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Everything posted by DarkeSword

  1. Larry, that's not a machine gun effect, that's a double kick. Everything sounds really mechanical. I think you need to humanize a little bit more on the stuff you sequenced. If this stuff isn't sequenced, then you must have robots playing with you or something. Anyway I gotta pull a BGC and say that the preceding judges have pretty much nailed it; production on this is really lacking. Not a lot of mid-range, things need to fill out the soundfield a little bit more. I'm not really big on the genre, but its not bad. Try for a resub. NO
  2. There's Zelda all over this, but we had to make sure. Good thing my sister is such a John Williams fan. Jimmy, I'm also in a state of WTF @ JP4. ?! Anyway excellent work capturing the style of the score and developing the themes. I really enjoyed this a lot; this is how Zelda orchestral should be done. YES
  3. It sounds like the instrumental for a song that needs lyrics. It doesn't help that a lot of the time the melody sounds like it's run through a lowpass filter. There's a lack of hi-freq stuff here. I can see the Linkin Park connection, and you nailed the sound, but there's not a lot of substance on top. It's too subdued to really work as it is. You eitherneed lyrics or something strong to carry the melody. Resub please. NO
  4. We should get in contact with these guys and do the OFFICIAL REMIX ALBUM.
  5. http://www.studioarchcraft.com/project.htm http://biz.yahoo.com/prnews/071016/latu162.html?.v=13 Apparently Project Exile's gotten a publisher and is coming to Nintendo DS. For those not in the know, it's an RPG inspired by the look and feel of SNES Squaresoft games, particularly Chrono Trigger. At first glance, I thought these guys had ripped a lot of graphics, but I did some research and they did do everything themselves, however similar it looks. The trailer looks pretty neat and it really evokes CT in a lot of ways. Hopefully it comes out soon.
  6. Sounds awesome, but I wish we'd get some game concerts devoted to stuff that isn't Final Fantasy, hell, non-Square (VGLive doesn't count; it's such casual/mainstream selection of tunes designed to appeal to nostalgia, popularity, and ego).
  7. Capcom owned Clover too, so it's not like they weren't making money off of Clover's releases before. Seriously, why do people constantly bring up Clover's closure? It's not like Capcom closed the studio and executed all of the devs that were part of that team; a lot of Clover employees just got absorbed back into Capcom (and yes, I know key players went on to form Seeds, which is now Platinum Games, but it wasn't the entire studio), where they are STILL making games. It's not even like Capcom is a shitty company; they've been in the business for over 20 years and have done a lot of amazing shit without the Clover name on it. Don't get me wrong; I loved the work that Clover did, but seriously, "sucks" is the furthest from the truth.
  8. Capcom's excellent Zelda-esque action adventure game Okami has been confirmed for the Nintendo Wii. http://www.eurogamer.net/article.php?article_id=85578 I really enjoyed this game for the PS2, and I think it's a game everyone should play, especially if they like the 3D Zelda games. I don't know if I'm going to get the Wii version, but I hope other people take this opportunity to get it.
  9. Don't bother. OCR heavily discourages sampling of original game audio and doesn't accept anything that relies on sampled non-game music. I realize that you do "remixes," and there's nothing wrong with that, but OCR's "ReMix" refers to an arrangement where the artists play or sequence the music themselves. Sorry, but that's not true. Please familiarize yourself with the submission standards before telling people things like this.
  10. I've always wanted to see an older version of her.
  11. Because it's Street Fighter IV, not Capcom vs. SNK 3. If you don't think Street Fighter characters have enough quirkiness, you don't play Street Fighter enough.
  12. Like I said, it's not just the long filename, but the long path that contributes to the issue. That said, a person should not have to reorganize their entire music collection in order to listen to one track with a very long filename.
  13. Sometimes I get the feeling that people forget all about Street Fighter III. 3rd Strike in particular was really refined and brought some fun ideas to the table. Hopefully Capcom continues the series in the tradition of SF3; a refined, technical fighter with an even pace. I don't care too much for the hectic flashiness that characterized their MvC games.
  14. Some people like to have a clean slate. And if you leave your mail in the Inbox, it's easier to search. I stopped putting stuff in folders years ago.
  15. The part where you mockingly add adjectives to the title of the game. That's got to be the first time I've ever seen anyone point out Capcom's naming conventions in such an insightful, satiric manner. Nice work. . Seriously, nobody's found that joke funny in like, 10 years.
  16. MOST releases of albums in MP3 format (like game music and stuff) follows the track number - track name convention. I'm not saying it's a standard--it's a convention, and I think it's a good one. I think ID3 tags are enough. Practically any MP3 playing software and hardware supports tags. People saying "OCREMIX MADE THIS" will be ignorant regardless.
  17. Most people at OCR are replying to either the first post in the thread or the post before theirs, unless a post is specifically quoted. Come on man, you've been around long enough to know that.
  18. Those guys weren't even in Street Fighter 3. Why would they be in four?
  19. The filename is too (goddamn) long. I had a similar problem. Go into your command prompt (Start>Run>"cmd"), navigate to the directory, and use the ren command to rename the file to something shorter. For future projects, we should refrain from putting artists in the filenames, especially if there are approximately one million artists for a specific track. Track Number and Track Title only, please. Edit: contributing to this problem is the fact that it's located deep inside a directory structure with long folder names. I had a similar problem; this is the fault of ourselves, obsessive-compulsive as we are about organization of music files.
  20. Mario Kart 64 Party in the Snowland http://www.ocremix.org/remix/OCR01069/ Zelda, Ocarina of Time O Stormy Night http://darkesword.com/listen/remix/mp3/stormy.mp3 <-- very old, pre-FLStudio DarkeSword
  21. To be honest, I hope that the majority of the cast is NEW characters, with notable legacy ones. Ken and Ryu are mandatory, Chunli is the First Lady of Fighters, and Makoto needs to be in there (to prevent the aforementioned destruction of the Earth). Other than that, I'm good with a brand new cast.
  22. Uh...the Zero series ended with 4 and then went on to become the ZX series. If there's anyone speculating that there's a 5th Zero game in the works, they have no clue as to what's going on with the series.
  23. <allcaps> Oh Fuck Yes </allcaps> edit: I swear Makoto better be in it or I will destroy the Earth.
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