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Everything posted by DarkeSword

  1. Okay seriously though guys. Mixes due tomorrow. Don't be late.
  2. Normally I would step in and say stay on topic guys. Normally.
  3. Don't really see this as conservative. Vampire Killer alone has a lot of rhythmic stuff going on that you don't see in the original in terms of how the different parts lock together. This is a very organic, emotive piece of work with great use of dynamics and syncopation. Love your transitions and movement between pieces. Definitely YES.
  4. The trailer for next year's film, The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, is up on YouTube. Peter Jackson is doing it again, and there are some familiar faces in the cast. I gotta say, that song that they sing in this trailer is gorgeous.
  5. Don't understand all the complaining about this week's Wily Theme. As arrangers you should all be pretty chuffed; this theme has an incredibly simple melody and chord progression which lends itself really well to basically anything you want to do. It's like telling people in a cooking competition this week's secret ingredient is potatoes. By itself a potato is pretty boring, but when you start combining it with other foods it's amazing. In other words, whine less, mix more.
  6. This is the worse thing I ever heard. You cant even hear any of the original musics in it. I hate when OC REMIX thinks they can do a better job then the composers becuase THEY CANT!!!!!
  7. Ladies and gentlemen, we're taking it back to the start this week with Wily's first stage, Mega Man - Wily's Tower.
  8. When there is less to choose from, the race between competitors becomes much closer.
  9. I didn't say it wasn't a success, where did you get that from? And it's not elitist to want to limit the number of participants to make the management of the competition easier and the voting more competitive. How is the subject of elitism even coming up? Gimme a break, it's a non-issue. Brackets work in a tournament setting. Putting teams into brackets changes the entire format and extends the duration of competition two-fold. Not gonna happen here. Anyway I probably shouldn't have said anything in the first place, so let's just drop it. WCRG isn't happening again for another year or so anyway.
  10. It will be a long while before I do another compo in this format, but the next time I do, I'm going to limit the number of teams to five or six. Twelve teams is just a lot.
  11. Meteo: don't discourage someone if they're just gauging interest. Rozo: this forum is fine for this kind of thing.
  12. Sonic 3D Blast, not Jam. Drums are a really boring, and the bass just sounds like a lot of low frequency booming.
  13. Round 10 is the last round and we're going to do something special.
  14. Check first post for this week's wily theme. Got 10 mixes this week. Had to fix some file names. Also for The Skull Men, even though Luke was supposed to mix this week, Jakesnke17 sent in a mix instead, which means Jake went twice in this set. You guys should send me a PM before doing something like that. I'm not going to disqualify the mix because it sounds like a lot of work went into it and it doesn't actually exceed the hard quota (i.e. only three rounds per mixer) for the competition, but I really wish you guys would have cleared it with me first. :\ Jake, if we look at the scoreboard we can see that since you missed out on your first week and did mixes for two other weeks, you've done "three weeks" now. This means until we hit Round 10, your team members will have to cover the rest of the competition. Specifically, one more mix from Chernabogue, and two mixes from Luke. Mixes will be up later today, and scores and tallies will be updated either tonight, tomorrow, or Monday at the latest.
  15. You people always think you can get the one up on me. You can't get the one up on DR WILY.
  16. The Recruit & Collaborate forum is a place where people can recruit artists of all types for various works for the purposes of collaboration. This includes (but is not limited to): a partner for a remix collaboration remixers for an album artists to draw album art live musicians to play in your remix composers for original music for a game you're making composers for original music for a video, podcast, etc. Specifically, the Recruit & Collaborate forum is for advertising what you need, not what you can offer. If you're a composer looking for some work, don't post a thread saying "Here I am! Give me work!" Poke around the forum and see what's available. If you want to market yourself, you can use your forum signature/biography for that. Threads advertising your own services will be deleted. When posting your recruitment thread, make sure to give as many details about what you're looking for and what you're working on as possible. When you're commissioning original music, you'll also want to be upfront about whether or not you're willing to pay for work and how much. When replying to recruitment threads, be courteous. Don't criticize the recruiter for starting an album project for a game that you don't like, or for a game that already had an album project previously, or for any other reason. If there's a fangame/remake project, don't be that guy that always starts talking about cease & desist letters. If someone is posting a job listing or interested in commissioning work, don't use their recruitment thread as your own personal soapbox to rant about the nature of for-hire work. Basically, if you don't have something nice or helpful (in the "I'd like to help you" sense) to say, don't post. By the same token, if you're recruiting, follow the same basic rule: be courteous. You won't get any help from anyone if you're a jerk, or if you place weird criteria on the kind of people you want to collaborate with (i.e. "no white rappers"). Also—and this really should go without saying, but I'm going to say it anyway—don't criticize OCR's staff, music, albums, judging process, etc. when posting your thread. We provide the Recruit & Collaborate forum to you so that you can connect with the people you need; don't bite the hand and all that. Anyway that's all I've got for now. I may edit this in the future. If you have questions, feel free to ask.
  17. Not really a judge question, but yeah, I think that kind of thing ought to be discouraged.
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