jackson) in ya'. I bet Yuzo Koshiro didn't expect this. If it wasn't known before, we all know now that DJPretzel feels the funk, and he likes it.
  12. Whoa, listening to this (again), its nice and relaxing, calm, and moody. The lyrics are deep, even though I now realize the verses are just the different ways of saying the same thing so it really is repetetive, but nevertheless, is a great song. Lovin this Starla.
  13. Well, I can't say its bad, because its more of a humorous song than a serious one, but so far I think Mocha and I are the only ones that aren't totally impressed with this song and giving it ridiculous scores. The song is awesome, but it doesn't totally theme to fit. You are using the casting song from megaman, but you are talking about useless strategy guides, and two playes in a game thats only one and crap like that. Sorry for being technical, The song is funny, but at the same time, i don't get it.
  14. This caught me of gaurd. For one, I downloaded it because it said Battle Theme and i am into RPG Battle Themes like mad. Then i saw Ivory Metal Mix and thought it had something to do with Rock/Metal. Then I found out it was a piano solo. was that bad? nah, not at all, but actually awesome to hear. I've also been into piano solos and looking for something to replace a not as awesome tetris medley on my personal VG Piano CD in which the title is still in the works. Thank you for an awesome mix and for completing my first CD. love to hear more from you.
  15. Holy Crap! Man, I thought the Land of Zeal was just played to death, but no longer am i doomed to hear the same type of music repeated in millions of variations. MV has taken it to the next level. If you thought you knew Chrono Trigger you are wrong. No matter how many times you beat the game, how many endings you've seen, how many songs you've heard remixed, you've never known CT like this. MV has introduced Zeal, in a Hip-Hop/Ambient/Jazz remix like none other. MV, I thank you personally for this remix. Anyone who does hip-hop jazz at least semi-realistically, and is successful, makes me a very happy listener.
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