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Everything posted by DarkeSword

  1. What makes you say that, honestly? Their track record with MMORPGs is not very long. They have one that launched a few months ago. TOR is doing alright but the real measure of any MMO game's success is its longevity. It's not a breakout smash hit. Bioware hasn't actually proven anything on the MMO front yet.
  2. I doubt Bioware's ability to sustain two MMORPGs at the same time.
  3. If you don't create a Facebook account, we will infect your computer with a virus that will completely disable your ability to download the album. Also if you try to listen to the remixes on YouTube they won't load for you (they will load for everyone else). Also the virus will create electromagnetic waves that will alter your brain chemistry to affect your sense of hearing and nullify the sound waves whenever you try to listen to remixes from this album any other way (someone else's computer, over the phone, a couple of guys just singing what they heard to you). If you don't sign up for Facebook and like the OC ReMix page, you will never be able to experience any of the music from this album, ever.
  4. Your argument was "you should give people another way to help get the album released because some people can't use social media!" And then you suggested offline solutions. So I said "we can't really track that." And you said "well it's still valid right?!" And I said "sure but it's not an alternative." You've changed your argument halfway through. Of course I don't believe in Facebook as the only avenue to promote things. I created the OCR twitter account and the Facebook page and all that stuff. I try to push OCR through any social media I can. Twitter, Youtube, Facebook, last.fm, etc. Whatever. Look, Facebook is good for us. We get a lot of eyes on music we post through Facebook. A lot of people click through the Facebook links when we post a remix. How do we know this? Because Facebook gives use metrics for that kind of thing. Graphs, counts, stats, etc. That's why it's important for us to get people to like our Facebook page; it's a really effective platform for us to promote the music. It's not the only platform (YouTube's another good one), but it does drive a lot of people to the site, which is really good, because if they come here they're more likely to stay here, rather than just listening to the YouTube video and staying on YouTube.
  5. Alright, but that really isn't an alternative to promoting channels that allow us to directly and easily interact with people.
  6. Yes because it's so easy for us to track when someone posts a flyer at a grocery store. You're throwing out these suggestions but you don't take logistics into account. How do we measure that kind of thing? "I told three of my friends about it!" Uh, okay? "I put up a flyer, here's a picture." Okay, we'll add it to our database of real space promotional tracking!!!!!!!! The entire point in getting people to follow the OCR page on Facebook is so that we can continue to promote and inform people about music that comes out in the future in an effortless and direct manner. It gives us a way to interact with people very quickly, as soon as new music is posted. Nobody is unfairly barred from anything. The album isn't out yet. Nobody except staff has access to it. You don't get preferential treatment because you happen to participate. Once the target is hit, everyone gets the album. And people accuse me of hating fun. Are you for real?
  7. I've updated the first post with submissions information. Because the music from this competition will be provided to Capcom for promotional stuff, competitors are required to submit their entries to me in a lossless format. Either WAV or FLAC is acceptable, so long as the file name is in the correct format. Check the first post for detailed submissions information.
  8. If you've never seen it, it's a good show. Went to the one in NYC last year as well as the one in Baltimore (during Otakon).
  9. Gonna echo what the other Js have said (ha ha, get it? because of the reverb? ha ha...ha...ha... .__. ). This mix is a giant haze of guitar sound. There's too much reverb; I can barely appreciate what you've done in the percussion because it is basically impossible to make out underneath the mush of the guitars. The arrangement isn't doing it for me either. The intensity hovers around the same level throughout the entire piece; there are no dynamics. Even the ending is a simple vamp and fade-out, which I generally don't have a problem with, but in this case it sounds like the piece on auto-pilot and you ran out of ideas. Needs a lot of work, IMO. Arrangement may not suffer from medly-itis, but it's still really boring. You've gotta balance your sounds more and make things more clear and defined. Scale back the reverb, balance your levels, and take a hard look at the structure of your piece. NO
  10. Zircon is a judge. What are you talking about?
  11. Facebook works for us. We get a lot of eyes on our stuff through Facebook. The more people that like our page, the more we can promote everyone's hard work.
  12. The conversation has evolved into a discussion of OCR's stance on chiptunes and whether or not there should be an adjustment. It doesn't really help to just keep saying "well that's how it is guys that's what they keep saying."
  13. Oni's theme is basically a remix of Akuma's theme from the same game.
  14. Mixing stage for Hadouken Bracket begins NOW. Check the first post for match-ups. In addition, I'd like some artists to see if they can put together a logo or some bracket images for the competition. Something that holds true to the visual style of Street Fighter games.
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