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Everything posted by DarkeSword

  1. Yeah there's something up with the dynamic range in this piece. Everything is kind of sitting at one volume, despite the piano's articulations going from soft to loud. 1:55...what just happened? That's a very abrupt transition. I'd like to hear this re-recorded; I think the performance needs to be more varied in terms of volume and tempo. Try to be more expressive. Also the piece needs more dynamics, so try to avoid compressing the piece and let the dynamic range of the piano come through in the final product. NO (resub)
  2. I love this. That slap bass has a really lo-fi retro arcade game soundtrack sound to it, like Sonic and Tails in some Final Fight-esque beat 'em up where they cruise the streets of DEATH EGG CITY beating up the BADNIK GANG. OH! SHELLSHOCK! Diggin' those gated synths and the smooth rhodes. Love it! YES
  3. Not a fan of the arrangement. I agree with Vig, it's a medley. The groove stays pretty static thoughtout, and you hit each source one by one and move on. To make it a more cohesive piece, I'd like to see some recaps of previously used tunes; don't just hit a source and then move on; bring it back later to show that this one piece of music, not a series of snapshots. NO (resub)
  4. Fishy you are British and therefore foolish. Xenophobia aside, I think this is a fantastic bit of work. I absolutely adore the symphonic combined with the electronic in this piece; it reminds me a lot of what Square Enix did with the Final Fantasy: 4 Heroes of Light soundtrack (which you really ought to take a look at if you're thinking about doing more pieces in this style). The arrangement is very moving and emotive. I love it. Really just fantastic. I think this will be a fan favorite. YES
  5. In agreement with other Js (including Deia, who despite being a woman and therefore foolish, makes some good points). Composition is great, performance is great–just needs some fixes in terms of production. See other J's crits for details. Would love this on OCR. NO (resub)
  6. YEEEEEAAH EDIT: okay i guess is should write something. Pretty solid dubstep stuff. There really isn't that much to the source but I think you did a great job with letting your piece evolve from start to finish. I agree with Vinnie that the high buzzing synth gets kind of grating but it's not a dealbreaker for me. And unlike Deia (who is a woman and therefore foolish), I don't think the piece suffers from being repetitive. Great stuff.
  7. I think the rhythm guitars sound fine. This is a pretty rockin' track man. I love how you took a fairly mellow/chill dungeon track and really ramped up the energy. I love the toms in the percussion. Really killer stuff. YES
  8. Alright well now that I have egg on my face I'm going to close this thread.
  9. Votes/results/etc. will happen this weekend, folks. Sorry for all the delays.
  10. Alright well, I'm going to go ahead and close this thread. For the past few months the only person posting in this thread has been JH, with a steady stream of delete+bumps. This competition isn't even run on the forums, so I don't really see the need for a thread. Generally I'm willing to let that kind of thing slide (OHC) but there is no actual discussion going on here; just a steady stream of spam from a single user.
  11. You will be surprised how far down you get in those lists of picks. Let me know if you need help when you're running this thing.
  12. Me saying, "Looks like Einhander," is basically just me saying it looks awesome. If it looks like Einhander, you really can't be doing anything wrong.
  13. Are you seriously doing the underwater dam theme from TMNT?! D: I want this!
  14. I also recommend having people pick a zone and giving them access to all of the acts. It works better narratively too; if someone picks Hydrocity Act I and someone else picks Hydrocity Act II and they go up against each other, that's kind of silly and a bit boring.
  15. That's the whole point of tossing it on the ground. What else is it going to do if a Medic picks it up? The fact that a Heavy could toss it and then pick it up as a health pack basically broke the whole "you have to spend time eating it" mechanic that balanced it out.
  16. It's nice that you have a community blog but all you've really been doing is spamming the forums about blog updates. Furthermore, only posted OC ReMixers are allowed to promote their music/albums in the Community forum; everyone else can use the Post Your Originals! section. If you're looking to recruit people, there's the Recruit and Collaborate forum. I'm also going to ask that you don't post a new thread every time you write a new review or article on your blog. If you want to promote megabeep, that's fine, but you can do so by putting a link in your signature and being active in a positive way on the forums (reviewing remixes, albums, taking part in discussions, etc.).
  17. Best couple in SS: Scrapper and Fi. Second best couple in SS: Pipit and Karane.
  18. Sorry it took a while to get mixes up. I was out all day.
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