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Everything posted by DarkeSword

  1. Free soundfonts will only net you so much in the way of articulation. The best you can do is tweak envelops, adjust velocities, and write with the sample in mind; that is, you're not writing for cello, you're writing for cello soundfont.
  2. Stealing from a douchebag is still stealing. The law protects saints and sinners alike.
  3. I tried to read your scripts, but I couldn't get past the first two pages. It smacks of bad fan-fiction and is laden with poor grammar.
  4. To be honest, it sounds nice in theory, but how does it really apply to OCR in practical terms?
  5. A fair portion meaning what? I'm not trying to be a jerk here, but you gotta think this kind of thing through and make sure you TELL people what they're getting into. Many an amateur has been sucked into making music for projects like these and nothing ever comes of them. The more detailed you are with this kind of thing, the more likely people are to help you.
  6. There's a special box that does it. I'll look when I get home.
  7. http://www.ocremix.org/info/Image:Wiki_headphones_logo.jpg OCR WIKI TO THE RESCUE
  8. Dhsu's right. And anyway, you don't have to worry about MOVING the file yet. Just set your torrent to DOWNLOAD in a directory that's closer to the root.
  9. Uh seriously dude, if you're not going to contribute anything to the forums, quit posting.
  10. The title of this thread is really bothering me. It should be "EA Wants One Platform." Electronic Arts is a singular subject.
  11. Wishing for no console wars on the intarwebs is like wishing for no more intarwebs.
  12. Oy. Both of you. It's YUN and YANG.
  13. I don't think anyone will have a problem if you continue to release stuff here on the WIP board. Just make it clear you have no intentions of submitting, so that dumb people don't give you shit.
  14. Hmm, never heard the source before. Not a bad choice. ... Well to be honest, I do like this. It evokes the cool feeling of the classic IceCapped, by McVaffe. It does have a nice, smooth sound to it. Problem is, there's not a lot of interpretation of the melody. You really need to mess around with the hook more; playing it backwards is not enough, though it is a nice touch. Break it apart, syncopate it, riff on it, do more with it. You have a good ear for this kind of thing, so you're not wasting your time here. There are some nice ideas here, but you need to rachet things up a little. Work towards a more sophisticated sound design and arrangement. GO FOR THE GOLD MAN ... Yeah. NO, but keep at it. Hope to see you on OCR someday.
  15. I feel like there's a disproportionate amount of original material in this. Don't get me wrong; like Larry said, it really meshes well with the Zelda material, but I feel like what's there isn't interpreted as enough as could be. The rhythm guitar is repetitive; I think you can try to open it up a little and do some more interesting things, rather than the same rhythm over and over again. Break it up a little; long things together rhythmically, fill in spaces more with counter melodic ideas. To be fair, I do agree with Dave and Jesse; this is a creative arrangement and it's great to see someone bringing something unique to the table. I really appreciate what I'm hearing. In the end though, I think that there's still a lot of untapped potential with this piece. Let's hear some more. NO resub please for the love of zelda
  16. Major props for pulling of a time sig adaptation. I live for that kind of stuff (see: blue skies over guardia). I like the sound design in this piece. It's got a cool electro groove, and that wild synth around 2:30ish is so spooky. The groove in this song is great, but the arrangement doesn't really rely on it; there's enough going on on top of that groove to really give the piece substance. dnb stuff at the end was a nice way to keep things fresh in the end. Much appreciated. YES
  17. I like it a lot; the production is awesome, and everything comes together cohesively. Wicked sound; this is the kind of trance OCR needs more of. YES
  18. Well that's essentially Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike; a refined, technical fighter with less emphasis on supers and specials. I agree that IV should continue in that tradition.
  19. Really hard to get a bead on this one. I agree with Larry; cymbal crashes are out of place/jarring. Go for a triangle instead, or something wetter. It does evoke Gray's stuff. Samples aren't so good; that high instrument, I can't even tell what it is. You'd be better served trying an airy flute; something distintive. Interesting ideas. I'd like to see a resub. NO
  20. I like it. It's rockin', it develops nicely, and it all fits together cohesively. Great guitar work, great synth stuff, and nice work meshing it together. YES
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