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Everything posted by DarkeSword

  1. Andy when you finish your track, send it to me. I'll include it in what we send over to Capcom.
  2. Thanks. I'm trying something new with the look of the compo.
  3. Remixes are up. 7 remixes were submitted. Gario advances by default.
  4. Need mixes from Zircon, Gario, and Phonetic Hero.
  5. Remember, all reviews should go in the album feedback thread, linked in the first post.
  6. Learning some very basic theory also helps in transcription. When you can listen to a song and understand it's in a major key, that immediately narrows note choices down, and harmony is easier to figure out because harmony is generally written diatonically. When you understand what intervals are and are able to identify them, it's easier to figure out a melody. You can go note by note pretty efficiently when you know your intervals. Same with rhythms; if you know about time signatures and understand how meter can be broken up and organized, it becomes easier to figure out syncopated lines. Unless you're absolutely tone-deaf, transcription by ear is a skill you can easily hone with practice and honestly, it's less about super-mega-talent and more about having the tools to be more efficient with your "guesses." I do everything by ear.
  7. The discussion happening in this thread is pretty healthy. Don't really need more posts like this.
  8. I am pretty excited. This is going to be my first Diablo game.
  9. Judge decisions are posted publicly and can be read by anyone. The way the decision for that mix plays out can easily be interpreted as a discouragement of pure chiptunes to be submitted; not that it necessarily is, just that it can easily be read that way. You really don't have to stretch that far to get that conclusion, especially based on my own vote, which was basically a NO vote on technical grounds (i.e. "no because I based on other decisions we don't accept chiptunes"). Incidentally, that was a bad vote on my part. If the entire crux of your argument here is "I don't understand how ANYONE could think that!" then you need to take a step back and realize that people are going to interpret things in different ways. You have to remember, this was like 5+ years ago. I'm not trying to get all "you're just a kid on you" because that's dumb and irrelevant, but you really were not around on OCR back then and kind of lack the context of the mindset and feel of the site. Espergirl wasn't rejected on compositional grounds (although that probably should have been the reason it was NO'd, IMO), so to call it out as being "composer-wank" (to borrow the term you borrowed from me ) in the context of discussion why it was rejected is silly. A little more reading, a little less posting, bro.
  10. Basically what zircon said. Also you have to keep in mind that OCR looks for single, cohesive pieces. Sometimes people want to pay tribute to a game so they try to pack as many themes from the game into their piece at a time. What ends up happening is that their piece ends up sounding like a string of quick remix sketches, rather than something that works as a single piece of music with a beginning, middle, and end. One crit I've used a few times when judging medleys in the past has been, "I really like that 20 second bit where you covered that one theme; I wish that was a fleshed out remix." Often I feel like it's a wasted opportunity. As soon as I start getting into the idea being presented, the song switches gears to something completely different. It feels like a cop-out sometimes; the artist had an idea for how to interpret a song, but they didn't want to sit down and really develop that idea, so they just do a 20 second tease or something. Medleys aren't bad or wrong, and I don't really like calling them lazy either, because they do take some work, but for OCR, you want your submission to be an idea, not a string of ideas. I've done some mixes with multiple sources (usually only two though) and my approach is always to use the changing of source tunes as a way to provide a change of pace; the second source essentially becomes a B-section for the piece which will callback or lead itself back to the A-section (the first source). Regardless of the number of sources you use, callbacks are a great way to keep things cohesive.
  11. We're finding out from Capcom what exactly the situation will be. Most likely these remixes will be treated as any other remix that falls under OCR's Content Policy with little restriction from Capcom, but nothing is set in stone right now. I would not plan on putting together any EPs right now. Once we get more info from the Captain Commandos, we will post it.
  12. Really guys, just submit some chiptunes. EDIT: I also agree with Sam about Espergirl. To be less delicate, it's basically composer-wank. I like the arrangements in NES Jams much better.
  13. B&W is designed for first-time players. That's probably your best bet.
  14. Most forum browsing apps require a plug-in installed on the forum software by the forum administrator. We don't have any mobile browsing plug-ins installed on OCR's forum software, as they generally cost money (or the apps they interface cost money).
  15. If your post keeps getting deleted, don't keep posting it over and over again.

  16. I think this is a good way to end this discussion. EDIT: by ending this discussion i mean don't continue it in another thread. It's over.
  17. Please stop saying things like this.
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