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Everything posted by DarkeSword

  1. Not really. Apollo Justice is mostly a new cast, with two or three cameos from the Phoenix Wright storyline.
  2. Oh that. That's called cancelling. It has to do with how you time and overlap moves and key-presses.
  3. Any Street Fighter player worth his salt can pull of a Shoryuken when he needs to. It's one of the basics.
  4. As far as meaning something to artists, I suppose someone could use it as a guide when trying to figure out the song if they wanted to mix it. I have a scan of the artbook. Those sheets are of the song "The Sun Rises;" the 8-bit version, specifically. For those of you not in the know, back when Clover was still around, the Japanese Okami website had a mini-game that presented Okami in the style of an old 8-bit RPG. The 'prize' when you beat the game was a download of an entire soundtrack of Okami music done in the style of an NES game. It's quite a fun listen, especially if you like Okami. I've got it, and I don't think it'd be a problem posting it considering it was a website download, except for hosting concerns. Dunno how high the demand would be. I might post it later on.
  5. I really don't hear nearly enough arrangement for most of the track; the second half starts to bring some of that out with rearranging the layering of parts, but I'm not really feeling too much of a difference. NO
  6. Don't be fooled. This is a thinking man's game. It's not a standard-generic-mascot-platformer. It's an old-school adventure game with rube-goldberg devices and puzzle solving. Plus it really makes good use of the Wiimote.
  7. It can, in a sense; when you learn chords and common progressions, it's easier to analyze music and adapt it to certain genres. A lot of genres are categorized by rhythmic patterns, and knowing those patterns and how to fit chord progressions to them is kind of the bread and butter of arrangement; at least, arrangement of the genre-adaptation variety.
  8. Nostalgia is affecting your view a lot. That said, Darkwing Duck was an amazing show.
  9. Well I finally did get a chance to play a bit over the weekend and it's an absolute blast. I've gone back to a few missions to try and find some fun stuff to do. Here's one that's hilarious: In the mission where you have to put the goblins to sleep with the soup, ring the bell and turn them into blocks after you get them to sleep. You can then pick up the block and drop it into the soup. Once the camera goes back to the normal scene, the block starts slowly sinking into the soup. Ring the bell to turn the block back into the goblin. The music that plays is so sinister. xD
  10. When I say it's not canon, I'm not talking about official sanction from Square Enix; if they let you publish it, that doesn't make it canon. I'm talking about the fact that it's not coming from the scenario writers of the game itself (guys like Masato Kato); you're not in their heads, and you can never fully understand every single intricacy that's gone into the world-building. No author ever gets the chance to put everything they come up with "to paper," and its the same case for a game writer. All of the extra things you guys are adding, no matter how well it's written, doesn't come from that. It won't be canon. So you'll have to excuse me if I have no desire to read a fan-written Chrono Trigger novel adaptation. I think the game tells the story spectacularly. Hell I only read the scenes I had to mix for when I worked on CS. All that said, good luck with your project.
  11. Yeah, just for clarification, you can use my mixes as they're part of the CS project, etc., but I'm not really officially endorsing this project in any way. I'll probably never read it, as I rarely read adaptations of other media if I can't get anything new out of them, and even if you guys are adding new insight into the story and stuff, it's not really canon now, is it? So yeah. Enjoy the music, but don't look for anything beyond that.
  12. My endorsement demands top dollar.
  13. Just deleting your Firefox directory in Program Files won't do it. You need to go to your application data folder and delete the Mozilla\Firefox stuff there. I assume you're on WinXP? Go to Start > Run and type %appdata%. Find the Firefox folder (it might be in Mozilla) and delete it. That will delete your profile (including previously installed extensions and bookmarks). After this you'll be able to do a true clean install of Firefox.
  14. I disagree. Learning the basics of theory (chords, intervals, and scales) really helps in understanding how to translate what you hear in your head 'onto paper.' When you can understand and identify that the chord progression in a song is Cmaj Amin Fmaj Gmaj, it makes it that much easier to write a bassline, comping parts, or good counter-melodies that 'fit.'
  15. Um...frequency response isn't really just 'marketing hype.' I mean, without even getting technical, if you mix with headphones that don't have good bass, then you're gonna end up tweaking your bass levels high, which in turn leads to a really bassy mix. It's not rocket science. Get some decent headphones; no need to break the bank, but don't buy cheapos either.
  16. You can use mine from CS, although I prefer you use the OC ReMix version of Blue Skies Over Guardia.
  17. I held out for the domestic release to support the US sales this time around. It's an awesome game: I was playing all weekend. Got the last case to finish up. I can't wait for Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney and all its DS specific stuff. Rise from the Ashes was my favorite case in the first game, and AJ:AA is suppose to be a whole GAME full of that stuff.
  18. They call me Sonic, Cause I'm faster than sound, I keep on jumpin' around. Blue hedgehog Sonic, With incredible speed, I'm movin' my feet.
  19. So who got it? I bought it yesterday but didn't get a change to play it (I'm concentrating on Phoenix Wright 3). My little brother likes it, and from what I watched of the intro, it seems pretty light-hearted. THOUGHTS?
  20. Mario games are notorious for being very good. That's why its not suprising that a Mario game gets a high score.
  21. If you're trying to set me straight by quoting a lot of positive reviews, good for you, but seriously, your work is filled with anime clichés; trust me, I know anime clichés. I watch lot of anime and read a lot more manga. It isn't unique; quite the opposite; it takes everything you like about anime and mashes it together.
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