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Everything posted by DarkeSword

  1. I'd like to start this tomorrow, so we need two more people. If we don't get two more people before tomorrow I will run the draft and set up the first bracket for its mixing stage and see if we can get two more people to sign up during the course of next week. Those people will have to choose a theme not already covered by any other participants.
  2. He said capitalist extortion, not just extortion.
  3. My point was that the "non-source" stuff wasn't something like completely unrelated original chord progressions + original melodies tacked onto the arrangement solely for the purpose of showcasing original writing. Just clarifying.
  4. Yoko Shimomura is a top-tier, S-rank VG composer. Also one of my most favorite composers.
  5. Oni's theme is a remix of Akuma's theme from SFIV. They would be counted as the same theme in the draft, so your picks would be 1. Oni (SFIV) 2. Abel (SFIV) 3. M. Bison (SFIV) 4. Seth (SFIV) 5. Sagat (SFA3 - Shining One) Is this correct?
  6. Yeah some people just play games differently I guess. Anyway I got ME3 on PC. My origin name is DarkeSword so you folks can add me if you'd like. I would like to play some multiplayer sometime because I heard that it really helps with Readiness.
  7. Let's get it on now! Select and make ya first pick! Let's get it on now! 10 9 8 7 6 Let's get it on now! Choose and pick tha best one! Let's get it on now! 5 4 3 2 1
  8. Sure, I can put it into the rotation of competitions. xD
  9. It isn't actually, because they shouldn't be charging for extra characters.
  10. Hey guys, keep the discussion focused on the competition, please. This isn't a general Street Fighter thread, alright? I don't want to have to wade through posts just to find peoples' picks. Also wanna encourage anyone signing up to branch out from SF2 and look at tracks from other games. Not a requirement, but it'd be nice to get some variety.
  11. Yes I'm going to do the coin flip thing. It's the fairest way to do character selection (first-come-first-serve isn't good because it doesn't take into account if someone just isn't around when the thread is posted), and we don't want mirror matches, because that goes against the entire point of the competition, which is to combine two different source tunes into a single, cohesive mix. Come on man, draft-selection is how I've run these competitions since the GMRB back in 2010. It's a good, fair system and it works.
  12. No, it has to do with some of Capcom's plans for Street Fighter's 25th anniversary celebrations. Why would Keiji Inafune's departure from Capcom have anything to do with me pushing GMRB to a later date? Please keep your conspiracy theories to yourself.
  13. You need to specify the actual themes, not just the characters. Some characters like Ryu have multiple themes.
  14. Prepare for the battle, prepare for the war. Prepare for the real Street Fighter blood war. Welcome one and all, to OC ReMix's first ever Street Fighter remixing tournament,the World Warrior Remix Royale! World Warriors from across the globe will come together to duke it out for musical supremacy, with GUITARDOUKENS, SYNTHRYUKENS, and TATSUMAKISENPUUTIMBALELICKS! Get ready, remixers! It all depends on your skill! Triumph or die! Current News Congratulations to Ghetto Lee Lewis in his victory! Music Final Round Shoryuken Bracket Round 3 Hadouken Bracket Round 3 Shoryuken Bracket Round 2 Hadouken Bracket Round 2 Shoryuken Bracket Round 1 Hadouken Bracket Round 1 Voting When voting, consider three things: how well the mix is made from a technical standpoint, the enjoyability of the mix, and—most importantly—how well the mix arranges both source tunes. Do not post reviews in the voting threads. Reviews belong the the main competition thread. Post only the name of the remixer whose remix you are voting for. You are required to vote in each battle taking place during the round. If you don't, none of your votes will be counted for that round. This includes remixers as well; you need to vote in your own battle in addition to other battles. You are not required to vote in battles that have a competitor advancing by default. You are required to make an actual decision between two competitors for each battle, meaning, you cannot declare a draw or a tie. This will be counted as not voting and your other votes for other battles will not be counted. Post only once in each voting thread. Everyone is allowed (and encouraged) to vote. Submission All entries must be sent to me (DarkeSword) via PM on the forums. Because these tracks will be provided to Capcom for their promotional stuff, please send your entries to me in either FLAC or WAV format. Do not send MP3s. Do not send MP3s. Do not send MP3s. File names must be in the following format: Remixer - Title (Your Street Fighter vs. Opponent's Street Fighter).flac Example: DarkeSword - The Longshoreman and the Princess (Sean vs. Karin).flac Please note that versus is abbreviated with a period (e.g. Sean vs. Karin, not Sean vs Karin). Your artist name and mix title can be whatever capitalization you want but the Street Fighter names must be capitalized properly (e.g. Chun-Li, not chun li). Properly formatted file names make it much easier for me to tag everything properly, which ensures good, consistent metadata on all the files that will be distributed to voters. If you can, strip all ID3 tags from your file before you send it to me, because I redo all the tags anyway. You must adhere to this file name standard. If you don't, I will seriously consider disqualifying you, and I don't think anyone wants to be disqualified just because they couldn't name their file properly. In past competitions I got really cryptic file names like gmrb2wip.mp3 and frost.mp3, and that kind of crap is unacceptable. I like running these competitions, so please don't make the grunt work a pain in the neck for me. Brackets Which of these remixers will prove the old axiom today? FAQ How does it work? You, the remixer, choose any Street Fighter that has his or her own character theme from any of the following games: Street Fighter I (if you DARE [Larry: "Eagle's is awesome"]) Street Fighter II (II, Super, HD Remix) Street Fighter III (III: 3rd Strike) Street Fighter IV (IV, Super, Arcade) Street Fighter Alpha/Zero (1, 2, 3, Upper, Max) Remember, you must choose a character theme. Most of the stage musics in II and III are character themes; most of the stage musics in IV are not, so make sure you check before picking a theme. There's a list of themes compiled by Larry in the following post. Double check your selections there and if you have any questions, ask. Choose wisely, because this will be your Street Fighter throughout the entire tournament. Once all competitors choose their Street Fighters, they'll be matched up with an opponent. When the round begins, remixers will have one week to write a "VS. Remix;" that is to say, a remix featuring the themes of their own Street Fighter and their opponent's. When the round ends, a public voting period of one week will be conducted for each battle. Voters should consider production, enjoyability, and how well the piece incorporates both themes. Like the Grand Robot Master Remix Battle, this tournament will be single-elimination, with two brackets competing on alternating weeks to make things manageable. There will be a Hadouken Bracket and a Shoryuken Bracket. Sounds awesome, where do I sign up? Alright, so here's the deal guys. In the past, these remix tournaments have been open to everyone, but this time around, Capcom is going to be involved in pimping out the music as well as including the best music from this tournament as a part of some free promotional material Capcom is planning for Street Fighter's 25th anniversary. In order to ensure a baseline level of quality across the board, I'm going to be limiting participation in this tournament to posted and to-be-posted OC ReMixers only. I'm sorry if that means you don't get to participate, but there will be other competitions in the future which won't have this restriction. The above information is outdated and incorrect. Please disregard any statements relating to Capcom using the music from this competition in any official capacity. Alright well, I'm a posted/to-be-posted OC ReMixer, do I just pick a character? Is it first-come-first-served? I'll be doing a draft again for character selection. If you're planning on participating, please post a list of five Street Fighter character themes you're interested in claiming, in the order of preference. Once everyone posts their lists, I'll go through and assign everyone their first-pick, resolving any conflicts with a coin-toss and moving down the lists as necessary. You will only be assigned one Street Fighter for the competition. Remember, themes that are basically the same song (e.g. Ryu's theme from SFII and from SFIV) can't be listed separately in your draft picks. I want to do a character's theme from one game, but that same character has another theme in another game; are you going to allow multiple themes for a single character? When posting your picks, choose the character you want to compete as, and specify which theme of that character you want to use. For example, I can pick Ryu from 3rd Strike, and throughout the competition, I'd be using "Kobu," which is Ryu's Theme from that game. At the same time, you can pick Ryu from Street Fighter II, and use his theme from that game, and it's possible that we may get matched up in the competition and have to combine our themes in a versus mix! To be more concise/simple: you pick a character and one theme for that character. As long as the theme chosen is different, multiple people can pick the same character. What about characters that have the same theme song, like Yun and Yang, or Sean and Oro? Characters with the same themes will be treated as the same character during the draft, so we can have Yun or Yang, but not both. When does it start? The draft/recruitment period will last one week, so spread the world. I'm locking this in at 16 participants, so get in early and post your draft picks. Mixing will start very soon after. I'm not a remixer but I want to take part somehow. What can I do to help? We need sigs and artwork and stuff, so if you're good with the Photoshops, that'd be a big help. What about Mega Man X/Legends/Battle Network/Zero/ZX? This isn't a Mega Man tournament guys, pay attention. What about Grand Maverick Remix Battle?! Capcom came to us and wanted to do a Street Fighter thing, so GMRB is being pushed off until a later date. In the meantime, enjoy Maverick Rising, which hits soon! WILY RESULTS Sorry sorry... workin on it... ._.
  15. There's a certain mission where, once you do it, you get Legion and can only do one more mission before all the shit goes down. In order to get full loyalty with everyone, you have to do all the loyalty missions you can before that mission, and then once you get Legion, you immediately do his loyalty mission (his is the last one you have to do). Right after that, you have to go save everyone. If you wait any longer, people get turned into goo and you can't do loyalty missions anymore. You probably just did the missions in the right order every time you played it, which is a pretty easy to thing to do, but also a pretty easy thing to mess up, given that usually games with an open "choose your destination" model generally don't put a time crunch on the player without making it explicit.
  16. Is it really so hard to put the actual subject of your thread in the topic field?
  17. Saw that this thread got bumped and poked through it again, found these lyrics. Kind of disappointed we never got a remix with them. Any talented rapper wanna do an a capella with these lyrics? I'll meet you halfway with an instrumental. Maybe we can bang something out.
  18. I think this is a great trance piece. It repeats, but it's not really repetitive, meaning, things are constantly changing and evolving. It's kind of straightforward in an old school kind of way, but it still has a the variation that's needed. I love those rolling arpeggios. The issue in my mind is length. I know we've rejected longer tracks in the past, but in light of our new file size standards, I think the prevailing thoughts on lengthier trance pieces might deserve a reexamination. Long intros and outros over a chord progression are a staple of the genre, in the same way something like improv soloing over a chord progression is a staple of more jazz oriented genres. By the same token, long intros and outros are primarily utilitarian, in that they exist for the benefit of the DJ who would be blending between two tracks in something like a live set, and not necessarily for the average listener. There's about 1:45 of what could be considered "non-source" intro/outro material, and in a 7:37 remix, I don't find that particularly egregious, especially since the rest of the piece sticks pretty close to the source, and it's not as though the 1:45 of intro/outro exists solely to showcase any kind of original melodic writing. I like this piece, so I'm going to say YES, if only to see what other Js have to say about lengthier trance pieces. If other Js express that we should continue with our current stance on longer electronica pieces, I'll change my vote so that this doesn't sit in the queue for too long.
  19. Easily one of my favorite tracks from the WCRG. Vocals are killer, great arrangement too. Dr. Seuss references makes this an easy YES.
  20. A fantastic, heavy-yet-mellow blend of classic themes from FF7. I love songs that rock that 6/8 feel. Great percussion, and i really love all the different rhythms interwoven together. YES
  21. I spend less than an hour total in the comic book store and spend just under $200 every month. I probably buy more comics than you do and I read my comic books at home. Not that any of this has to do with the WCRG.
  22. Just an archive of all the rounds like with previous competitions, but with new album art/promo art.
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