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Everything posted by Aninymouse

  1. This is scarily close to the truth, believe it or not. I remember when DP was new, a Smogon regular was over in Japan and faced a local. As much was discovered. It was dubbed the "first international DP battle," lol. Good memories. So speaking of Smogon: I hadn't been there in sooooo long, but lately I've been dropping in just to see what's up. Maybe it was the new form of Giratina that showed up recently... anyway, apparently there's this long-running debate over if Garchomp is too cheap for standard OU battles. Now, I left the competitive scene around the time people were heralding the "GrowthTran" combo of Tangrowth and Heatran, so I pretty much have no idea what's been going on with the Shoddy Battle metagame since it's conception. However, at the time of my leaving most considered Garchomp to be a force to be reckoned with, but no insurmountable obstacle in and of himself. In fact, more people were upset over Salamence, or even Gyarados. So, I suppose my question is, has the special-attacking (or mixed attacking) version of Garchomp turned out to be more deadly than originally thought? Basically, people feared Salamence because of Choice Specs Draco Meteor; anything but Blissey (and MAYBE Empoleon or Bronzong) were getting 2KOed AND it was impossible to tell what threat it posed to you until it pretty much took out one of your duders. This got people REALLY pissed off because no one likes to be FORCED to use Blissey. The physical version of Mence was still dangerous, but was only a concern insomuch that it would eat your Blissey for breakfast if you guessed wrong! Also, Empoleon and Bronzong do not like Earthquake or Fire Blast, respectively. The only thing keeping Gyara & Mence in line was Stealth Rock, which isn't even something you can guarantee like a spot on your roster. So, like... competitive 'mons was looking stale since the tried and true "wall/counter" system of Advance was settling DP into stagnation WAY too early. A lot of good players started playing Ubers just because there was no possible way to play it in a "wall then counter" manner because everything is ridiculously overpowered and unbalanced there. [by the way, Ubers is hella fun to play.] So... I left and took a break. The only thing I've done in DP since winning the Gamestop tourney was... breed some special-attacking Riolu. ... MY QUESTION THEN: Anyone here play competitively? Is Garchomp too cheap for OU? If this does not apply to you, what are you doing in DP these days instead?
  2. My interest in this rogue project has been FIRMLY cemented. Honestly... it's Mazedude. This man is prolific. Also, this project is coming together alarmingly fast. I mean, I knew everyone on OCR (just about) wanted a DKC2 project, but honestly I was never sure it would ever happen. AND ESPECIALLY with all the bajillions of site projects that we have already! This makes me happy. I think my sig is kinda full, otherwise the banner for this would go in there, definitely.
  3. I kinda like Lucario's English voice... it's... less like Mewtwo, and more raspy, almost a hard whisper. Coupled with all the grunts and shouts he makes, it ought to sound great, imo. Wolf sounds like he grew up in South Carolina, but otherwise he has a good voice actor. Snake sounds great except for his "Colonel, mission accomplished!" line... he sounds pretty flamboyant in that one.
  4. Steel Drum Rhumba is that one track that only plays once you hit halfway through Screech's Sprint, right? Talk about an underrated track, hooooooooooly shit. I wish I knew a thing or two about making music, because I would pick that one in a heartbeat.
  5. Your approval has been submitted and considered. We'll be in touch.
  6. HAHAHA!! Pokemon Trainer needs to lay off them cigarettes! Totally envisioning him with a smoker's cough!
  7. Do you remember the guy's name? Everyone on smashboards lines up around the block to stroke Gimpy's ego so I'm thinking it was him. EDIT: Don't get me wrong, Gimpy's a really great guy and and a great player, but people tend to sensationalize him.
  8. I love these US version voices. I think, except for Pit, they're pretty bitchin'! Ike even uses his famous lines from the game, cool. Falco's kicks so much ass. He's like Raphiel reborn! Also, Meta Knight owns your face.
  9. I so asked for the 8th and 9th off work today. Yes, I work 7 days a week.
  10. YES! Another DK player!
  11. Okay, Rest may not kill anymore at, like, 35% or whatever, but it can star KO at around 75% or so, depending on your opponent's weight. It still kills really well, off the top. How is that WORSE, really, when everyone lives longer ANYWAY? Plus, it puts a flower on their head for added damage if they don't get KOed. ALSO, because she herself is larger, the hitbox for Rest is much larger and easier to hit with. AND she wakes up faster. How is that worse, overall? From the old Jiggly pros on Smashboards, apparently her Fair is her new spammable aerial. Also, lol, don't let Jiggs get a fan! http://ca._______.com/watch?v=T6Lex47I7SI (insert "youtube" to watch [FUCKING BOARDS])
  12. If you guys need help naming all the songs in the soundtrack, here you go! Ta-dah~
  13. Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeet Sally, that's fuckin' incredible, right there. I'd been debating over the zip files since I'd have to name and sort 'em all. Well, hot damn. That's what I get for not paying attention at Smashboards.
  14. "Mainly look at breats." Halleluja, Duckman. F*ckin' kickass cuts in this thing, Skrypnyk. Welcome to OCR, dude. Loved your tracks with OverCoat on Garden Art, too.
  15. Every time I see this thread out of the corner of my eye, I think, "FRESLY BAKED TINGLE'S ROSEY RUPEELAND," and something in me dies a little. Yes, I know that's not even the real title of the game...
  16. I loved In The Dark a LOT, and it's no surprise that the same vision and skill Beatdrop channeled to creat that album workds fantastically well in this mix. Nice Work, Beatdrop. Even if you only ever made mixes like this forever, I'd still find them cool
  17. I am opposed to handheld Brawl. Anytime you port a console franchise to a handheld it always seems to lose something in translation. It would feel really dorky. Obviously it's not impossible, but then should they really do it just because they can? I'd prefer if they didn't milk Smash Bros. as badly as they have Link, Mario & Pikachu in their own respective franchises... I think the only thing stopping that is the fact that it's a game made up of pre-existing franchises ANYWAY (so in essense Smash Bros. is just a giant vat of MILK) but bear with me here. Sakurai himself said all that junk, and seeing as how he's not even employed by Nintendo anymore I'm inclined to believe anything he says, within reason. The Wii has FLASH MEMORY, not a hard drive. There's a difference. The capacity of the Wii isn't even one Gig in size, either. It doesn't even make sense that you'd be able to put something like a CHARACTER onto an SD card, either. Too many implications. I can't see them allowing you to play with a downloaded character online, either. The rankings thing wasn't even Nintendo pressuring Sakurai like with the headset, it was his decision. Not like it matters, anyway. Online matches would never replace tournaments. Think about it: what do tournaments have? PRIZES. THERE YOU GO.
  18. My vote for best new analogy this year. ... Once I get good again with DK, I need to find a partner who can rape as Diddy! It will be epic team match goodness!
  19. Oh god oh god... okay Aninymouse, try not to get your hopes up... oh god!
  20. I like Regal's theme. *nudge nudge wink wink* EDIT: ALSO I don't think I ever said so before, but just the thought of Luiza & Mythril Nazgul teaming up on Zelos' theme gives me goosebumps.
  21. Well... you get a free Nunchuck with your Wii. If you broke it, well, tough luck. With the Wiimote it'd play similar to a normal 2D fighter to an extent, with the difference being 3 BUTTONS ZOMG >.<
  22. Rhyhon needs to stay far away from any kind of notion of seeding this Good to hear of the recent progress! Makes me feel gooey inside Also... I think they did a great job on character development in ToS. I love all of the 8 party members a lot. I hope that when the sequel comes out on Wii this year that they'll let you have a little time with each of them (and not just have to fight them...). It'd be fuckin' FANTASTIC if they could hire the same voice actors, but... who knows. Nintendo funded the localization for ToS, and I'm not sure they've committed to this one just yet. ANYWAY, w00t for SoS!
  23. Protip: if you find that those of a similar skill level are constantly besting you while using other control options, stop using the Wiimote. GC, CC or Nunchuck. More than 3 buttons is a good idea.
  24. Good to see some community besides 4chan's /v/ is in on this cool game. Those guys are usually so lame-ass.
  25. 1. Not yet. Wait a few more days. Be patient. Though, if I had to guess, we probably won't get a "Masterpiece" demo of Fire Emblem 3 like Japan will, unless they specifically translate what little needs to be translated for the duration of the demo. 2. Yes, but chances are good that the match would be next to impossible to play due to lag. They are on the other side of the globe, after all. 3. Lots, yes. Most are regional. If you go to http://smashboards.com, most tournament organizers have an account there. I've personally seen about 20 from just being there for a year, but obviously there are more tournies than that. The "big one" in most people's eye is MLG, which last time had a grand prize of $10,000! 4. You don't
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