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Everything posted by richter

  1. Class assignment: Record a 60 second concert promo. I'm a huge nerd! What else could I do? http://paletteswap.com/misc/OCR_Promo.mp3 Thought some folks here might get a kick out of it.
  2. My favorite track on the project. Hope to hear you play this at MAGFest, house
  3. You could have caught it last year. I thought you liked it?
  4. I'll be there! I serve as Shael Riley's personal bodyguard. Brad, hit me up if you'll be crashing in my room!
  5. Don't make me replace your website with a giant cock! Yeah, looks better! I'll post them.... uhhhhh tonight maybe.
  6. Just bought a shirt and a hoodie! Hope that helps Also, something helpful/annoying: The first link just hangs for me (XP/FF), and the second one has a comma in it. Weee! Would be good to fix those in case people follow the first post's links like I did.
  7. My thoughts: 1) The front looks thrown together. I really hate the courier (or fixed or whatever) font that says [a remix collaboration]. 2) The back looks great, but the wrapping of the text is extremely awkward. The flow of the text should work with the images, not be forced to stagger and bunch together because of it. 3) I also would have preferred something with more grey gradients to go with the look of the website. Other than those issues it's good.
  8. If you want album art posted to the site, PM me details: the art (front and back or whatever) yer name a link to yer website and/or email anymore details you want on the site maybe pics of naked ladies To print in best quality, the pic should be HUGE (think 300dpi or thereabouts), and should be in a lossless (or similar) format like .bmp. Keep on truckin'
  9. Gotta second that one. I'm not gonna tell you how to do it (I know how annoying that can be), I'll just say I like my page to stay where it is when I toggle element displays. Boy are we picky bastards.
  10. Good enough for me I'll be buying shirts from them the moment they're available.
  11. The affiliation with zzounds is an excellent choice. I bought some music soft/hardware several years ago because of OCR, and would have liked some of that $ to go into its pockets. Gotta say though, eStarland seems pretty shady. OCR deserves attention and support of course, but a friend of mine had an awful experience with them and it looks like many others have as well. This design is great. The page space is used so much more efficiently. Also: can't wait until the shirts are ready!
  12. Great arrangement, but good god this is crazily quiet.
  13. True Still kinda cool. Thanks Eon!
  14. Thanks! I worked pretty damn hard on the site design. Also an extra big kudos to you for such a huge review! I know I appreciate it and I'm sure everyone else does too. Feedback is what's it's all about.
  15. I've loved some of RoeTaka's stuff in the past, though I've always understood why it was rejected. Abrasive and unpolished are typically pretty accurate for his music, but really not so much when you consider that something like 99.99% of the people that post on OCR are amateur musicians. This one's a little too dirty even for my tastes though, and I'm a big industral and heavy metal nut. Slap bass and percussion are well done, but the guitars are painfully synthy and uninteresting. It's so easy to find eager, willing and terrific live guitarists in this community. Anything less is just lazy (Protricity's songs do not count of course). Anyway still pretty good stuff! Congrats on your first!
  16. Save the back and forth banter for private messages please. The Easter Egg works fine when it's not embedded in the frame... which unfortunately is the only way to have an OCR mirror I guess. An oversight on my part, sorry. I'll work on art someday when I have more time and am not so burnt out. In the meantime, I will post quality album artwork from anyone that wishes to make it (but send it to Shael for approval first).
  17. Thanks for all the great feedback guys! Please keep it coming. About the torrent -- there should be plenty of seeders, so if there's a problem, it's likely on your end. I've been seeding since go time and have upped over 5GB already. I will continue to seed for ... as long as I'm alive and employed
  18. Hate to be an I Told You So, Shael... I hope you're the target of all these lossless/album art questions/requests and not me
  19. If you notice errors on the page or would like changes made, please PM requests to me. I get shittons of spammail and your request may get lost there.
  20. FYI that's fixed in the updated filenames/tags and site.
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