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Everything posted by DarkeSword

  1. It seems like such a dichotomy hearing something so grungy and hard in a major key. Odd! Sounds good to me though. Really clean playing, rhythmically speaking. Timing in the performances is very tight. Great arrangement too. I love the part at 3:30, with the really strong melody and the switch to 6/8 time. Meter changes are seamless. Really nice work. YES
  2. Sounds fine with me. Fairly straightforward arrangement but there are some nice rhythmic variations. Guitar rocks out sufficiently and there's a nice energy to the piece. I like it! YES
  3. I have this on my iPhone. It's super cool, but I wish you could save a song and then start a new one.
  4. Try to stay on topic guys (i.e. less spam posts).
  5. Diablo 3 threads merged.
  6. Wasn't what Aang did called "lifebending?" Or is it actually energybending?
  7. Hehe. Seriously though, guys, make sure the filenames are correct. This will make things easier for Matt and also make each batch of mixes that comes out every week look pro, instead of crappy and inconsistent.
  8. All the pictures are amazing. rnn is incredibly talented. I'll try to get the archive sorted out this week.
  9. That's not the final version. I made some changes to it that you're going to see once the archive comes out. rnn also sent me the full artwork for each of the teams so I have those too. Please don't retag your files with that version of the album art.
  10. Hey man, your sig is too tall. The combined height of sig graphics has to be 250px or less. Can you put the graphics next to each other instead?

  11. Only got a remix from DusK, so that's the end of the that bracket. No voting this week. Now, it wouldn't be fair to make DusK remix two weeks in a row, but there's no point in making people wait since we already know the match-ups, so I'm starting the mixing stage for the final round today but making it a two week mixing stage. This gives DusK the chance to take a break if he wants one. Good luck to the Ghetto Lee Lewis and DusK, our finalists. Go for broke!
  12. Ring Rink is literally the best song from Ristar, which is saying something, considering how good the entire soundtrack is. This mix is great, but it's way too conservative for OCR. It follows the structure of the original almost exactly, taking use through two loops of the source and then some very minimal reinterpretation with some chord changes in the end. I'd like to see some more interpretation. Maybe move the chord changes part at the end into the middle, and for heaven's sake, throw a guitar solo in there. I'm bewildered why there isn't one already. That'll help break the repetitiveness. NO, resub
  13. Because you're posting a link to it. Virality is indicative of neither the quality of the work or the taste of the viewers.
  14. I would rather just not restrict participants anymore.
  15. If an image stretches a page, post a link instead. Post edited.
  16. There were some issues that Capcom's legal department had with the competition (specifically our OC ReMixers only restriction), so that's why they went with an open submission format. We won't be sending any music to Capcom on anyone's behalf; you'll be responsible for sending them your music through that form. For my part, I want to apologize. When Capcom contacted us about music, Larry and I decided that whatever we'd be sending them, we'd need to have a baseline for quality, and the simplest way to do that was to limit the competition to OC ReMixers. No hate on newbies, but a lot of the time in these competitions, the newbie tracks don't cut it. If we'd known that Capcom just wanted basically everyone to send them anything and everything, we wouldn't have restricted it. We just had some miscommunication, which resulted in Capcom's decision to go ahead with this. I personally like running these competitions and encouraging newbies involved because it's a good way to develop skills. Future competitions by me won't ever have an "OC ReMixer-only" restriction. You're assuming a lot of bad shit about Capcom, which isn't really warranted. I mean, honestly, "get drunk and play your music?" Come on. The "celebration activities" they're talking about are things they're going to be doing with the fanbase to celebrate SF's 25th anniversary. If you don't want to submit your music because you disagree with what is a pretty standard licensing agreement for derivative works, that's fine, but please don't sit there and badmouth the community guys over at Capcom. They're good dudes and they're not out to screw anyone over. Anyway that's all I'm going to say about that, and that's all I want to see about that in the thread. Let's just get back to discussing the competition itself.
  17. Yeah. Needs vocals. Instrumental alone isn't cutting it; not enough overt source usage. Chord progression isn't even from the original. Needs way more actual VGM material and something going on besides just a beat. NO
  18. Yeah Larry pretty much sums it up. Too repetitive; not enough material to justify the length. It just goes and goes with the same thing over again. Nice concept but needs more. NO
  19. I don't find any issue with the synths at all. I like the interplay between rock and electronic. Some interesting mixing choices but nothing egregious as far as I'm concerned. Rocks out pretty well, good take on the source. YES
  20. I like it, it's super chill. Nice flow. Reminds me of TheWingless when it starts out. Personally not a fan of the percussion. Sticks out a bit too much and the dryness contrasts poorly with the rest of the piece, especially the hihats; the rhythms don't really gel with the rest of the piece. Plus it feels like they go on autopilot around 2:55. Will probably be in the minority but the drums are a dealbreaker for me in this case. NO (resub)
  21. There is absolutely no truth in this whatsoever.
  22. It's fine because she's looking for something specific.
  23. It's the thrill of the fight.

  24. Gonna echo comments about the drums. They're huge and overcompressed and taking up all the space. Really messy. Arrangement is conservative, but guitar work is good. Needs to be mixed better. NO
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